Best 48 quotes in «love of god quotes» category

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    A necessary condition for interior peace, then, is what we might call goodwill. We could also call it purity of heart. It is the stable and constant disposition of a person who is determined more than anything to love God, who desires sincerely to prefer in all circumstances the will of God to his own, who does not wish to consciously refuse anything to God.

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    As you walk with Jesus, resting your head on His heart, you will learn to know His Word, His will, and His ways. You will want to obey Him, not out of forced compliance, but out of heartfelt connection. Your joy will abound as you remain in His love.

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    Earthquakes removed, cancelled from this World... Hear O Nations. Today the Lord God Almighty has spoken again and pronounced an end to earthquakes, the Lord Almighty says, "Earthquakes will come to an end, they will cease to be a terror to my people. The ground you stand on will be firm and secure. My people will live in my salvation and peace for I the Lord God Almighty am healing this world in all four winds and around. Do not be troubled my people. This world and everything in it belong to me and I will bring steadfast healing to it. A time is coming when no natural disaster will be experienced, or bring terror to my people in this world. I am God Almighty and I do not change." Says the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God.... Hallelujah. Glory be to God Almighty...Yeah; this world and everything in it is fully immersed in the saving and protecting blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world

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    Being an Author who writes and advocates about tough things people go through in life; the Holy Spirit encourages me to encourage all people to be persevering in-spite of whatever hardships they are going through, or whatever horror they feel they are facing in their lives

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    But in the end they were not called saints because of the way they died, or because of their visions or wondrous deeds, but because of their extraordinary capacity for the love and goodness, which reminded others of the love of God.

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    Don't let anyone charge you for what God has freely given.

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    From the essay on Love, in which he describes as a wilderness experience his daily visits with his wife to a hospital 3,000 miles from home in a strange city, where someone he loves is in danger of dying. “When the worst finally happens, or almost happens, a kind of peace comes. I had passed beyond grief, beyond terror, all but beyond hope, and it was thee, in that wilderness, that for the first time in my life I caught sight of something of what it must be like to love God truly. It was only a glimpse, but it was like stumbling on fresh water in the desert, like remembering something so huge and extraordinary that my memory had been unable to contain it. Though God was nowhere to be clearly seen, nowhere to be clearly heard, I had to be near him—even in the elevator riding up to her floor, even walking down the corridor to the one door among all those doors that had her name taped on it. I loved him because there was nothing else left. I loved him because he seemed to have made himself as helpless in his might as I was in my helplessness. I loved him not so much in spite of there being nothing in it for me but almost because there was nothing in it for me. For the first time in my life, there in that wilderness, I caught a glimpse of what it must be like to love God truly, for his own sake, to love him no matter what. If I loved him with less than all my heart, soul, and will, I loved him with at least as much of them as I had left for loving anything… I did not love God, God knows, because I was some sort of saint or hero. I did not love him because I suddenly saw the light (there was almost no light at all) or because I hoped by loving him to persuade him to heal the young woman I loved. I loved him because I couldn’t help myself. I loved him because the one who commands us to love is the one who also empowers us to love, as there in the wilderness of that dark and terrible time I was, through no doing of my own, empowered to love him at least a little, at least enough to survive. And in the midst of it, these small things happened that were as big as heaven and earth because through them a hope beyond hopelessness happened. “O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and for evermore.”… The final secret, I think, is this: that the words “You shall love the Lord your God” become in the end less a command than a promise.

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    Election has nothing to do with the eternal salvation of individuals but refers instead to God's way of saving nations. It was a major mistake of the Reformation to have decided to follow Augustine in this matter, taking election to refer to grace and salvation. It manages to make bad news out of good news. It casts a deep shadow over the character of God. At it worst, it can lead to awful consequences in terms of pride, arrogance, superiority, and intolerance as the ideology of election takes hold. It causes the church to become, not a sign of the unity of humanity in the love of God, but the sign of favorites in the midst of the enemies of God.

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    Everybody knows basically what is right and what is wrong. Everybody knows better than to hate others. In fact, most people teach against it, and yet we still see it on the daily. But why do you think that is? It is because the problem was never really humans not loving humans enough; the problem was humans not loving righteousness enough. We must empty our own love for the world so that it can be replaced by the love of Christ; only then will we begin to love people as Christ loves people, as He always intended.

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    For, on the other hand, he who in chaste love looks on beauty, thinks not that the flesh is beautiful, but the spirit, admiring, as I judge, the body as an image, by whose beauty he transports himself to the Artist, and to the true beauty[.]

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    God has never withheld love to teach me a lesson.

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    God helps those who help themselves' is common sense, 'God helps those who cannot help themselves' is sound theology, and 'God helps all the living', a simple ideation.

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    God is not present, even if we invoke him, where the afflicted are merely regarded as an occasion for doing good. They may even be loved on this account, but then they are in their natural role, the role of matter and of things. We have to bring to them in their inert, anonymous condition a personal love....In true love it is not we who love the afflicted in God; it is God in us who loves them.

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    God is not some lesser employee, as many try to make Him out to be: rather He is the ultimate Treasure. He works in a man; He works on a man; He works through a man; He works around a man. Know that He does far more than simply work for a man. And yet, even as He Himself needs no one else, everyone else is ever in need of Him.

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    God sat over the dark nothing and wrote you and me specifically into the story, and He put us in specifically with the sunsets in the rainstorms as though to say, "Enjoy your place in My story, the very beauty of it means it's not about you, and in time that will give you comfort.

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    God's judgment is not like man's judgment. It is not a suspension of His Love but an extension of His Love. His justice is always righteous, so His judgment is always Love.

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    He, in truth, bears witness to himself that he is faithful and loyal towards God; and to the tempter, that he in vain envied him who is faithful through love; and to the Lord, of the inspired persuasion in reference to His doctrine, from which he will not depart through fear of death; further, he confirms also the truth of preaching by his deed, showing that God to whom he hastes is powerful. You will wonder at his love, which he conspicuously shows with thankfulness, in being united to what is allied to him, and besides by his precious blood, shaming the unbelievers. He then avoids denying Christ through fear by reason of the command; nor does he sell his faith in the hope of the gifts prepared, but in love to the Lord he will most gladly depart from this life; perhaps giving thanks both to him who afforded the cause of his departure hence, and to him who laid the plot against him, for receiving an honourable reason which he himself furnished not, for showing what he is, to him by his patience, and to the Lord in love, by which even before his birth he was manifested to the Lord, who knew the martyr's choice. With good courage, then, he goes to the Lord, his friend, for whom he voluntarily gave his body, and, as his judges hoped, his soul, hearing from our Saviour the words of poetry, "Dear brother," by reason of the similarity of his life. We call martyrdom perfection, not because the man comes to the end of his life as others, but because he has exhibited the perfect work of love.

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    I am the Author who is anointed to write unique books that touches humanity and humanitarian issues in this world with a wonderful healing that come from God Almighty…In my works; the work of my hands, breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God; human beings are healed physically, emotionally, socially, economically, financially, politically…human behaviour is healed and there is goodness…countries are healed and there is world peace, love, unity, friendship and stability…Destiny is defined, distinguished and found for the world that is destined to live in peace, provision, protection and joy and happiness coming from God Almighty…The prophetic message and mercy of God is prevalent and imparted to a person, an entity, a country, a continent, a society, a community…and a group…There is the small picture as well as the big picture, there is the micro as well as the macro for the healing benefit of all mankind. There is that divine connection between God and his people…God and his world he created…God and entities like, schools, the government, publishers, the work place…Countries are healed physically, politically, economically and emotionally from strongholds. God uses the life of a person, an entity, a country and a continent to bring wholesome healing to the entire world. Countries are healed physically, politically, economically and emotionally from strongholds and erroneous attitudes. These are books that cannot be missed or forgotten…These are life giving Hallelujah Holy and Great Books of all times.

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    If God's love encompasses the whole world and if everyone who does not believe in him will perish, then surely this question needs to be asked: When, after two thousand years, does God's plan kick in for the billion people he 'so loves' in China? Or for the 840 million in India? Or the millions in Japan, Afghanistan, Siberia, Egypt, Burma ·.. and on and on? Why would a God who 'so loved the world' reveal his message only to a tiny minority of the people on earth, leaving the majority in ignorance? Is it possible to believe that the Father of all Mankind would select as his Chosen People a small Middle Eastern nation, Israel, reveal His will exclusively to them, fight alongside them in their battles to survive, and only after their failure to reach out to any other group, update His plan for the world's salvation by sending His 'only begotten son,' not to the world but, once again, exclusively to Israel?

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    If you have worries concerning negative things happening continually in your life and family. If you have blood line issues happening in your family, like multiple deaths, accidents, misfortunes, ill health, poverty, all troubles, trials and tribulations; this liberating book is for you. This anointed book calls upon the protecting presence of God into your life and family…It covers your life and your family’s lives in the shielding presence of God Almighty

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    If we know our original blessing, we can easily handle our original sin. If we rest in a previous dignity, we can bear insults effortlessly. If you really know your name is on some eternal list, you can let go of the irritations on the small lists of time. Ultimate security allows you to suffer small insecurity without tremendous effort. If you are tethered at some center point, it is amazing how far out you can fly and not get lost.

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    If you seek the Lord God Almighty for your life and for any life situation, you will find him and you will live your life in peace…Make your life holy by belonging to God Almighty…Belong to Christ….Get the Stellah Mupanduki healing and moulding books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God and find your righteous healing coming from God Almighty. You will not fail, but you overcome….Benefit from the Finger of God Almighty using a vessel and find your greatest peace on earth and attain eternity after this life is gone….Hallelujah! Sacred Writing…For Sacred Healing.

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    It is better to prevent kidney troubles than to allow affliction to rise against your kidneys, bloodstream and body. Whether you have kidney troubles or not, everyone should get this God-given healing, cleansing and protecting book of kidneys and be cleansed and protected all the days of your life. Keep your kidneys healthy and in good shape through the divine healing and cleansing, protecting power of God Almighty in the Name of Jesus Christ.

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    It's Saturday; a day off, or it's not; maybe it's a day off connected to countless days off. Some are secure, some not, some wonder. But there's a common thread; each of us having purpose; some living after learning it, some learning while living it, some looking. We are all connected in purpose, all of us loved equally by a race and gender-blind Christ walking with us in that purpose.

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    I say this because all religions, accurately understood, will take away your fear of not being enough. I believe there is a way to understand the tenets of your religion, right now, that will take away your fear and make you feel loved and safe. The problem is that no matter what you believe or to which religion you belong, there are two ways you can experience your beliefs. There is a fear way you can experience your religion, and a love way to experience it. All religions can be experienced both ways. All life philosophies can be experienced both ways too. If you search your personal books of scripture, you will find both ideas equally represented. There will be verses or sections that validate a fear-based view of God and there will be some that validate a love-based view of God. Don’t be confused by this. Both ideas had to be represented for you to have free agency. Anything less than equal representation of each idea would take away your freedom to choose.

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    I will not let you down, I will never ever let you fall or fail, I uphold you with an everlasting righteous upholding, says the Lord God Almighty to me....yeah.

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    Love of God is not a thing which we produce in ourselves by excessive brooding or by self-hypnotism or by any other method. It is a permanent flame, slowly burning in the caverns of all our hearts. […] The basis of all religions is this love of God. For if this love of God were not vital to us, all that the great prophets have been trying to preach would have been unreal and futile. If it were not a real experience which in some sense is shared by us all, an experience which ennobles us and raises us far above the selfish pettinesses of life, no prophet and no religious deed would be able to appeal to our higher natures and establish the claims of religion.

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    Take away the pomp and circumstance, at the end of the day, only eternal things will be truly celebrated.

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    Slavish fear brings not back the backslider to God, but the sweet wooings of love allure him to Jesus' bosom.

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    Some might regard such a circumstance as a suffering of a punishment. But the one who dares to live with suffering through to its completion will discover that it is actually a great gift. Some people are difficult to live with, difficult to love. Sometimes the old or the new or the genetically defective can be a trial. But instead of routinely putting them in nursing homes or institutions - or killing them before they can be born - what if we were to live with them? What if, when our love is exhausted, we were to ask God to give us His love for them? Eventually we will discover the blessing they can be. And who knows, perhaps in the process we will become more what He intended us to be - which may have been part of His purpose.

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    The beauty of having blog books 1 to 9 by Stellah Mupanduki, is that, they strongly touch your life in a random way because of the Holy presence of the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God, who knows how to intercede on your behalf in matters you know nothing about. You will be uplifted and strengthened with sound healing, cleansing and protection coming from God Almighty for your your body and life and everything in your life. Amen…

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    That many good men have believed this strange fable [Christianity], and lived very good lives under that belief (for credulity is not a crime) is what I have no doubt of. In the first place, they were educated to believe it, and they would have believed anything else in the same manner. There are also many who have been so enthusiastically enraptured by what they conceived to be the infinite love of God to man, in making a sacrifice of himself, that the vehemence of the idea has forbidden and deterred them from examining into the absurdity and profaneness of the story.

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    The books that I have are God-given books for your betterment. These books can give you your peace if your reach out for them because that is the purpose of the presence of God Almighty in my life as his vessel of His glory and honour. When we pray and cry out to God Almighty in times of affliction, he answers our prayers that rise up to him and his answer is different from the way we want his healing hand. He gives according to his will and divine intervention. So these books are given through a vessel for the healing of terminal, rare and chronic illnesses. If you reach out to them, you are saved and you live long in this day and age where people have a short span of life because of these illnesses. With joy, draw water from the wells of salvation, and these wells of salvation are all bookstores selling these Holy Spirit breathed books of healing. God uses people and entities for his divine purpose and in ways you know nothing about. Get your copies and drink from the healing Word of God and be set free from desperation, hopelessness and death….Conquer suffering, illness, death and decay as you read these wonderful healing books given by God Almighty for today’s age…Hallelujah!...Sacred Writing…Sacred Healing

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    The fragility of human emotions are not to be trusted but to validate the necessity of Grace.

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    The fellowship of the Holy Spirit . . . means participation -- partaking with and subsequently sharing with others. This fellowship is not just for reaching individual believers, but that every individual who participates also shares with others. If the love of God and the grace of Christ, that believers receive, do not reach others, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is stifled . . . The fellowship of the Spirit is persistently seeking to expand, to include more partakers and dispensers of grace and love.

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    This is the bottom line, you have no absolute proof of God’s existence, and therefore no real proof of His true nature, this being the case, you get to choose how you want to experience God. This is not only your right, but is an essential part of your free agency. You get to choose how you want to experience everything in your life. So, you could choose to see God (the higher power in the universe) as the pure essence of perfect love if you want to. You have this power to see God as your safest place.

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    The Lord God Almighty says this to all people on this planet earth,“Do not take your lives through Euthanasia or any way, for your life belongs to me who gave it to you,trust in me at all times, lean on me, my ways are different from your ways, I am the Lord, the One who created you. Yeah.

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    This is a life changing time, a time of restoration and peace for someone's country, that someone who is a citizen of a country with brokenness. God heals countries and now is the time to look upon him for true and permanent divine healing for nations and all people.

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    Watch for signs of a toxic friendship and raise your guards: - Their criticism/comments make you feel small and embarrassed - They feel bitter on your achievements and try to minimise it in your and others' eyes - They don't feel/understand your situation and you find yourself explaining and justifying your actions - They are unhappy, complaining, dissatisfied and discontent with their life - They are self-centred and require a lot of attention without returning it when you are in need - They are bully (sometimes subtle though) - They are not ready to take no as an answer - They bear no criticism on themselves and are always right (it's always your fault) It's hard to let go of toxic people. It's easy to find a reason or an excuse for their behaviour. But remember, a real friend needs no explanations, justifications, modifications or adjustments. They accept you the way you are and are always there regardless, without ever judging you. The risk with this awareness is that you may find yourself walking alone with no real friend around you, but this is how I have discovered my one and only 100% real friend - God.

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    This life giving book breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God has proved itself to be very prophetically true and precise in every Word spoken through my mouth as uttered by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God.

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    To be recipient to God’s love on earth is to share a deep, intrinsic need to love and be loved

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    In medieval India, the Hindu Vaishnava system of bhakti-yoga (devotional yoga) developed highly sophisticated categories of relation (rasa) to God, including santa (awe and reverence), vatsalya (parental attitude toward God), dasya (servant of God), sakhya (being friends and playmates with God), and madburya (passionate, romantic love).

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    Your presence fills every space of a heart that seeks to find; Your love is here to save us and Your name is love defined.

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    When your heart is gripped by the love of God poured out in the cross, and when you see the extent of that love in the propitiation by which Christ became the sacrifice for your sin, bearing wrath and entering hell for you, and when you are convinced that this Christ offers Himself in redeeming love to others who do not yet know Him, a passion will be lit in your heart to pursue a God-centered life.

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    With the Stellah Mupanduki healing books breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God, you will find inner peace and your hope is fulfilled. God is above all powers. Do not hesitate to read and find your healing in this day and age. Get rid of hopeless thoughts and embrace these healing books given to you by God Almighty himself and be healed…There is no doubt about this…Hallelujah...Sacred Writing…So that you are healed...Anointed Readers

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    We become an effective disciple of Christ, when we learn to gainsay what we say or think about ourselves and rather endeavor towards more on what others testify about us as a Christian.

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    You might be unsure about the true nature of God (or the life force in the universe) even if you have well defined religious beliefs. I say this because you might have been taught two conflicting ideas about God. You might have been consciously told God was love, but at the same time been subconsciously taught He might condemn you if you aren’t good enough. These two ideas don’t mesh and they cause a great deal of confusion for most people.

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    All my book titles are prophetic because they were breathed by the Holy Spirit of a Sovereign God. What they say about salvation and peace is what will happen to any reader's life.

    • love of god quotes