Best 1022 quotes in «shadow quotes» category

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    I like old people, just as I like old trees: in their shadow there is freshness and peace, one admires them, and around them everything is so calm.

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    I like to help others and count it as my greatest pleasure in life to see a person free himself of the shadows which darken his days. These shadows look so thick to him and weigh him down so that when he finds they are shadows and that he can see through them, walk through them and be again in the sun, he is enormously delighted. And I am afraid I am just as delighted as he is.

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    I'll go find a shadow, and sigh till he come" (Phebe)

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    I love being called NTRs grandson. I never moved away from his shadow, maybe because I didnt try enough or maybe because I like it this way.

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    I like the dark; it is safer here, where no one can see me. The shadows caress me; friends hugging me.

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    I like to say that lighting is about taking the light away. I often like to use the shadows more than the light.

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    Ill often rush out from Dark Shadows, having made a 5.30PM appointment, working for a couple of hours.

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    Imagination builds the image of the self, and thought then functions within its shadows. From this self-concept grows the conflict between what is and what should be, the conflict in duality.

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    Illusions are shadows moving endlessly across the ground. The shadows are quite real but they're shadows. They have very little substance.

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    I love eye shadows that are shimmery and playing with colors. There's just more you can do with your eyes.

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    I'm always shy in front of an audience, so I'm always at the back, in the shadows, just doing it. I don't like the front, the adulation.

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    I’m a sucker for this stuff. The @ is called chiocciola (snail) in Italian! The & was once taught as a letter of the alphabet! The manicule has been with us for a millennium! Thank you, Keith Houston, for bringing these little mysteries out of the shadows of typographic history.

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    I make a composition with a white and a black, and make adjustments when the white has become a paper and the black a shadow.

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    Imagine a world without shadows. You cannot touch a shadow, but a world without them is a hard world, and flat.

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    Imagine your shadow burning off the page / As the dear world and the dead word disengage

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    I measured the skies, now the shadows I measure, Sky-bound was the mind, earth-bound the body rests. [Kepler's epitaph]

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    I measure myself Against a tall tree I find that I am much taller, For I reach right up to the sun With my eye; And I reach to the shore of the sea With my ear. Nevertheless, I dislike The way the ants crawl In and out of my shadow.

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    I'm interested in the landscape of the face, the way in which light and shadow fall across the forms. That's really my subject matter.

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    I'm not interested in the texture of a rock, but in its shadow.

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    I mean, if I believed, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that a truck was coming at you, and you didn’t believe that truck was bearing down on you, there is a certain point where I tackle you. And this is more important than that.

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    I'm just the mere shadow of my former selfishness. I crave the silhouette of your kiss.

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    I'm not denying that in the world there's been some tremendous musical happenings, like DJ Shadow or whatever, that kind of thing. But when it goes into the weird thing where you get a remix done by a certain person because they need a brand name, that's when it becomes really discouraging.

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    I'm not saying that everyone should swim with sharks, but sometimes you have to jump over your own shadow in order to learn something that you will never forget for the rest of your life. Then you know you can conquer your fears.

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    I'm not living in the shadows anymore. I want to walk in the sun. But I can't do that without you.

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    I’m not sure a lot of other people would walk up to the same artwork and see the shadow on the person’s face from the hat and be like “Do you see that!” It’s about noticing things that interest you, and that definitely happens with the natural world as well.

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    I'm still yours, though. That won't ever change, Shadow Girl.

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    In a face, look for the main light and the main shadow; the rest will come naturally — it's often not important. And then you must cultivate your memory, because Nature will only provide you with references. Nature is like a warden in a lunatic asylum. It stops you from becoming banal.

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    In a period piece, particularly a fantasy, the lighting is your own choice, the lenses are your own choice. It's really a great thing for a cinematographer to do. Everything is open for you. You can even be more creative and you can use more shadows than usual.

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    In Bright Shadow: C.S. Lewis on the Imagination for Theology and Discipleship

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    Indeed, what forces us at all to suppose that there is an essential opposition of 'true' and 'false'? Is it not sufficient to assume degrees of apparentness and, as it were, lighter and darker shadows and shades of appearance- different 'values', to use the language of painters?

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    I need sometimes to hang back in the shadows with my pen and paper, and then other times, I need to take center stage in my own creations. The trick is to know when to hang back, and when to step forward. It's a perpetual ongoing balance.

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    I'm partly somebody else trying to fit in and say the right things and do the right thing and be in the right place and wear what everybody else is wearing. Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of each other, trying to buy the same records and everything even if we don't like them. Kids are like robots, off an assembly line, and I don't want to be a robot!

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    In ancient shadows and twilightsWhere childhood had strayed,The world's great sorrows were bornAnd its heroes were made.In the lost boyhood of JudasChrist was betrayed.

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    In every life there is a turning point. A moment so tremendous, so sharp and clear that one feels as if one's been hit in the chest, all the breath knocked out, and one knows, absolutely knows without the merest hint of a shadow of a doubt that one's life will never be the same.

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    In every aspect of the day Jesus was aware of the Father. He beheld Him in the clouds and in the shadows of the clouds that pass over the earth.

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    In excluding me from the shadow cabinet, Margaret Thatcher has chosen what I believe to be the only wholly honest solution and one which I accept and welcome.

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    In Heaven there is no need for sex because there is no need for a shadow or illustration-just a need to enjoy it!

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    In fact, in the history of a lot of cultures there is a theater. For example, there are the theaters in Java, [Indonesia] and of that area where they use puppets and they have backgrounds and shadows.

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    In arguing of the shadow, we forgo the substance.

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    In regard to infallibility, I never claimed it; God alone is infallible. His word is true, and in Him is no variableness, or shadow of turning.

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    In soft deluding lies let fools delight. A shadow marks our days, which end in Night.

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    In life, everything awaits in the shadows for the suitable time to come out! All waits silently in the nooks! Observe the shadows and the nooks to guess what will happen!

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    In talking, shyness and timidity distort the very meaning of my words. I don't pretend to know anybody well. People are like shadows to me and I am like a shadow.

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    Instability mostly comes from the interface between the fact that the banks (or shadow banks) can create credit, money, and purchasing power in infinite quantities if we don't constrain them, and the fact that credit is primarily created to fund the purchase of urban real estate and land, which is somewhat fixed in supply.

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    Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art. Even more. It is the revenge of the intellect upon the world. To interpret is to impoverish, to deplete the world -- in order to set up a shadow world of ''meanings.''

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    In the deep shadow of the porch A slender bind-weed springs, And climbs, like airy acrobat, The trellises, and swings And dances in the golden sun In fairy loops and rings.

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    In the morning, when the nothing vase casts a something shadow, like the memory of someone you've lost, what can you say about that?

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    In the midst of the happiness they brought there was always a lurking shadow. The shadow of incompatibility; of the impossibility of being at once bound and free. The garden breeds a longing for the wild; the wild a homesickness for the garden.

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    In the middle of the sixteenth century, Spain was the incubus of Europe. Gloomy and portentous, she chilled the world with her baneful shadow.

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    In new work, we need to see the shadow, however faint, of previous literary effort.