Best 653 quotes in «angels quotes» category

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    She believed in magic—the magic of places, the magic of people, the magic of coincidences, serendipity, and fortune. She enjoyed wandering through the world with the open mind and curiosity of a four-year-old child. In her world the mystical, mythical, and magical inhabited the same space and time as the ordinary and the practical. At Bethesda Terrace, she always felt close to a source of magic and creativity. It was as if she was tapping into the place where dragons, angels, gods, sorceresses, and demons came to life.

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    She despised weakness, especially her own. She'd seared most of her emotional needs with the white-hit iron of self-reliance and independence years before. ~Angels Unaware

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    She gazed up at the buildings and imagined angels perched on the edge of the roofs; tall slender angels with drooping wings; standing in perfect silence, watching her without expectation as if in an eternal dream: We give you the city. No one is watching. Set yourself free.

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    She had gone through the veil and returned to Earth. But the veil only opens one way.

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    She hadn’t planned any of this, but her thoughts ran away with her, and she hated how pathetic she must sound. Poor little human needed the big bad angel to rescue her. Yuck.

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    She looked at him. Amazed by his certainty that this would all turn out fine. Humbled that he had any faith in Her after years of abuse at her hand. Perplexed by the love her mistreatment didn't destroy. ~ Angels Unaware

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    She lay there like a beautiful lace covered present for the troll with her sweet hands wrapped up in the red bow of Lilith’s red silk thong.

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    She returned his smile, but her body wasn’t completely satisfied yet. “More?” she asked. He bent to kiss her mouth, then moved to whisper in her ear. “Yes, much more.

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    She's no angel. He's no saint.

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    Shetani alikuwa kiumbe mzuri kuliko wote mbinguni na ulimwenguni. Mungu alimpendelea. Alikuwa mzuri kuliko malaika wote na alikuwa na nguvu kuliko kiumbe mwingine yoyote yule aliyeumbwa na Mungu, akiwemo binadamu. Lakini alipotupwa kutoka mbinguni kuja duniani kama Adamu na Hawa walivyotupwa kutoka bustanini kuja duniani, Shetani alipoteza sifa yake. Alipoteza sifa yake kwa sababu ya dhambi aliyoitenda, dhambi ya kiburi, na kwa sababu ya kuwa mbali na utukufu wa mbinguni. Badala ya kuwa kiumbe mzuri kuliko wote, Shetani akawa kiumbe mbaya kuliko wote. Mungu akaahidi kutokumsamehe, kwa sababu yeye ndiye kiumbe wa kwanza kutenda dhambi mbinguni na ulimwenguni, kwani hakushawishiwa na mtu kumuasi Mungu.

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    She thinks of the way angels arrive, when you lease expect them, when the road is dark, when you're bleeding and alone and hopeless, when you're sleeping in a basement, convinced that no one knows you're there.

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    Shetani anaogopa viumbe saba tu hapa duniani na huko mbinguni ukimwondoa Mungu, ambaye anaogopwa na kila kiumbe: Malaika Mikaeli, Malaika Gabrieli, Malaika Rafaeli, Malaika Urieli, Malaika Selafieli, Malaika Ragueli, na Malaika Barakieli, ambao ni malaika wakuu; na tukio ambalo Shetani analiogopa zaidi ni tukio la kurudi kwa Yesu kwa mara ya pili ambalo limekaribia sana, na atafanya kila atakachoweza kabla ya tukio hilo kuchukua roho zetu. Lengo la Shetani ni kuua kila mtu duniani kumkomoa Mungu na malaika wakuu na kutupeleka kuzimu. Lakini atashindwa kwa jina la Yesu.

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    Shetani alikuwa malaika aliyeumbwa na Mungu lakini baadaye akamwonea Mungu wivu, wivu wa madaraka, hivyo Mungu akamtupa duniani kwa sababu ya kupingana na utawala wake mtakatifu. Duniani Shetani akamtumia nyoka kama mdakale kumdanganya Hawa. Hawa na Adamu wakamsikiliza Shetani badala ya kumsikiliza Mungu, nao wakalaaniwa. Shetani akajidai kuwa alikuwa na uwezo wa kufanya uzao wote wa Adamu na Hawa uwe mbali na Mungu, hivyo Mungu akampa muda wa kujaribu na kuthibitisha madai yake, lakini Shetani mpaka leo bado hajafanikiwa. Wakiitawala dunia leo kwa udanganyifu wa hali ya juu, pamoja naye, ni baadhi ya malaika ambao Shetani alifanikiwa kuwalaghai huko mbinguni. Mungu akawalaani pia na kuwatupa huku duniani, ambako Shetani alipapenda zaidi.

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    She will have brown eyes that say everything I ever need to know without her having to speak. She will be beyond extraordinary. She is beyond extraordinary. I will give her everything she ever wanted. She will never have to be afraid or alone. She will always have me. I will never let anything happen to her.

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    She writes like an angel, it says of Laura on the back of one of the editions of The Blind Assassin. An American edition, as I recall, with gold scrollwork on the cover: they set a lot of store by angels in those parts. In point of fact angels don't write much. They record sins and the names of the dammed and the saved, or they appear as disembodied hands and scribble warnings on walls. Or they deliver messages, few of which are good news: God be with you is not an unmixed blessing.

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    Shut the front door!” Jenna exclaimed. Andrew disappeared into the foyer, and when he returned, his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “The door is shut?

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    Sii la mia schiava d’amore,” I purr. Her expression is guarded. “What did you say?” An amused smile pulls at my lips. “I’ll never tell.” Somehow, I don’t think she’d agree to be my love slave anyway.

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    Sin as little as possible-that is the law of mankind. Not to sin at all is the dream of the angel. All earthly things are subject to sin. Sin is like gravity.

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    So dear to heaven is saintly chastity, That when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt, And in clear dream, and solemn vision Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear, Till oft converse with heavenly habitants Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape, The unpolluted temple of the mind, And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence, Till all be made immortal

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    Some Ange'el are a bit more powerful. Each one has their own set of capabilities and level of skill depending on the purity of their genes and their age. Some Ange'el can heal ya. Some can convince ya to do their will. Some know what you're thinking. Some can speak to you using only their minds, and Viviane ... well, Viviane can do it all.

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    Some angels are too good to live their entire lives in this inferno. They come to Earth for only a short time because they have a mission.

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    Some ghosts are women. Not angels, but ghosts.

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    Something watches over us and we know it when we follow the little voice inside or heed the warning or inspiration that arrives as if on wings. We need the intermediaries that keep us close to the spirit of life, to the wonders of nature and to the subtleties of our own inner nature.

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    Some of us have met our guardian Angels and treated them like beggars because they showed up with beggars bowl.

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    Some people seem to put the devil on a par with God. Actually, Satan is a fallen angel.

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    Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings.

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    So spake our mother Eve, and Adam heard Well pleased, but answered not; for now too nigh Th' Archangel stood, and from the other hill To their fixed station, all in bright array The Cherubim descended; on the ground Gliding meteorous, as ev'ning mist Ris'n from a river o'er the marish glides, And gathers ground fast at the labourer's heel Homeward returning. High in front advanced, The brandished sword of God before them blazed Fierce as a comet; which with torrid heat, And vapour as the Libyan air adust, Began to parch that temperate clime; whereat In either and the hast'ning angel caught Our ling'ring parents, and to th' eastern gate Led them direct, and down the cliff as fast To the subjected plain; then disappeared. They looking back, all th' eastern side beheld Of Paradise, so late their happy seat, Waved over by that flaming brand, the gate With dreadful faces thronged and fiery arms: Some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon; The world was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide: They hand in hand with wand'ring steps and slow, Through Eden took their solitary way.

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    Sometimes, when he looked at me…I felt him. I didn’t know how much of his soul was intact, but he still had a heart and though it might have ached with the choices of his past, I chose to believe that it beat for me.

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    Sometime your only blocks are you.... Stop thinking small and play with the unlimited power you have been given.

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    So spake the Seraph Abdiel faithful found, Among the faithless, faithful only hee; Among innumerable false, unmov'd, Unshak'n, unseduc'd, unterrifi'd His Loyaltie he kept, his Love, his Zeale; Nor number, nor example with him wrought To swerve from truth, or change his constant mind Though single. From amidst them forth he passd, Long way through hostile scorn, which he susteind Superior, nor of violence fear'd aught; And with retorted scorn his back he turn'd On those proud Towrs to swift destruction doom'd.

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    Sometimes we need to be reminded that it is okay to break the rules and draw daisies for zeros and kittens for crosses. There are no rules except those limitations we create ourselves.

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    Somewhere, the imaginary little shoulder angel and devil were having a conversation on their respective sides, the angel offering a gentle warning that this might not be a good idea, given all the drama, the complications. But the little devil, with its pudgy belly and pointy ears, was so comical that Holly almost laughed when he rolled his eyes at the angel and whispered, "Oh, whatever".

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    So what's the big emergency?" Jeffrey says. He jogs down the aisle of the Pink Garter toward where Christian and I are sitting, waiting for Angela, who uncharacteristically late. "I thought we weren't going to meet this week because we like, you know, spent all weekend together. I'm kind of sick of you people." "Glad to see that you decided to grace us with your presence, anyway," Christian says.

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    Speak peace unto the world and good souls will stand.

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    Știința, spuneți voi, ne va salva. Știința, spun eu, ne-a distrus deja. Încă de pe vremea lui Galilei, Biserica a încercat să încetinească marșul triumfal al științei, uneori cu mijloace greșite, dar întotdeauna cu cele mai bune intenții. Chiar și așa, tentația este prea mare pentru ca omul să-i poată rezista. Priviți în jurul vostru! Știința nu și-a respectat promisiunile. Făgăduielile de eficientizare și simplificare a vieții nu au adus decât haos și poluare. Am devenit o specie dezbinată și violentă... care înaintează rapid pe calea distrugerii.

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    Stone gnomes and angels filled the gardens, and it seemed that they were also sleeping, as though a witch had cast a spell on them.

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    Stop kidding me, angel!

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    St. Thomas Aquinas believed that the dark angels fell within twenty seconds of creation—their evil nature cracked the perfection of the universe almost instantly, leaving a terrible fissure between good and evil. For twenty seconds the universe was pure, perfect, unbroken.

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    Strano come certi ridicoli rituali appaiano perfettamente sensati quando si è innamorati.

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    Străvechiul conflict dintre religie și știință a luat sfârșit. Ați câștigat. Dar n-ați jucat cinstit. N-ați oferit răspunsurile dorite. Ați câștigat reorientând societatea omenească atât de dramatic, încât adevăruri considerate altădată imuabile par astăzi inaplicabile. Religia nu mai poate ține pasul cu voi. Dezvoltarea științifică este exponențială. Se hrănește din propria substanță, precum un virus. Fiecare descoperire deschide calea spre alte descoperiri. Omenirii i-au trebuit mii de ani pentru a progresa de la roată la automobil, dar numai câteva decenii pentru a trece de la aceasta la zborul spațial. Azi, progresul științific se măsoară în săptămâni. Avansează orbește, fără a putea fi controlat. Prăpastia dintre noi se adâncește tot mai mult și, cu cât religia rămâne mai în urmă, cu atât oamenii se simt mai goi, mai pustiiți din punct de vedere spiritual. Plângem și strigăm în goana noastră de a desluși înțelesuri. Și, credeți-mă, strigăm din toate puterile. Vedem OZN-uri, comunicăm cu morții, vorbim cu spiritele, trăim experiențe de ieșire din corp... toate aceste excentricități par științifice, dar sunt rușinos de iraționale. Ele nu sunt decât strigătul disperat al sufletului nostru singur și chinuit, mutilat de propria iluminare și de incapacitatea lui de a vedea un sens în orice altceva decât în tehnologie.

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    Subconsciously, every one believes in angels, fairies, magic and a happy ever after.

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    Suntem noi învechiți? Sunt oamenii aceștia niște dinozauri? Sau eu? Mai are lumea cu adevărat nevoie de un glas care să ia partea celor săraci, slabi și oprimați ori a copiilor încă nenăscuți? Avem într-adevăr nevoie de suflete ca acestea care, deși imperfecte, își petrec întreaga viață implorându-ne pe fiecare dintre noi să nu ne pierdem jaloanele de moralitate și să nu ne rătăcim?

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    That was the funny thing. What happened to John would pass for his classmates, but for John it was a long challenging road ahead of him. Who knew where he would be sent, maybe a juvenile detention center? He might keep in touch with a few friends if his parents let him, but he would never return to Wakefield High. His peers had no clue the journey ahead of him, that his life was changed forever. And they had no idea what lay ahead for Lilly. No one knew she had been given a task by the Archangels to fight a war against pure evil. They had no idea that Lilly would spend most of her free time not training for a marathon, but training to kill demons. John and Lilly were not all too different.

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    Taking advantage of me in my sleep, archangel?” --Gin

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    Tears are good for you," Raphael said. When she opened her eyes back up, he knelt down. His large frame seemed to make the room shrink. His face was almost level with hers as his eyes met Emma's. "They are a gift from the Creator to his creation. Tears release endorphins in the mind that help sooth and comfort. They cleanse the eyes and relieve stress, thereby lowering blood pressure and taking strain off of the heart. He created you with tears and nothing he created is bad. Those tears you are holding in are necessary, Emma. Let them fall, let them heal, and let them remind you with each one that you are not alone.

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    Take care not to welcome today the terrors that will make yesterday's demons look like angels.

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    That was all I wanted!" whispered Polly, in a tone which caused him to feel that the race of angels was not entirely extinct.

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    The angels that dry our eyes bear the form and the features of all we have said and thought—above all, of what we have done, prior to the hour of misfortune.

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    The Angel said, 'Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong, and the one who is filthy still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness.

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    The angel was sitting by his bed when Simon Iddesleigh, sixth Viscount Iddesleigh, opened his eyes. He would've thought it a terrible dream, one of an endless succession that haunted him nightly -- or worse, that he'd not survived the beating and had made that final infinite plunge out of this world and into the flaming next. But he was almost certain hell did not smell of lavender and starch, did not feel like worn linen and down pillows, did not sound with the chirping of sparrows and the rustle of gauze curtains. And, of course, there were no angels in hell.