Best 104 quotes in «lonliness quotes» category

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    Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony.

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    A grown woman is like a coyote -she can get by on very little.Men are more like house cats. Leave them alone for too long and they 'll die of sadness.

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    After all, in the very casualness of Gatsby's party there were romantic possibilities totally absent from her world.

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    A great measure of the real value of the things we have is how we feel when such things become scarce and absent in our lives

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    And yet we couldn't leave--it was if the rocks were holding us there. I mean, they were only rocks. But for some reason, those rocks made lonely feel good.

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    An unholy altered state of mind Stalking with intent from behind The needless lonely empty time That’s filled my life- that’s so unkind

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    April 26—I know I shouldn’t hang around the college when I’m through at the lab, but seeing the young men and women going back and forth carrying books and hearing them talk about all the things they’re learning in their classes excites me. I wish I could sit and talk with them over coffee in the Campus Bowl Luncheonette when they get together to argue about books and politics and ideas. It’s exciting to hear them talking about poetry and science and philosophy—about Shakespeare and Milton; Newton and Einstein and Freud; about Plato and Hegel and Kant, and all the other names that echo like great church bells in my mind. Sometimes I listen in on the conversations at the tables around me, and pretend I’m a college student, even though I’m a lot older than they are. I carry books around, and I’ve started to smoke a pipe. It’s silly, but since I belong at the lab I feel as if I’m a part of the university. I hate to go home to that lonely room.

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    At eighty-one years of age he had enough lucidity to realize that he was attached to this world by a few slender threads that could break painlessly with a simple change of position while he slept, and if he did all he could to keep those threads intact, it was because of his terror of not finding God in the darkness of death

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    At her words, words of forgiveness from Rose, an honest and just woman, something broke inside of Wince. His tears began to flow. Age seemed to drift from his face like misty ghosts from a morning field. Katie lifted his chin and, holding back her own tears, looked into his eyes. "Thank you, Wince." Eve placed her free hand on his shoulder. "May we hold her now?" Wince nodded and gently released the baby into the waiting arms of her sisters. "You did the right thing, Wince." Rose gave Wince a hug. "And you can help us bury her after Wilson and the Tar Ponds City Police see if they can find anybody to lay charges against after all this time.

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    A woman who had fallen out of love with her life

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    And his soul plunged downward, drowning in that deep pit: he felt that could never again escape from this smothering flood of pain and ugliness, from the eclipsing horror and pity of it all. And as he walked, he twisted his own neck about, and beat the air with his arm like a wing, as if he had received a blow in his kidneys. He felt that he might be clean and free if he could only escape into a single burning passion -- hard, and hot, and glittering -- of love, hatred, terror, or disgust. But he was caught, he was strangling, in the web of futility.

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    And I wanted to ask her if she only took me around so that Dad would pay for her but I already knew the answer: Mom took me around because she needed me. Because going through a hard life with someone else is better than going through an easy life alone.

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    And yet, he reminds himself, lonliness is not hunger, or deprivation, or illness: it is not fatal. Its eradication is not owed him.

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    Being alone is much better than being around negative people out of loneliness or desperation.

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    Bear the very erratic of those whom you're so close and hold tightly the most atrocious attitude of such soul mates. But if you can't carry and control over such immoral doings then have a combating way with yourself and welcome to the most interesting life, full of conflicts.

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    The Lake In spring of youth it was my lot To haunt of the wide world a spot The which I could not love the less- So lovely was the loneliness Of a wild lake, with black rock bound, And the tall pines that towered around. But when the Night had thrown her pall Upon that spot, as upon all, And the mystic wind went by Murmuring in melody- Then-ah then I would awake To the terror of the lone lake. Yet that terror was not fright, But a tremulous delight- A feeling not the jewelled mine Could teach or bribe me to define- Nor Love-although the Love were thine. Death was in that poisonous wave, And in its gulf a fitting grave For him who thence could solace bring To his lone imagining- Whose solitary soul could make An Eden of that dim lake.

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    Aye, though he loved her from his soul with such a self denying love as woman seldom wins; he spoke from first to last of Martin.

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    Better to go hungry than to be alone. Because when you’re alone—and I’m talking here about an enforced solitude not of our choosing—it’s as if you were no longer part of the human race

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    The Rider A boy told me if he roller-skated fast enough his loneliness couldn't catch up to him, the best reason I ever heard for trying to be a champion. What I wonder tonight pedaling hard down King William Street is if it translates to bicycles. A victory! To leave your loneliness panting behind you on some street corner while you float free into a cloud of sudden azaleas, pink petals that have never felt loneliness, no matter how slowly they fell.

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    Family can't understand feeling of a child by giving money to him/ can understand the child feeling by talking with him/her

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    fLIFE says Loneliness Is Friendly Enemy -shivangi lavaniya

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    hardest thing to face in life is isolation in your own city

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    For a long time, I thought I was good at relationships because I was charming.

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    Hey, I wish we hung out more in high school. Why didn’t we?” “I was hiding,” Jake said thoughtfully. “Me too.” “You?” “In my own way.” Hearing that made Jake wonder if they’d all been in hiding, if he hadn’t been the only one who’d felt alone for so much of high school.”“Hey, I wish we hung out more in high school. Why didn’t we?” “I was hiding,” Jake said thoughtfully. “Me too.” “You?” “In my own way.” Hearing that made Jake wonder if they’d all been in hiding, if he hadn’t been the only one who’d felt alone for so much of high school.” Excerpt From: Carolyn Mackler. “Infinite in Between.” iBooks.

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    If you feel all damp and lonely like a mushroom, find the thick, creamy soup of joyfulness and just dive into it in order to make life tastier

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    Geraldine keeps her eyes trained on him as she slowly reaches into her purse, wrapping her fingers around her gun. “…Callo, I’m so sorry that your life ended up this way,” she sighs as she gets out of her side of the car, her feet burning from the cold as her high heels sink into the fallen snow. “Aren’t you scared?” “I’m you, Geraldine… I fell into the same trap as you, anyway,” Callo answers. His large eyes are shining with tears, but he doesn’t seem afraid in the least. “…The dead don’t feel anything, you know… not even guilt or regret. So, what is there to be afraid of?

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    I don’t want anything else bad to happen,” she whispered, her voice choked with tears. “I’m so sick to death of bad things happening, of seeing bad things that happened in the past! And I’m guilty of so many things. I’m sorry that I killed Mrs. Matthias and wrecked her stupid greenhouse back in the Eighties and I’m sorry I left you here alone while I went around the world.” “I wasn’t alone though, I knew you were doing what you wanted to do and that you were still alive, so I wasn’t really alone, I knew you were still there somewhere,” Alecto told her. His damaged smile and downcast, sorrowful eyes were draped in the shadow of the night, saving Mandy the trouble of seeing.

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    If others fell by the wayside, dear women and strong, loved by men, how had she, single and unloved, kept her sanity?

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    I had not said anything about what had happened the day before—about being scared down to my very bones when I thought they had left me. I don't know what came over me. Ever since my mother left us that April day, I suspected that everyone was going to leave, one by one.

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    I’ll live out my whole life as a voice with no one listening.

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    I'm tired of being alone, and fighting my battles alone.

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    I needed someone to talk to, but there was no one in particular I wanted to talk to. That's the best definition of loneliness I know.

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    In good company your thoughts run, in solitude your thought is still; it goes deeper and makes for itself a deeper groove, delves. Delve meansa 'dig with a spade'; it means hard work. In talk your mind can be stretched, widened, exhilarated to heights but it cannot be deepened; you have to deepen it yourself. It needs sturdiness. You will be lonely, you will be depressed; you must expect it; if you were training your body it would ache and be tired. It is worth it. There is a Hindu proverb which says: 'You only grow when you are alone'.

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    In the flush of love's light we dare be brave And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free.

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    I reside in an abode where your thoughts imagine me... You reside in my heart where the auricles camouflage my longing...

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    Imagination grows in the lonliest of soils

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    it is better to be alone than to be betrayed persistently and dumped . keeping yourself dumped in a room 8x10 is better than hanging out with hypocrites .

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    It is easier to wipe a thousand tears from your eyes than to wipe a single tear from your soul.

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    It's not your enemies who condemn you to solitude, it's your friends

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    It's easier to run Replacing this pain with something numb It's so much easier to go Than face all this pain here all alone.

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    It's loneliness that makes us terrible and hurtful human beings.

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    Loneliness clarifies. Here silence stands Like heat. Here leaves unnoticed thicken, Hidden weeds flower, neglected waters quicken, Luminously-peopled air ascends; And past the poppies bluish neutral distance Ends the land suddenly beyond a beach Of shapes and shingle. Here is unfenced existence: Facing the sun, untalkative, out of reach.

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    Loneliness is at the heart of Ender's Game, and the reason it works so well is because it carries with it the firm assurance that even though Ender never feels himself to belong,the reader knows he does belong, that he is the ultimate insider even though he stands outside.

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    in lonely years either u learn to play with things or they play with you..

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    It was more when things slowed down, during the parts when you were supposed to have fun, that my lack of friends felt obvious- on Saturday nights, when there dances I didn't go to, and during visitation... I spent those times hiding. Most of the other girls propped open their doors for visitation, but we kept ours shut.

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    I used to be a poet. My words were traded in marketplaces like pieces of gold. Merchants bought my verses for as much as they paid for saffron and Indian jade. Now I am old... drunk on wine and candle fumes. Alone in this barren room, I speak my psalms to the night air so as to entertain moths before they go off to die. I used to be a poet and my words were gold.

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    I've never been the most important thing to anybody - not even myself.

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    I wish to drown in my pain, alone, just like a moth dancing to its death in the flame!

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    Loneliness burns in towers of fire around us

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