Best 35 quotes in «insipirational quotes» category

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    A Pause tends the existence of any definition to its end.

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    A man can make a son but a true man would be a father. A lady can have a child, but a real mother raises the child.

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    Apakah ada di dunia ini seorang politikus dengan hati mulia dan niat lurus? Apakah masih ada seorang Gandhi? Seorang Nelson Mandela? Yang berteriak tentang moralitas di depan banyak orang,lantas semua orang berdiri rapat di belakangnya, rela mati mendukung semua prinsip itu terwujud? Apakah masih ada?

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    ..and even after knowing the truths, our hearts love to believe the lies

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    A single strong Belief can pierce all your doubts

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    A woman is just like a dream at times, sometimes better than a dream, she's real.

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    ❤️️Belief is a precious thing...Do not waste it on everyone...❤️️

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    Beauty lies in one’s heart and sex lies in one mind. It all depends on where your belief lies.

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    Dnt Think About Past , THat It Was Better Than Present , Always Think About Future, to Make It Better Than Past ....

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    Be such that people get to know of you as you are rather than comparing to others.

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    Disobedience is a sure recipe for disaster, picking up the pieces is even harder

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    Exister dans ce monde, c'était se déchaîner. La vie, c'était la puissance de se déchaîner sans être retenu par aucune morale. Sans être restreint, contrôlé, réprimé. Une force qui débordait, qui se démultipliait, et qui continuait à marquer le rythme. La vie, c'était une vitesse que personne ne pouvait limiter.

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    Emotions must not be part of the decision process: decisions must clinical and well calculated

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    Easy and difficult things are juat small parts of life, the rest are what have to be done.

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    Is what I did really so much worse than what anybody else does? Is it really so much worse than what you do? Think about it.

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    Going pro isn't hard, you just have to decide whether you want to or not. -RK-

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    If the world was perfect and smooth we would want to pay everything for cash and never need to get loans. But having any other loans apart from school loan and a mortgage is a huge mistake, these are the only loans which can give you tax breaks and an opportunity to use your monthly cash flow to invest or build savings

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    It isn't necessary that two good people can capable of spending good memories with eachother----Really a Quite Interesting Fact of Life

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    its better to get hurt now than to get hurt later.

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    -Mereces mucho más que caridad -dice, con el pecho agitado-. Mereces vivir. Mereces estar viva -Me mira sin parpadear-. Vuelve a la vida, amor. Estaré aquí cuando despiertes.

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    Nimewapa watoto wangu kila kitu katika maisha isipokuwa umaskini. Lakini bado wamenishinda.

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    Happiness will teach you to live your life and pain will tell you the way.

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    If you want to go to high you need to do struggle,

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    Many of our fears are tissue paper thin, and a single courageous step would carry us clear through them.

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    O man ! Do and Do something otherwise thou will have the only deposit of Zilch with thee.

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    Number of times I was advocated by the people around me to transform my assertiveness. And I don’t know how should I make them apprehend that It’s my life, my temperament, my existences, even my discourse.- All this is a amalgamation of the books I choose to read, the folks I choose to listen to, and the contemplations I choose to bear in my observance.

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    The shade melted away as the sun climbed into its zenith. All colors were now covered in stone dust. The only vigorous activity came from the bushes, where cicada songs pulsed like alien hearts.

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    The reason why you can't is because you never tried

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    Things are changing, but this time I'm not afraid. This time I know who I am. This time I've made the right choice and fighting for the right team. I feel safe. Confident

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    Ukiwapa watoto wako uhuru wa shaghalabaghala au uhuru wa kila kitu watajisahau! Wape uhuru wa mahesabu.

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    Wape watoto wako urithi wa kutosha ili waweze kufanya kitu, lakini si urithi wa kutosha ili wasiweze kufanya kitu. Wape watoto uhuru wanaostahili kupata, uhuru wa mahesabu, lakini si uhuru wa kila kitu.

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    We talk a lot here about grit and self-control. The kids know what those words mean

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    You must find Solid Ground to take flight.

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    Those moments when everyone who used to give you a call to wish you a lovely day can't do it coz they know it's not necessary,even if they do,are you gonna tell them to come for a party?i mean,you don't even have enough to take you through the next day and why would they want to get involved in such a messed kind of life.they all give up on you,you don't blame them though,whatever they were after was money.

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    You know a book is well-written when it makes you read it over and over again, and in every time you enjoy the events, interact with the conflict, and continue to the ending. It teaches you new lessons every time and uplifts your spirit, reminding you with needed humanitarian feelings.