Best 18 quotes in «committment quotes» category

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    Patriotism is a thing difficult to put into words. It is neither precisely an emotion nor an opinion, nor a mandate, but a state of mind -- a reflection of our own personal sense of worth, and respect for our roots. Love of country plays a part, but it's not merely love. Neither is it pride, although pride too is one of the ingredients. Patriotism is a commitment to what is best inside us all. And it's a recognition of that wondrous common essence in our greater surroundings -- our school, team, city, state, our immediate society -- often ultimately delineated by our ethnic roots and borders... but not always. Indeed, these border lines are so fluid... And we do not pay allegiance as much as we resonate with a shared spirit. We all feel an undeniable bond with the land where we were born. And yet, if we leave it for another, we grow to feel a similar bond, often of a more complex nature. Both are forms of patriotism -- the first, involuntary, by birth, the second by choice. Neither is less worthy than the other. But one is earned.

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    Our ultimate devotion is to be a reflection of a divine work that is continuously unfolding in our hearts.

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    Never say never or it becomes a vice, and there you have it, you just did it twice.

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    People aspire, learn, and grow when they are ready to commit to the process.

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    Stay committed to your visions and dreams.

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    Personal commitment to the principles of the kingdom must take pre-eminence

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    Value the effort you put forward. Be determined, committed, and involved.

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    Striving to be good is the ultimate struggle of every man. Being bad is easy, but being good requires sincere commitment, discipline and strength. We have to work hard every day just to remain good.

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    That’s when I feel like the real me. I want to be a rock for you too, but I often feel inadequate to do so. I know I should express my self-doubt to you rather than leave you guessing my feelings. If I am given the chance, I will show you just how much my very essence is intertwined with yours and that I am incomplete without you. I will commit to nurturing our union, including keeping the lines of communication open.

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    The act of committing yourself to the Lord daily allows Him to guide you.

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    When your EFFORT results in the DESIRED EFFECT, then you have WORKED

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    What the hell did you see in me?” He tilted his head to the side, studying her. It both thrilled her and made her uncomfortable, like he was looking right into her. “I saw you, Claire,” he finally said. “That was all. Just you. Everything about you. And the entire package was everything I wanted. I didn’t want it altered or changed one bit. I just saw…you.

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    A person who does not know himself... can not commit to another person. Without being genuine to yourself you are unable to be genuine to anyone else.

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    You can make it every-ever you are. It depends on you altitude and commitment.

    • committment quotes
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    A commitment is a choice.

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    A relationship is NOT a test, DO NOT cheat. A relationship is NOT a political party, ADD NOT a third member. A relationship is NOT a public matter, transparency is NOT necessary. A relationship is NOT a burial sceme, it requires not other insurances on the side "in case" it doesn't pay off. A relationship is NOT a society, take NOT any advice you get because it is advice froma bunch of women. A relationship that lasts is a relationship where people know about y'all but know NOTHING about y'all.

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    Committing to Nick, feeling safe with Nick, being happy with Nick, made me realize that there was a Real Amy in there, and she was so much better, more interesting and complicated and challenging, than Cool Amy. Nick wanted Cool Amy anyway. Can you imagine, finally showing your true self to your spouse, your soul mate, and having him not like you? So that’s how the hating first began. I’ve thought about this a lot, and that’s where it started, I think.

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    Committment is the key to upliftment.

    • committment quotes