Best 22 quotes in «risk management quotes» category
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Green light, STOP - if you want to see where you are taking the most risk, look where you are making the most money.
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Opportunity and risk come in pairs
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If you've been in the software business for any time at all, you know that there are certain common problems that plague one project after another. Missed schedules and creeping requirements are not things that just happen to you once and then go away, never to appear again. Rather, they are part of the territory. We all know that. What's odd is that we don't plan our projects as if we knew it. Instead, we plan as if our past problems are locked in the past and will never rear their ugly heads again. Of course, you know that isn't a reasonable expectation.
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Never take both hands off the pump. As an entrepreneur, you need to be on constant lookout for opportunity, and that will involve risk. But you minimize those risks by keeping one hand on the pump that is producing for you.
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Risk comes with the territory when you are breaking new ground. Learn how to evaluate and mitigate these risks rather than take away people’s power and autonomy.
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Sense and deal with problems in their smallest state, before they grow bigger and become fatal.
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Ideal online reputation isn't something that can be earned by accident.
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Not taking risks one doesn't understand is often the best form of risk management.
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To competently perform rectifying security service, two critical incident response elements are necessary: information and organization.
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The risk management needs to lift up from risk control to risk intelligence which can identify the potential business growth opportunities.
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Some risks that are thought to be unknown, are not unknown. With some foresight and critical thought, some risks that at first glance may seem unforeseen, can in fact be foreseen. Armed with the right set of tools, procedures, knowledge and insight, light can be shed on variables that lead to risk, allowing us to manage them.
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You live in a grim universe.” “That’s risk management for you.
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You don't have to believe in coincidences because they happen every day. The trick is to be able to discern when something is more than coincidence.
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Where's the fun in playing with knives if you can't draw a little blood?
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We are pioneers and the history of pioneers is not that good.
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After years of serving as an IT auditor and consultant, I have extrapolated that many of the largest organizational formations needed effective leadership in generating consumer confidence regarding information systems management.
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Being able to be repeated controllably is one key element in risk management.
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be smart, but don't outsmart the process and look for shortcuts
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Business people need to understand the psychology of risk more than the mathematics of risk.
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The thing is, continuity of strategic direction and continuous improvement in how you do things are absolutely consistent with each other. In fact, they're mutually reinforcing.
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Every moment in life is a blessing, even if it bring tears or laughter. As a child of God, you should always keep Ecclesiastes 3:1 to mind.
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A major lesson in risk management is that a 'receding sea' is not a lucky offer of an extra piece of free beach, but the warning sign of an upcoming tsunami.