Best 27 quotes in «virtual reality quotes» category

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    She could be anybody and she could pretend to be whomever she wants to be. With social media and internet communications, everything is virtual. Social media is full of fake and sick people deceiving each other and fantasizing to be something they are not.

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    McAllister looked up into her face, his eyes blazing with anger. At last, his composure cracked. ‘That’s right,’ he shouted back. ‘My word against – whose? Yours? You were dead, remember? No, of course you don’t remember. You were dead!

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    The believability of virtuality is oft superior to the unrealness of reality

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    The first million words are the hardest.

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    The fact that all of this was happening in virtual space made no difference. Being virtually killed by virtual laser in virtual space is just as effective as the real thing, because you are as dead as you think you are.

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    We make fiction because we are fiction ... It lived us into being and it lives us still.

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    Was it Laurie Anderson who said that VR would never look real until they learned how to put some dirt in it?

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    We can change an ugly reality in a real way or in a virtual way! And because it is much easier, people prefer the virtual path and thus the real ugliness continues to remain real!

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    Wisdom of the Ages: "Virtual Reality" A fairly plausible explanation for the abundance of Virtual People running around these days.

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    A person needed to experience real danger or they would never find joy in excelling. There had to be a risk of failure, the chance to die.

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    A false image is, of course, a work of art, an idol. And a lie. A narcissist identifies with this image, not his true inner self. So, all he cares about is his image, not what kind of person he really is. Indeed, the latter has no real existence in his world. In identifying with his image, he's identifying with an ephemeral figment that has but virtual reality, a purely immanent existence as a reflection in the attention shone on him by others. No attention, no image. No image, no self!

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    Animals walk around in a state of permanent religious intoxication. This is the natural condition of the mind and intellect, the moment-to-moment perception, of man as well. I heard some computer fool say that religion is the 'older virtual reality' experience, to justify his scam industry. No, the denuded state of the spirit and intellect, where you walk around 'demystified' and 'disenchanted' is the virtual reality condition, and a terrible condition at that.

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    Face it, George – unlike cholera, death is the only disease everyone is guaranteed to get.’ Heath nodded slowly. ‘But usually only once, Hamish. Usually only once.

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    Currently, artificial intelligence and virtual reality play the role of 'Jesus Christ' -- a saviour and redeemer for asocial persons.

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    Emotions - Happiness, anger, jealousy... is the mind experiencing "presence" in our holographic existence.

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    Artificial Intelligence is not a Man versus Machine saga; it’s in fact, Man with Machine synergy.

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    At times we'll want to escape our polluted reality... not augment it with digital Debris

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    Books are the original virtual reality.

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    Commentators frequently blame MMORPGs for an increasing sense of isolation in modern life. But virtual worlds are less a cause of that isolation than a response to it. Virtual worlds give back what has been scooped out of modern life. The virtual world is in important ways more authentically human than the real world. It gives us back community, a feeling of competence, and a sense of being an important person whom people depend on.

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    It could always all be unreal - how could you ever tell otherwise? You took it on trust, in part because what would be the point of doing anything else? When the fake behaved exactly like the real, why treat it as anything different? You gave it the benefit of the doubt, until something proved otherwise.

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    Having had some experience as a sci-fi writer myself, I found Suddenly Paris to be a very nicely written, YA Sci-Fi novel that turns the story of THE MATRIX on its head. It explores the following question. What if, instead of being people trapped in a synthesized dream world, we only think we are real? The ethical and existential questions that go along with computer generated characters inside a simulation acquiring self-awareness without an awareness that they are living in a simulated world are dealt with in a very entertaining story. Enjoy.

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    – Here, take this. It'll give you a boost. – You spent 90 gold on this?? – 90 gold is nothing when you're the baddest bitch in the virtual universe.

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    However, in the virtual world of social networks, we get attracted to identities that are virtual. We don’t know who is behind them and what their intentions are. Sometimes, they are just predators looking for easy prey. And they are very good at what they do.

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    In AR, a falling tree makes no sound unless there is a witness to behold the event. Otherwise, it is only a changing pattern in a complex data-stream.

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    In today's society, the cell phone has become a remote control. People do not leave their homes without it. With it, they navigate the world and this device turns into their guide to reality.

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    It had been bound to happen. If anything, technology created a space for the strange and the afraid. Some would argue that the environment had created those people, but I doubted that. Those who flocked to technology as a place to hide and to fit in would have found something else, but instead they found another life.

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    It was like the old question that film The Matrix was based upon: how can you tell whether you're just a brain in a jar, experiencing a sophisticated virtual-reality program that is flawless in its execution? The answer is: you can't. So it actually doesn't make much sense entertaining it.