Best 4 quotes in «and then there were none quotes» category

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    Do you mind?’ He inquired politely as he lowered himself into the chair. ‘Do I mind what?’ She examined his ears as if they were curious phenomena. ‘Rabies, dogs, aged relatives or standing around in the rain?’ ‘Do you mind me sitting here?’ ‘I can please myself whether or not I endure it. That’s freedom, isn’t it?

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    And then split his own cranium in half. I would like to see you do that yourself Blore. It would take some practice.

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    Do you like sitting here looking out to the sea?" - Vera E. Claythorne

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    You should have seen the coachload I looked over. There was a mortician wearing odd shoes, one brown, one yellow. And a moon-faced gump sporting a hat made from the skin of a barber's pole, all stripy. Only thing missing was his bubble pipe - and probably he'll be given that where he was going." - Colonel Sheldon "Where was he going?" -Ambassador "I don't know, your excellency. They refused to say." -Sheldon "Well, that is a valuable addition to the sum total of our knowledge. Our minds are now enriched by the thought that an anonymous individual may be presented with a futile object for an indefinable purpose when he reaches his unknown destination." -Ambassador