Best 653 quotes in «angels quotes» category

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    Believe that you are someone worth saving.

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    Be spontaneous! When was the last time you did something completely out of character? You have to open yourself to trying new things, especially those that you may previously never have thought of doing, or had been too hesitant to attempt. This is how you open doors of opportunity for positive growth. When we try new experiences, we allow ourselves to feel again. Everything in life can’t be planned. Sometimes you just need to let your hair down and live in the moment. Being spontaneous will keep your life interesting and exciting. So instead of saying no, start saying yes!

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    Between death and hell a bridge shining silver wings offers his soul hope.

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    Blot out his name, then, record one lost soul more, One task more declin'd, one more foot-path ontrod, One more devil's triumph and sorrow for angels, One wrong more to man, one more insult to God!

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    But his eyes say what he can’t. I see it, clear as day, even if she doesn’t. He’d give up his wings for her. All she’d have to do is ask.

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    Burn wounds always elicited pain more terrible than anything else he had ever endured. He didn’t relish the idea of forcing himself to suffer through such agony. But it was necessary. Earth depended on them taking possession of the key. “It’s the only way out,” Andrew reminded him. “I understand that, but—” “The trials we have faced thus far have been minimal,” Andrew said, cutting off Sebastian’s retort. “What we seek is the key to the universe. You didn’t expect it to be easy, did you?

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    But to dream you first must know the sleep of men. You do not smell of sleep, you do not smell of dreams. You smell of an eternity born of unremembered beginning.

    • angels quotes
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    But there was nothing in the darkness. Only rain, and fire and the past.

    • angels quotes
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    Cat's brows shot up as Lucas slid the plate across the counter. "I'm impressed. I wouldn't have assumed you ate real food much less cooked it," she teased. "I'm curious, what did you think I ate?" he asked as he grabbed a fork and a knife for her. She smiled. "I don't know, bats... small critters you happen upon in the underworld." Lucas handed her a napkin. "Nah, bats don't really have that much meat on them," he retorted with a grin of his own.

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    Children are holy angels.

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    Children are angels.

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    CHILDREN Are Like ANGELS And On Earth, ANGELS Have No Color.... It's The Society To Blame That Teaches Racism, Turning An ANGLE To A Civilized Beast While They Are Growing Up....

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    Children are the angels that the gods give us.

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    Close your eyes often, and by opening the eyes of your soul, see the proof of the majesty surrounding you at all times.

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    Choosing the good of all is always your highest calling, even if that means people don’t like you for it. Being liked is meaningless if real love is not at the heart of your purpose.

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    Cineva trebuie să ducă acest război, altfel, ăsta-i viitorul nostru. Matematica îl garantează. Omenirea se complace acum într-un purgatoriu al nehotărârii, al procastinării și al lăcomiei personale... dar cercurile iadului așteaptă imediat sub picioarele noastre, gata să ne înghită pe toți.

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    Cine este acest dumnezeu al științei? Cine este dumnezeul care le oferă copiilor săi putere, dar nu și un cadru moral care să-i învețe cum să-și folosească acea putere? Ce fel de dumnezeu dă copilului său focul, dar nu-l învață care sunt pericolele ce-l pândesc? Știința nu spune nimic despre ce-i bine și ce-i rău. Manualele de știință ne învață cum să producem o reacție nucleară, dar nu conțin niciun capitol în care să se întrebe dacă aceasta e bună sau e rea. Științei deci îi spun acest lucru: Biserica a obosit. Am obosit încercând să fim jalonul vostru. Ne-au secat resursele tot zbătându-ne să fim o voce a echilibrului în nesfârșita voastră căutare pentru a descoperi particule tot mai mici și profituri tot mai mari. Nu vă întrebăm acum de ce nu vă controlați, ci cum ați putea-o face. Lumea voastră se mișcă atât de repede, încât dacă vă opriți chiar și pentru o secundă să vă gândiți la implicațiile acțiunilor voastre, un altul, mai eficient, vă va depăși pe negândite. Așa că înaintați mereu. Voi înmulțiți armele de distrugere în masă, dar papa este cel care străbate globul, implorându-i pe liderii din lumea întreagă să le reducă. Voi clonați ființe vii, dar Biserica este cea care vă reamintește să țineți seama de implicațiile morale ale acțiunilor voastre. Voi îi încurajați pe oameni să comunice prin telefoane, monitoarea și computere, dar Biserica este cea care își dechide porțile și ne amintește să ne apropiem unii de alții, așa cum ne-a fost dat. Ați ajuns chiar să ucideți prunci încă nenăscuți, în numele cercetărilor menite să salveze alte vieți. Și iarăși, Biserica este cea care vă atrage atenția asupra nebuniei acestui raționament. Și în tot acest timp, voi declarați că Biserica e ignorantă. Dar cine e, de fapt, ignorantul? Cel care nu poate defini fulgerul, ori cel care nu-i respectă forțele cutremurătoare? Biserica își deschide brațele către voi. Către fiecare om în parte. Și totuși, cu cât noi ne apropiem mai mult, cu atât ne respingeți mai tare. „Arătați-ne o dovadă că Dumnezeu există”, ne cereți voi. Priviți spre ceruri cu telescoapele voastre, vă zic eu, și spuneți-mi cum ar fi posibil să nu existe un Dumnezeu!

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    Conscious humility is the decision to live from our hearts.

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    Conscious positive wording assists us in maintaining our joy and a positive outlook on life. It allows us to make the choice to be consciously joyful and consciously grateful for all life experiences.

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    Creation, or that of knowledge from within, is in knowing that "you are" And because you are, you may consistently create that which you desire. For it is in the listening of your heart, that you will know what to create in conjunction with our higher power. Know this, do this, be this presence of love from within your heart to find the way to your true self.

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    Count me amongst the enemies to demons. Except for one.

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    Darkness will always be...its own master...

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    Dad scowls. "Phen." He says the name like it's a swear word. "Disgusting, cowardly creatures, the ambivalent. Worse than the fallen, in many ways." His eyes are so fierce it's a tad scary. "They have no conviction at all.

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    Death was a leech; no matter which side of the spectrum you were on, either dead or alive, it fed. It either acquired your soul or devoured all your joyful emotions.

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    Dear God. Mommy is going through a really hard time. I see the way she's given up. I know you can change everything around for her. I just know it.

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    Death. It was something I had to think about once. Weird, right? Strange that death was ever an inevitable end, but it wasn’t anymore. Not really. I eluded it. Tricked it. It was an odd concept—the world aged, moved forward, yet I . . . didn’t.

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    Deception can only live in the darkness and shadows. There is no place for it to hide once it is illuminated.

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    Do it, Octavian” She ghosted the tips of her fingers along the hem of his shirt. “Touch me.” He growled low in his throat, his forehead dropping another inch toward her shoulder, his hair tickling the side of her face. “Be my angel, Riley, not my siren. Don’t tempt me.” Moistening her lips with a sweep of her tongue, Riley glided her fingers over his belt, tracing the strip of leather to the silver buckle in the center. She felt rather than heard his deep inhalation and the tremor that raked his powerful body. Driven by his surrender, she used two fingers to walk over the square carvings etched into his abdomen, biting her lip to stop the grin that pulled when he groaned. “I want to be both for you, Octavian,” she whispered, letting her lips brush the curve of his shoulder.

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    Dogs are angels full of poop.

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    Demons. Angels. Both are the same, neither one cares that humanity gets in the way of their conflicts.

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    Don’t let your problems push you. Let your dreams lead you! The lens you choose to view the world determines how you feel about yourself and everything around you. Optimism attracts goodness into our lives and gives us strength to overcome obstacles. You can’t live a positive life with a negative attitude. Heaven on earth is not a place we must find, it is a choice we must make. Let every day be a love you can feel. Let every day be a dream you can touch. Let every day be a reason to live. Life is too short to be anything but positive!

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    Don’t expect good things to come easily, we must work at them. Easy is to think about improving. Difficult is to put these thoughts into action. Easy is to stumble and fall. Difficult is to get back up. Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize your own mistakes. Easy is to receive. Difficult is to give. Easy is to promise something. Difficult is to fulfill that promise. Easy is to say “I love you.” Difficult is to show it every day. Most of the things we need in life are simple, but not easy. But things that are difficult are often the most worthwhile!

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    Don’t laugh at me. Is it proper etiquette for an angel to laugh at someone in a state of Penzance? Penzance? Are you a pirate?

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    Don’t settle, Genevieve. Don’t let strangers grope you on dance floors. Don’t allow college boys to fondle you in doorways. Don’t waver in uncertainty about your own desires....Know what you want. Endeavor to seize it, and keep it when you do.

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    Dreaming is what you do when your eyes are is what you do with that dream once you open your eyes!

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    Either way, his dreams were filled with bronzed faces and heavenly wings, hallucinating millions of eyes and Angels staggering on tenement rooftops, screaming unworldly oaths over the tops of cities, and drowning in their imagination.

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    Dying's a bitch, and I would know.

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    Ellie: "What was your favourite food before root beer floats were invented?" Will: "I dont know. Food was terrible before people started putting lots of chemicals and artifiacal flavours into it to make it taste better. I guess Ive always like carrots a lot." Ellie: "Carrots?" "Your other favourite food is carrots? What is wrong with you?

    • angels quotes
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    Emma, you have lived before…in other lifetimes.” I was waiting for him to burst into laughter and tell me this was some ridiculous prank. Where was he going with this? “I have been reincarnated?” “Yes, several times. You accidently breathed in God’s energy at an Egyptian temple and that energy never dies.” I sat there staring blankly, wondering if I had fallen in love with a mad man. “Emma, your soul is confused…” “Between?” “Being human and being God

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    - Enquanto a queda dos anjos era uma simples questão de poder; nem mais nem menos do que um trabalhinho de policiamento celestial, o castigo de uma rebelião, uma atitude de dureza pour décourageur les autres. - Quão pouca confiança em Si própria devia, pois, ter esta divindade que não queria que as Suas mais perfeitas criaturas distinguissem o bem do mal; o que reinava pelo terror, exigindo a submissão absoluta até dos Seus colaboradores mais próximos, despachando todos os dissidentes para as Suas ardentes Sibérias, para os gulags do Inferno.

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    Eternity hums with every beating heart, with every up-lifted voice, with the crash of waves, the whirl of wind across the shifting dunes, the cry of sea birds, and the trumpets of heavenly angels.

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    Every moment of every day, your mind chooses whether you focus on the angelic or the demonic, on your life’s blessings or your tragedies, on the flashes of insight or the reminders of trouble.

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    Even the darkest of hearts needs a little comfort from time to time.

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    Even in concept, angels are unsettling. They’re like drones, totally mindlessly following the will of God. The only difference between the Heavenly angels and demons is that the demons opted to follow after a different queen bee. So, you have these eyeball speckled, part animal monsters who exist only to worship and obey God. They don’t have a moral compass, they just act.

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    Even in an empty room, we are never alone.

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    Every devil used to be an angel

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    Everyone has their wings, it just so happens that mine are black.

    • angels quotes
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    Everything that is tearing us down today will become a memory, and this memory will be shared as an anecdote or a story or a poem or a play or a warning. It will be shared with another human being, who will then understand that he is not alone in his sadness. This is why we show up for others and tell our tales and listen to others. The great congregation meets daily, and you are someone’s angel today. (In an Interview with James Grissom)

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    Everything good or true that the angels inspire in us is God’s, so God is constantly talking to us. He talks very differently, though, to one person than to another.

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    Everything you say, everything you do and every decision you make comes back to you. If you want to make friends, be friendly. If you want to be rich, be generous, if you want to be understood by others, take time to be understanding of them. And if you want to be heard, then listen. Life is what you make out of it. So If you want the world to change, start with the one in the mirror. What you give is eventually what you get. Whatever it is you hope to achieve in this life, give it, nurture it, be it, and you will enjoy a lifetime filled with it many times over.