Best 1773 quotes in «abuse quotes» category

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    I didn't go to Cirque Lodge for alcohol abuse or drug abuse.

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    I'd never really heard of financial abuse, although it makes so much sense when you hear it defined.

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    I do not approve of children being beaten. It is always a confession of failure.

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    I do not support child abuse. It's a disgusting crime of which I am a victim.

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    I don't believe in getting clothes that just look pretty or that'll fall apart—they have to stand up to a lot of abuse.

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    I don't think his hands could take the abuse.

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    I don't think anyone would argue with the notion that there have been serious abuses on Wall Street.

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    I dread our own power, and our own ambition; I dread our being too much dreaded... We may say that we shall not abuse this astonishing, and hitherto unheard-of-power. But every other nation will think we shall abuse it. It is impossible but that, sooner or later, this state of things must produce a combination against us which may end in our ruin.

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    If a man's character is to be abused, say what you will, there's nobody like a relative to do the business.

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    If both factions, or neither, shall abuse you, you will probably be about right. Beware of being assailed by one and praised by the other.

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    If he were any other man, I might have suspected him of substance abuse, of being coked up or something. But Barrons was too much a purist for that; his drugs were money, power, and control

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    If Bradley Manning was the person who copied the secret US diplomatic cables to WikilLeaks, he is a hero for exposing human rights abuses.

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    I felt beauty was a magnet for abuse, and I had suffered greatly for it.

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    If I abuse myself daily, who can I love?

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    If CASA's board, which includes such scientific experts as actress Jamie Lee Curtis, wants to tell the world that drinking is bad for you, that's their prerogative? But there's no excuse for political activism masquerading as science.

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    If I'd had fame early on, I'd have been able to abuse it in the way that a young man should.

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    If the tide of defamation and abuse shall turn, and my administration come to be praised, future Vice-Presidents who may succeed to the Presidency may feel some slight encouragement to pursue an independent course.

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    I find that truly heartbreaking that, like, it's such a common, constant thing in people's lives - a brutal abuse of people by other people, and it's just accepted.

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    If men like [Ken] Starr and his allies could ignore the Constitution and abuse power for ideological and malicious ends to topple a President, I feared for my country.

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    If the abuse be enormous, nature will rise up, and claiming her original rights, overturn a corrupt political system.

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    If it is abuse, - why one is always sure to hear of it from one damned goodnatured friend or another!

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    If I was having a bad day, eating was like self-medicating. But if you abuse food, you still have to use that substance that you abuse every day. You have to learn to use it responsibly.

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    If, nevertheless, textbooks of pharmacology legitimately contain a chapter on drug abuse and drug addiction, then, by the same token, textbooks of gynecology and urology should contain a chapter on prostitution; textbooks of physiology, a chapter on perversion; textbooks of genetics, a chapter on the racial inferiority of Jews and Negroes.

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    If one of your best friends is making a Star Wars movie, you're not gonna not abuse that privilege. I defy anybody to say otherwise!

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    If the churches ever did reunite, it would have to be into something that was as sacramental and liturgical and authoritative as the Roman Catholic Church and as protesting against abuses and as much focused on the individual in his direct relationship with Christ as the Evangelicals, as charismatic as the Pentecostals, as missionary-minded as the old mainline denominations, as focused on holiness as the Methodists or the Quakers, as committed to the social aspects of the Gospel as the social activists, as Biblical as fundamentalists, and as mystical as the Eastern Orthodox.

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    If the reason I give is a good one, you will act upon it. If it is a bad one I cannot make it better by piling epithet upon epithet. There is no logic in abuse; there is no argument in an epithet.

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    If we do anything to further the kingdom of God, we may expect to find what Christ found on that road abuse, indifference, injustice, misunderstanding, trouble of some kind. Take it. Why not? To that you were called.

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    If you abuse power, you will be burned and then you will learn...if you live.

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    If you add up all the forms of genocide, from female infanticide and genital mutilation to so-called honor crimes, sex trafficking, and domestic abuse, everything, we lose about 6 million humans every year just because they were born female. That's a holocaust every year.

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    If you operate a TV or radio station, you have to have a license. It has nothing to do with fundamental freedom. It has to do with protection of the average citizen against abuses.

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    If you stay in the mainstream of life, in other words, you let in the suffering of the world that invariably enters all of our lives by the time we're in our middle years, when we've experienced a few deaths and read a few headlines. Famine, poverty, abuse, you can't keep that all blocked out. If you let those things teach you, influence you, change you, those are the events that transition you without you even knowing it to become more compassionate. In other words, you hold onto your values, but you do it much more inclusively, humbly and in an open ended way. Suffering takes you there.

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    If you're a fat person - and especially if you're a woman - at all stages of your life you'll get abuse for it, so you have to work out a way of dealing with it. The best way is to be humorous about it - that defuses any tension.

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    If you think a caregiver has an active substance abuse problem, that person should never be entrusted with your child.

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    I get a lot of abuse on Twitter. It's mostly homophobic, but what can you do? I just either ignore it or laugh.

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    I had a psychotic break that was brought on by alcohol and drug abuse.

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    I got married at 22 and remained in an abusive marriage for 10 years. I made up my mind that that was never going to happen to me again. I made a brave step to walk out in a society when you didn't walk out of an abusive marriage. It was mental and physical abuse.

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    I have been to more than 80 countries, and there is not one-not one-that I didn't have women coming up to me sharing stories of overcoming major abuse, a bad marriage turning good, etc.

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    I have experienced jealousy, possessiveness, verbal abuse and violence from men, but I have also experienced jealousy, possessiveness, verbal abuse and violence from women, usually when I failed to respond to their advances.

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    I have quite a decent constitution in spite of all my abuse of it and my advanced years. I'm still quite robust.

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    I have pledged my word to help people on to truth while living and - will keep my word. Let them abuse and revile me. Let some call me a medium, and a Spiritualist, and others an imposter. The day will come when posterity will learn to know me better.

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    I have seen firsthand how injustice gets overlooked when the victims are powerless or vulnerable, when they have no one to speak up for them and no means of representing themselves to a higher authority. Animals are in precisely that position. Unless we are mindful of their interests and speak out loudly on their behalf, abuse and cruelty go unchallenged.

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    I heard the various terms of abuse at school and probably indulged them in the way you do as a kid.

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    I'll say that I don't think you can throw a stone and not come in contact with someone who knows someone or has problems with substance abuse.

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    I keep wondering how to explain the experience of child abuse from the inside. I'm going to try to explain what my world was like when I was sexually abused. The thing you have to remember is that this was the thinking of a child.

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    I know I'm getting something out of it (counseling), Pat is getting something, even my daughter is getting something out of it. We don't like coming, but it is really helping, and it gives us some place to go together.

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    I love being from a screwed up family. We have everything in my family: prescription drug abuse, mental illness, one of my uncles is a Mormon.

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    I look upon the vulgar observation, 'That the devil often deserts his friends, and leaves them in the lurch,' to be a great abuse on that gentleman's character. Perhaps he may sometimes desert those who are only his cup acquaintance; or who, at most, are but half his; but he generally stands by those who are thoroughly his servants, and helps them off in all extremities, till their bargain expires.

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    I look upon literature as an art, and I believe that if you misuse it or abuse it, it will leave you. It is not a thing that you can nail down and use as you want. You have to let it use you, too.

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    Imagination is an abuse of power.

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    I love to laugh, it's my main thing. I love to abuse the English language.