Best 53 quotes in «caribbean quotes» category

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    It is a curious thing to be a woman in the Caribbean after you have been a woman in these United States.

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    Merengue is a fast rhythm, you know, and danceable. Bachata is like a slow, romantic Caribbean bolero.

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    I've got a Caribbean soul I can barely control, and some Texas hidden here in my heart!

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    I've always been a huge fan of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' movies.

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    My work has been much more Caribbean and eclectic. I am interested in people, and where they come from happens to have fallen within an area of Africa.

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    A Most Dangerous Hurricane Columbus was aware of dangerous weather indicators that were frequently a threat in the Caribbean during the summer months. Although the barometer had not yet been invented, there were definitely other telltale signs of an approaching hurricane. Had the governor who detested Columbus, listened to his advice and given him some leeway, he could have saved the convoy that was being readied for a return trans-Atlantic crossing. Instead, the new inexperienced governor ordered a fleet of over 30 caravels, laden, heavy with gold, to set sail for Spain without delay. As a result, it is estimated that 20 of these ships were sunk by this violent storm, nine ran aground and only the Aguja, which coincidently carried Columbus’ gold, survived and made it back to Spain safely. The ferocity of the storm claimed the lives of five hundred souls, including that of the former governor Francisco de Bobadilla. Many of the caravels that sank during this horrific hurricane were ships that were part of the same convoy that Governor Ovando, had traveled with from Spain to the West Indies. However he felt about this tragedy, which could have been prevented, he continued as the third Governor of the Indies until 1509, and became known for his brutal treatment of the Taíno Indians. Having taken adequate precautions, Columbus’ ships fared somewhat better in that terrible storm, and survived with only minor damage. Heaving in their anchors, Columbus’ small fleet of ships left Hispaniola to explore the western side of the Caribbean.

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    Arguably, the Malecón is the most photographed street in Havana. It lies as a bulwark just across the horizon from the United States, which is only 90 treacherous miles away. It is approximately 5 miles long, following the northern coast of the city from east to west. This broad boulevard is ideal for the revelers partaking in parades and is the street used for Fiesta Mardi Gras, known in Cuba as Los Carnavales. It has also been used for “spontaneous demonstrations” against the United States. It runs from the entrance to Havana harbor at the Morro Castle, Castillo del Morro, alongside the Centro Habana neighborhood to the Vedado neighborhood, past the United States Embassy on the Calle Calzada. Since 1977, the renovated Embassy building has housed the United States Interests Section in Havana. The Malecón is also known as a street where both male and female prostitutes ply their trade. At the present time, most of the buildings that line this once magnificent coastal boulevard are in ruins, which doesn’t stop it from being a spectacular and popular esplanade for an evening walk by residents and tourists alike.

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    Nicaragua is becoming the least expensive Caribbean destination.

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    And immediately we rushed like horses, wild with the knowledge of this song, and bolted into a startingly loud harmony: 'Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves; Britons, never-never-ne-verr shall be slaves!' and singing, I saw the kings and the queens in the room with us, laughing in a funny way, and smiling and happy with us. The headmaster was soaked in glee. And I imagined all the glories of Britannia, who, or what or which, had brought us out of the ships crossing over from the terrible seas from Africa, and had placed us on this island, and had given us such good headmasters and assistant masters, and such a nice vicar to teach us how to pray to God - and he had come from England; and such nice white people who lived on the island with us, and who gave us jobs watering their gardens and taking out their garbage, most of which we found delicious enough to eat...all through the ages, all through the years of history; from the Tudors on the wall, down through the Stuarts also on the wall, all through the Elizabethans and including those men and women singing in their hearts with us, hanging dead and distant on our schoolroom walls; Britannia, who, or what or which, had ruled the waves all these hundreds of years, all these thousands and millions of years, and kept us on the island, happy - the island of Barbados (Britannia the Second), free from all invasions. Not even the mighty Germans; not even the Russians whom our headmaster said were dressed in red, had dared to come within submarine distance of our island! Britannia who saw to it that all Britons (we on the island were, beyond doubt, little black Britons, just like the white big Britons up in Britannialand. The headmaster told us so!) - never-never-ne-verr, shall be slaves!

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    During the mid-1930’s Jorge's father arrived in Camagüey, looking for work. Being single, he asked some of the locals where he could find a brothel with some “Fun Girls.” After getting explicit directions, he started walking along the winding streets of the city, but the maze proved more confusing than he had expected. So, instead of finding the brothel, he wound up staring at the gates of the cemetery. He was at the dead center of town!

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    But no matter what the truth, remember: Dominicans are Caribbean and therefore have an extraordinary tolerance for extreme phenomena

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    Do your parents know you’re here?' asked the lady at social Services. ‘No,’ I said, ‘but I want to know about children’s homes.’ I had to stand on my toes to see over the reception desk.

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    During World War II, the SS San Pasqual was outfitted with machine guns and light cannons.

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    And what, exactly, am I giving as I'm learning to do this giving thing?

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    For me, the sea was a great comfort, Pilar. But it made my children restless. It exists now so we can call and wave from opposite shores.

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    far noh mattah wat dey say, come wat may, we are here to stay inna Inglan, inna disya time yah...

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    Frustrated, El Líder went home, rested his pitching arm, and started a revolution in the mountains.

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    If Caribbean writers have one single unifying theme, it is a strong sense of place, and of home. There is also - always, beneath the humour, which is a West Indian characteristic - a sadness: an awareness of a past that can never really be forgotten, or forgiven.

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    En el Caribe cuando alguien habla bien tiene el respeto de la gente y de pequeño yo veía eso y me encantaba. Supongo que como a nosotros nos impusieron ese idioma colonial [el español] la resistencia consistió en eso: “Ok, tengo que aprenderlo, pero lo voy a convertir en oportunidad”.

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    In 1992 Cuba was busy building the “Juragua Nuclear Power Plant” on its southern coast, near Cienfuegos, the capital of Cienfuegos Province. All was going well, however construction had to be suspended following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The United States had been opposed to the project and discouraged other countries from assisting Cuba in completing this monumental project. Eight years later, when the Russian economy improved some, Vladimir Putin offered to finish one of the reactors. With estimates regarding the cost to finish this reactor ranging from $300 million to $750 million, Putin offered Cuba a grant of $800 million over a period of 10 years. Because of Cuba’s heavy national debt, Castro stated that Cuba was no longer interested in finishing the plant and would be seeking other energy alternatives. In 2004, a turbine was removed from the stalled project, to be used as a replacement for a damaged turbine at the “Guiteras thermoelectric plant,” thus effectively ending the “Juragua Electic Project.

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    I say, ‘Man, you best behave youself this time, cause we ain’t never getting this mattress out from in here.’ … Berry say, ‘Don’t you worry about that. Cause I’s a married man now, I got to behave. My name done write.’ He say, ‘Why I going in some other bed when I got this big foam bed to lie in?’ I say, ‘It ain’t the bed it’s who does hot the sheets.’ He say, ‘Well best bring them sheets let we hot them up right now.

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    I ain't know what it is to be a girl Mistress Grandsol. I pass straight from child to woman without even a pause for girl between. Girl is a privilege I never know.

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    In Cuba, everything seemed temporal, distorted by the sun.

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    Is this seat taken?” she asked him again, tapping on a chair at the table. “That’s where my Rum is sitting. He is my guest!” “But the bottle is in your hand, and not in this chair,” she spoke, pointing out the bottle. “So, it is!” he answered, looking at his Rum. Then, looking back at her: “But he was invited to this party.

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    It is not enough to say, simply, the motherland called and we fought; woe to the dead, and to the living goes their glory.

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    Midnight Omen Deja vu" - Because everyone should experience love in the least once in a lifetime.

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    It was the kind of town that made you feel like Humphrey Bogart: you came in on a bumpy little plane, and, for some mysterious reason, got a private room with balcony overlooking the town and the harbor; then you sat there and drank until something happened.

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    Never tell your dreams to a person who has no vision.

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    My African roots made me what I am today. They’re the reason I’m from the Dominican Republic. They’re the reason I exist at all. To these roots I owe everything.

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    Some say that because the United States was wrong before, it cannot possibly be right now, or has not the right to be right. (The British Empire sent a fleet to Africa and the Caribbean to maintain the slave trade while the very same empire later sent another fleet to enforce abolition. I would not have opposed the second policy because of my objections to the first; rather it seems to me that the second policy was morally necessitated by its predecessor.)

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    People must know who dem be, must remember what important.” - Tanty to Nikki in Oh Gad!

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    The experience of slavery is the bedrock on which Caribbean society has been founded.

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    Seigneur je suis très fatigué. Je suis né fatigué. Et j'ai beaucoup marché depuis le chant du coq Et le morne est bien haut qui mène à leur école. Seigneur, je ne veux plus aller à leur école, Faites, je vous en prie, que je n'y aille plus. Je veux suivre mon père dans les ravines fraîches Quand la nuit flotte encore dans le mystère des bois Où glissent les esprits que l'aube vient chasser. Je veux aller pieds nus par les rouges sentiers Que cuisent les flammes de midi, Je veux dormir ma sieste au pied des lourds manguiers, Je veux me réveiller Lorsque là-bas mugit la sirène des blancs Et que l'Usine Sur l'océan des cannes Comme un bateau ancré Vomit dans la campagne son équipage nègre... Seigneur, je ne veux plus aller à leur école, Faites, je vous en prie, que je n'y aille plus. Ils racontent qu'il faut qu'un petit nègre y aille Pour qu'il devienne pareil Aux messieurs de la ville Aux messieurs comme il faut Mais moi je ne veux pas Devenir, comme ils disent, Un monsieur de la ville, Un monsieur comme il faut. Je préfère flâner le long des sucreries Où sont les sacs repus Que gonfle un sucre brun autant que ma peau brune. Je préfère vers l'heure où la lune amoureuse Parle bas à l'oreille des cocotiers penchés Ecouter ce que dit dans la nuit La voix cassée d'un vieux qui raconte en fumant Les histoires de Zamba et de compère Lapin Et bien d'autres choses encore Qui ne sont pas dans les livres. Les nègres, vous le savez, n'ont que trop travaillé. Pourquoi faut-il de plus apprendre dans les livres Qui nous parlent de choses qui ne sont point d'ici ? Et puis elle est vraiment trop triste leur école, Triste comme Ces messieurs de la ville, Ces messieurs comme il faut Qui ne savent plus danser le soir au clair de lune Qui ne savent plus marcher sur la chair de leurs pieds Qui ne savent plus conter les contes aux veillées. Seigneur, je ne veux plus aller à leur école.

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    The more I let go, the more electric I become, resonating across tides and currents, touching the sweetest gems encircling me, calling me home. The water in which I’m suspended charges me like a battery that runs on lightning.

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    There are and always will be some who, ashamed of the behaviour of their ancestors, try to prove that slavery was not so bad after all, that its evils and its cruelty were the exaggerations of propagandists and not the habitual lot of the slaves. Men will say (and accept) anything in order to foster national pride or soothe a troubled conscience.

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    There is a lot of pressure on women to conform to a certain image – shadeism itself is another manifestation of that.

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    There were many of the upper and noble classes who had also found this alluring lifestyle completely irresistible; so many, many folks – from all over the world – had made their way over to the Caribbean for one reason or other, to readily embrace this attractiveness which it had produced for them!

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    The Isle of Pines was Circe's isle, with white marble columns here and there in the dark, green, and pirates would be dueling with a flash of clashing swords and a flash of recklessly smiling white teeth. The Gulf, like the Caribbean, is haunted by the ghosts of the old buccaneers. Tampico, to Pete, wasn't the industrial shipping port his father knew. It had palaces and parrots of many colors, and winding white roads. It was an Arabian Nights city, with robed magicians wandering the streets, benign most of the time, but with gnarled hands like tree-roots that could weave spells. Manoel, his father, could have told him a different story, for Manoel had shipped once under sail, in the old days, before he settled down to a fisherman's life in Cabrillo. But Manoel didn't talk a great deal. Men talk to men, not to boys, and that was why Pete didn't learn as much as he might have from the sun-browned Portuguese who went out with the fishing fleets. He got his knowledge out of books, and strange books they were, and strange knowledge. ("Before I Wake...")

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    The SS San Pasqual was taken along Cuba’s northern coast and purposely run aground off Cayo Santa María where she remains to this day.

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    The West Indian is not exactly hostile to change, but he is not much inclined to believe in it. This comes from a piece of wisdom that his climate of eternal summer teaches him. It is that, under all the parade of human effort and noise, today is like yesterday, and tomorrow will be like today; that existence is a wheel of recurring patterns from which no one escapes; that all anybody does in this life is live for a while and then die for good, without finding out much; and that therefore the idea is to take things easy and enjoy the passing time under the sun. The white people charging hopefully around the islands these days in the noon glare, making deals, bulldozing airstrips, hammering up hotels, laying out marinas, opening new banks, night clubs, and gift shops, are to him merely a passing plague. They have come before and gone before.

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    The water off the northern coast of South America is typically choppy and is known to have relatively long wavelengths that are developed by a constant easterly wind. The Guiana Current is a result of this phenomenon and is strongest in April and May. Even at its minimum in September, it is relatively strong and persistent. Hydrographic studies show that the Amazon is sporadically responsible for lobes of relatively low salinity, which follow the current northwest and contribute to the Caribbean having less salinity than the Atlantic. As we got closer to the South American coast, we started feeling the effects of this current and prepared to batten everything down.

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    What I see is the millions of people, of whom I am just one, made orphans: no motherland, no fatherland, no gods, no mounds of earth for holy ground, no excess of love which might lead to the things that an excess of love sometimes brings, and worst and most painful of all, no tongue. (For isn't it odd that the only language I have in which to speak of this crime is the language of the criminal who committed the crime? And what can that really mean? For the language of the criminal can contain only the goodness of the criminal's deed. The language of the criminal can explain and express the deed only from the criminal's point of view. It cannot contain the horror of the deed, the injustice of the deed, the agony, the humiliation inflicted one me.

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    The war that killed my grandfather and great-uncles and thousands of other blacks is only a footnote in our history books.

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    The word "cannibal," the English variant of the Spanish word canibal, comes from the word caribal, a reference to the native Carib people in the West Indies, who Columbus thought ate human flesh and from whom the word "Caribbean" originated. By virtue of being Caribbean, all "West Indian" people are already, in a purely linguistic sense, born savage.

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    Those in Argentina, Mexico and Peru, Colombia and the Caribbean Bear La Mancha and Quixote in their hearts For he is an ultimate and overlooked Don Juan.

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    To be white in the Caribbean is to have money, power, and the freedom to do anything or nothing - it is, in many cases, to occupy the top rung of society.

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    You ain’t old yet but when you get old, all the women in the village start to look down on you when they find out you want to do something other than sweep the kitchen or cut up vegetables. Had this big starch mango tree when I was small. Anytime I set myself to climb it, there was always a woman passing by to yell at me and tell me to get down. Asked me why I leaving my poor mother to do all the housework. I never got to the top. It was like God was always watching, ready to send another hag to tell me down. Then, one day, they cut down the tree.

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    [Ya] estoy todos los días en peligro de dar mi vida por mi país y por mi deber -puesto que lo entiendo y tengo ánimos con que realizarlo- de impedir a tiempo con la independencia de Cuba que se extiendan por las Antillas los Estados Unidos y caigan con esa fuerza más sobre nuestras tierras de América.

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    When handled in a civilized fashion, Piracy on the high seas could become more of a wise business decision than of a sheer, chaotic, unorganized criminal act. And I saw very little difference in what we were doing than the royals and courtiers were doing in the midst of cities, and of calling what they were doing legal and legitimate.

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    Hurricane season routinely strikes the Caribbean harder than the U.S.