Best 29 quotes in «red rising quotes» category

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    All my people sing of are memories. And so I will remember this death. It will burden me as it does not burden my fellow students -- I must not let that change. I must not become like them. I'll remember that every sin, every death, every sacrifice, is for freedom.

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    Forevermore, let justice be done.

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    And now I Carve the things I saw in my fever dreams, just as they always wished. I dreamed of you, I think. In the end, I suppose they'll wish I hadn't dreamed at all.

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    Bye, Felicia"-Victra au Julii

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    He always thinks because I'm reading, I'm not doing anything.

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    He always thinks because I'm reading, I'm not doing anything. There is no greater plague to an introvert than the extroverted.

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    I wanted Red Rising to be the Cave from the Republic. The dark cradle in which you see shadows on the wall and you think you know existence. Then they get out of the cave, and shit look at those space ships and the feuds and the size of everything. It's hard to come right out and introduce people to a Space Opera. I wanted to lull them into one

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    I see why Demokracy is illegal. First comes yelling. Frustration. Indecision. Disagreements. Ideas.

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    I stand over them and cock my head. 'Is this the first time you've lost at something?' No answer. I frown. 'Well, that must be embarrassing.'

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    I do not sing. I am made for other things. My death is senseless. It is love

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    I live for the dream that my children will be born free. That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them.' 'I live for you,' I say sadly. She kisses my cheek. 'Then you must live for more.

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    My chair rolls to a stop. his voice cut short, followed by a thump and sliding sound. My wheelchair rolls forward again. I look back and see Ragnar pushing it innocently along. Sevro isn't in the hallway behind us. I frown, wondering where he went, till he bursts out of a side passage. "You! Troll!" Sevro shouts. "I'm a terrorist warlord! Stop throwing me. You made me drop my candy!" Sevro looks at the floor of the hallway. "Wait. Where is it? Dammit, Ragnar. Where is my peanut bar? You know how many people I had to kill to get that? Six! Six!" Ragnar chews quietly above me, and though I'm probably mistaken, I think I see him smile.

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    Manners, manners, then burn their bloodydamn house to the ground.

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    Manners, manners, then burnt their bloodydamn house to the ground.

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    Omnis vir lupus.

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    None of the billion lowReds beneath Mars would be happy if they knew what the highReds knew - that they are slaves. So is it not better to lie?" "It is better to not make slaves.

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    That is the point of all this. To make you terrified of a world where you do not rule. Security and justice aren't given. They are made by the strong.

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    Personally, I do not want to make you a man. Men are so very frail. Men break. Men die. No, I've always wished to make a god.' He smiles mischievously as he does some sketches on a digital pad. He spins it around and shows me the killer I will become. 'So why not carve you to be the god of war?

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    This is a trap I cannot ride away from. I guess there are those times in life. It's like staring at the ground as you fall from a height. Seeing the end coming doesn't mean you can dodge it, fix it, stop it.

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    They pushed and pushed for so long. They knew I was something dangerous, something different. Sooner or later, they had to know I would snap and come to cut them down. Or perhaps they think I'm still a child. The fools. Alexander was a child when he ruined his first nation.

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    The Gray soldiers prowl the cities ensuring order, ensuring obedience to the hierarchy. The Whites arbitrate their justice and push their philosophy. Pinks pleasure and serve in highColor homes. Silvers count and manipulate currency and logistics. Yellows study the medicines and sciences. Greens develop technology. Blues navigate the stars. Coppers run the beauracracy. Every Color has a purpose. Every Color props up the Golds.

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    Wir kämpfen nicht für die Toten. Wir kämpfen für die Lebenden. Und für die, die noch gar nicht geboren sind. Für eine Chance, Kinder zu haben.

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    We are not our station in life. We are us--the sum of what we've done, what we want to do, and the people who we keep close.

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    What is pride without honor? What is honor without truth? Honor is not what you say. It is not what you read. Honor is what you do.

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    You tell anyone I cried, I'll find a dead fish, put it in a sock, hide it in your room, and let it putrefy." "Fair enough.

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    You have made me give up the hair Father gave me, the eyes Mother left me, the Color I was born to, so I will keep the name they granted me, and you can make it work.

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    ... You have to pull the feet to break the neck. They let the loved ones do it.

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    You are the wolf that howls and bites. i am the mustang that nuzzles the hand People know they can work with me. With you? Hell, kill or be killed.

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    You do not follow me because I am the strongest. Pax is. You do not follow me because I am the brightest. Mustang is. You follow me because you do not know where you are going. I do.