Best 14 quotes in «cringe quotes» category

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    He told me things about himself that should have made him sound urbane but did the opposite. He told me, for example, that he liked Steve Reich's music, modern-art museums, and Beat poetry. These words flew out of his mouth and went boomeranging back as if they knew they weren't meant to take the conversation anywhere but back to him. He also explained that he really liked interacting with different kinds of people. When I didn't immediately respond to this, he repeated it, and so I assured him I believed it.

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    I try not to cringe. Dog-earing a book feels like a violation of some sacred unspoken rule.

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    I like you so much it might even be love.

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    I read the title from the cover. ' 'The joy of... crap.' ' I read the rest of the full title of the thick, nondescript volume to myself and felt myself redden. Noah turned over on to his side and said with mock seriousness, 'I have never read 'The Joy Of Crap'. Sounds disgusting.' I blushed deeper. 'I have, however, read 'The Joy Of Sex.' ' He continued, a smile transforming his face. 'Not in a while, but I think it's one of those classics you can come back to again... and again.

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    When we feel we have benched ourselves for too long, we must loosen up the unessential, get over our endless cringing and make a bold leap to the glowing stars of our dream. ("Steaming ahead" )

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    I cringe a lot when I look at my early talk-show experiences.

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    I can't stand to see myself act. It just makes me cringe.

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    I cringe when I watch myself on TV.

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    Five years from now I'm probably going to look back on the things I'm doing and cringe.

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    I cringe at backstory. Because it never quite explains or gets into some psychological thing that is never quite right and never quite the truth and who knows why someone is someway.

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    I did not glow with the thrill of battle. Cringe, yes. Glow, no.

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    When I look at pictures when I was younger, I do the quintessential cringe.

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    I'm the thing that fundamentalist Christians cringe over.

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    My past behaviour makes me cringe.