Best 37 quotes in «logan quotes» category

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    You can't help what you feel." "I can try harder to feel something different.

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    When you adapt to someone, they become a part of your routine, a part of you. And when they’re taken away, you feel a bit lost. No matter how much you think it won’t affect your life, it does.

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    Without a response, I just stand there like an idiot. Like she just slapped my brain out of my skull and I can’t think.

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    You didn't judge my past. That's when I knew I couldn't turn away from you even if I tried...

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    You're crazy,' I say. 'Aye,' Logan says. 'Crazy about you.

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    You know how there’s that one person who stumbles into your life and you instantly have a connection with them? Someone who’s a genuinely good person. Someone you just know you can build a great bond with, and it doesn’t have to be in a romantic way either. It can be with someone you have no attraction to whatsoever, you just instantly recognize something in them and they in you. Like in another realm, in another life, you were meant to be together in some way. Whether with a mother, daughter, sibling, best friend, or romantic partner, it’s a strong, unexplainable connection between two individuals

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    You're beautiful, Jenna. i'm a man and I'm afraid to admit when I'm lucky enough to look at someone as beautiful as you.

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    Your wish can't stop inevitability" "Maybe it can. Maybe if I love you hard enough, the rest of the world with disappear." "Little Raven, I would not want the world to disappear. You are my world, so stay right where you are.

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    Glancing at the bottle of tequila in Tate’s hand, Logan questioned much more calmly than he felt, “How full was that?” Tate lifted the quarter-empty bottle and shrugged. “Unopened. Why?

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    All right.” Lucy shouldered her way to my side and made a waving motion as if they were annoying flies. “Shoo!” She narrowed her eyes. “I said shoo.” They dispersed, mostly startled into moving. Only Logan remained, leaning casually against the wall. “Darling, I’m not some insect to be chased away.” “Darling?” She snorted amiably. “You’re not ninety years old, either.” He straightened. “I’m charming,” he informed her. “And women like endearments.

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    Fuck this," Logan bit out before he shoved past the older Strattan. He started down the hallway and I went right after him. We weren't getting answers, not the ones we wanted. We'd find her ourselves.

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    Where's Lucy?" I asked the others. "At the farmhouse," Nicholas said with grim satisfaction. "How'd you manage that?" "She's in a closet." Solange rolled her eyes. I stared at Nicholas. "You locked your girlfriend in a closet? Smooth." "She's going to eviscerate him," Quinn said cheerfully.

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    Bullshit. You lied to me every single day. Were the nights a lie too? Am I just like all those other girls? Maybe I'd be better off with a new owner, at least I know when he fucks me I will hate him. Not like you. You made me love you then you wrecked me with it. Then you gave me back piece by piece every night only to take it all away over again in the morning.

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    Can you sharpen this for me, please?” Logan leaned across the table and took the pencil from him. “You want me to play with your pencil, Tate?” “Hilarious. The sharpener is right by you. You just have to pick it up and slide it in.” As soon as the words left his mouth and Logan’s quirked into an arrogant line, Tate bit his tongue. “Really? Did you really just say that to me?” Feeling more comfortable than ever with Logan and this group, Tate shrugged and nodded. Time to give it to Logan as good as he gives. “Yeah. Is there a problem? You just line it up...and slide it in.” “You know, Tate—” “Don't do it.” Tate cut him off as he moved his foot, the one he’d had sitting between Logan’s feet all night, so his shin bumped Logan’s calf. “Do what?” “Say something dirty. I know you're dying to, but just sharpen the pencil.” Logan picked up the sharpener and made a big show of inserting the tip in the hole. “Jesus,” Shelly muttered from beside Logan. “I thought Rachel and Cole were bad.

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    Depression is evil. Before you know it, it takes over and there's no escaping it.

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    Dipping his hand between the denim he’d parted, Logan thought he would feel cotton, but as his fingers brushed over wiry hair, he groaned out loud. “Commando? You came to see me fucking commando?

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    He put his hand on a waist-high bit of wall, and a chunk of stone immediately shook loose. It landed on his boot, crushing his great toe. Logan kicked it aside and ground out a curse. He turned in time to see Rabbie extending an open palm in Callum's direction. "I'll take my payment now." Callum resentfully dug a coin from his sporran and placed it in Rabbie's hand. Logan had had enough of their mysterious chatter. "Explain yourselves." "I'm just settling a wager with Callum," Rabbie said. "What kind of bet?" he demanded. "As to whether you bedded your wee little English bride on the wedding night." Rabbie grinned. "I said no. I won." Damn. Was his frustration that obvious? Logan thought of the way he'd just cursed at a rock. Yes, it probably was.

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    He smirked. "It's my wolf.He's trying to claw through my skin to get to you." She shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "I don't believe that for a second. Your wolf is a sweetheart." He could picture his wolf preening and grinning like an idiot at her compliment.

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    I also wanted you to realize that even though the pain will always be there, I’m living proof you can get past this. Right now I know it feels impossible, but one day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come.

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    I don't know what this feeling is... I only know that I feel safe in your arms. My heart races every time I see you, I can't catch my breath when I'm around you, and I'm on fire whenever you touch me...

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    I'd never have fucked you if you didn't want it. Never. When we were together... Eme that was just me and you. No one else. I was scared there too and I needed you.

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    If you’re looking for fast driving there’s a dragway in the southwestern part of the county. It opens next week.” “Do you race there?” he asks. “Yes.” And I plan on spending a lot of time there over the next six weeks. “Isaiah.” Beth attempts to step in between us, but Logan angles himself so that she can’t. “That’s not why I brought him here.” An insane glint strikes the guy’s eyes and all of a sudden, I feel a connection to him. A twitch of his lips shows he might be my kind of crazy. “How fast do the cars there go?” “Some guys hit speeds of 120 mph in an eighth mile.” “No!” Beth stomps her foot. “No. I promised Ryan nothing crazy would happen. Logan, this is not why I brought you here.” “Have you hit those speeds?” He swats his hand at Beth as if she’s a fly, earning my respect. Most guys would be terrified of having their balls ripped off and handed to them for dismissing Beth like that. “Not driving my car, I haven’t,” I answer honestly. But I hope to with Rachel’s car, and with mine, after a few modifications. “Speed can be bought. Just depends on how much you want to spend.” Logan offers his hand. “I’m Logan.” “Isaiah,” I say as we shake. “Shit,” mumbles Beth.

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    I want you. All of you—the good, the bad, the pain, the anger. If you’re walking through hell, I’m holding your hand the whole way through. If the fires in our lives keep rising, we’ll burn as one. You’re it for me, Logan. Yesterday, today, tomorrow—I’m yours. You’re my eternal flame.

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    It's morning now, and I miss the soft rasp of her voice already. Ugh. I'm in trouble, aren't I?

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    Logan lowers his head close to mine. 'Just know this, Ivy Calhhoun,' he begins. 'If I werena a ghost I would open all door for you, properly.

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    Logan folded his arms. His voice was granite."My word stands." "Can you love an idea more than you love a man and not become a monster? How many friends will you sacrifice on the altar of Justice, Logan?" "If you force my hand, at least one." They were standing on a precipice. Socially, Logan had always been Kylar's superior. Morally, Kylar had always felt inferior, too. But they'd never been placed in a direct hierarchical relation. Now Logan was giving an order. He would not be moved. Kylar could only accept his order and accept all his orders henceforth, or reject it and them forever. There was a part of him that yearned to obey. He was convinced that killing Terah was the right thing, but Logan's moral compass was a more accurate instrument than Kylar's. What was it about submission that was so hard? Kylar wasn't being asked for blind servility. He was being asked to obey a man he knew and loved and respected, who in turn respected him. 'The wolfhound is pampered by the fire. The wolf is hunted in the cold.' "Do you know how much I love you, Logan?" Kylar asked. Logan opened his mouth, but before he could say a word, Kylar said, "This much." And left.

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    Listen, sweetie, love isn’t easy. Love is an endless act of forgiving each other…it truly is. It’s not always a fairy tale but when you find that you want to be with that person…despite everything…that’s when it is…without question…true love.

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    Love is not control, Logan. Love is partnership. Friendship. A wise man once said, 'If you want to be loved, be lovable.

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    My world's not worth saving without you.

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    Of course Mason and Logan followed me where I went.

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    Please don't talk to me like I'm crazy. I've been accused of personality disorders enough this week, thanks. You know I've slept with girls before and didn't get attached.

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    Special Logan Kiss... Yeah, but you didn't know that I'd recited how i felt for you right then, in that moment, in my mins. The words flowed silently, so easily. There's no mistaking them. When I gave you those kisses, I was telling myself and you.... He peck my nose "I..." He kisses my forehead "..LOVE.." My heart swells as He presses his lips to my chin, then he whispers " YOU...

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    That's right. Watch closely, so there's no fucking way you can miss how indisputably beautiful you are, because I don't intend to argue about this again. The next time I tell you you're gorgeous, you're going to say, 'Damn right I am.

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    That’s probably the most sincere thing that I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.” Logan lowered his eyes to Tate’s hand. “Now, that’s not true. I was very sincere this morning when I told you that I loved sucking your—” “Don’t ruin it,” Tate interrupted.

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    The point is, Jenna, no one is normal or perfect like that house you see across the street. Everyone suffers from their own struggles, whether they’re big or small.

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    The morning I drove by and saw you alone, staring at the house. I told myself to keep on driving, but something told me to stop. And when I'd seen how lost and confused you were, something told me I was meant to be there.... I was meant to be there so I could help you find your way

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    Very possibly this was the night my white-knight complex, as Solange put it, would get me killed. Someone had better write a poem about it. It was only fair.