Best 27 quotes in «locke lamora quotes» category

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    But what the fuck ... ever gave you the idea that Locke was the first name I was actually born with?

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    ...all apologies for getting most of your fortune buried under shit. I hope we can all still be friends.

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    Discretion is a pastime for other people.

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    Gods, I love this place," Locke said, drumming his fingers against his thighs. "Sometimes I think this whole city was put here simply because the gods must adore crime. Pickpockets rob the common folk, merchants rob anyone they can dupe, Capa Barsavi robs the robbers and the common folk, the lesser nobles rob nearly everyone, and Duke Nicovante occasionally runs off with his army and robs the shit out of Tal Verarr or Jerem, not to mention what he does to his own nobles and his common folk.

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    Gentlemen Bastards." hissed Locke, "do not abandon one another, and we do not run when we owe vengeance.

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    If your father says 'Bark like a dog,' I say 'What breed, Your Honor?

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    Günün birinde Locke Lamora," dedi adam, "günün birinde öyle ihtişamlı, öyle hırslı, öyle muazzam bir hata yapacaksın ki gökyüzü ışığa boğulacak, aylar fırıl fırıl dönecek ve tanrılar neşeyle kuyrukluyıldızlar sıçacak. Umarım o günü görebilecek kadar yaşarım." "Avucunu yalarsın," dedi Locke. "Öyle bir şey asla olmayacak.

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    He withdrew then, leaving [him] standing in the bloody morning sunlight, leaving him all alone at the heart of his fortress, for the second time, with nothing but a corpse for company.

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    I've got kids that enjoy stealing. I've got kids that don't think about stealing one way or the other, and I've got kids that just tolerate stealing because they know they've got nothing else to do. But nobody--and I mean nobody--has ever been hungry for it like this boy. If he had a bloody gash across his throat and a physiker was trying to sew it up, Lamora would steal the needle and thread and die laughing. He...steals too much.

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    I'm no one you want to learn from.

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    In a fair fight, the don's man would almost certainly paint the walls with Locke and Calo's blood, so it stood to reason that this fight would have to be as unfair as possible.

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    It must be nice to be righteous; from where I stand it looks like fucking lunacy.

    • locke lamora quotes
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    I’m done losing. Do you fucking hear me? I am done losing. Spare me your precious self-pity, because this isn’t a stage and I didn’t pay two coppers to cry my eyes out over anyone’s death speech. You don’t fucking get one, understand? I don’t care if you cough up buckets of blood. Buckets I can carry.

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    Locke moaned. 'Quit sobbing, you damn baby,' Jean hissed as he began to lope back along the dock. 'You must have at least a half beer glass of blood left somewhere in there.' But Locke was now well and truly unconscious...

    • locke lamora quotes
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    Oh gods, Jean. Take a false name wherever we end up. Tavrin Callas is good. Let the bastard pop up all over the place.

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    That sounds dangerous,'said Jean. 'For anyone else, maybe.For Gentlemen Bastards,we,it;s just what we do.' 'We?' 'We.

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    The world moved in horrifying slow motion; Locke, who was no stranger to a beating, was cursed with the uncanny ability to recognize one just before it ceased to be theoretical.

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    I thought you specialised in dishonest finesse?" "I also do a brisk trade in putting knives to peoples' throats and shouting at them," said Locke.

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    Well, cheer up. At least you've got more mobility than a fucking tadpole on dry land.

    • locke lamora quotes
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    What thief does not fight to hold what he has?" "One that has something better," said Locke.

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    [W]hen you find yourself face to face with one [Bondsmage], you bow and scrape and mind your 'sirs' and 'madams.'" ... 'Nice bird, asshole,' said Locke.

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    [T]he more we do this, the more I learn about what I think Chains was really training us for. And this is it. He wasn't training us for a calm and orderly world where we could pick and choose when we need to be clever. He was training us for a situation that was fucked up on all sides. Well, we're in it, and I say we're equal to it. I don't need to be reminded that we're up to our heads in dark water. I just want you boys to remember that we're the gods-damned sharks." "Right on," cried Bug. "I knew there was a reason I let you lead this gang!

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    We have a new problem, fresh from the oven and hot as hell.

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    Throwing blondes at Locke Lamora was not unlike throwing lettuce at sharks.

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    You're one third bad intentions, one third pure avarice, and one eighth sawdust. What's left, I'll credit, must be brains.

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    You've got that motherly concern in your eyes, Jean. I must look like I'm hammered as shit," said Locke. "Actually you look like you were executed last week.

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    There’s no freedom quite like the freedom of being constantly underestimated.

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