Best 18 quotes in «cocktail quotes» category

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    Can I fetch you something, madam? A cup of tea?’ In the old days she’d have been ‘miss’ and he’d have offered her a cocktail.

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    By drinking, a boy acts like a man. After drinking, many a man acts like a boy.

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    Mahol sahi ho to jo nasha whiskey ke glass me paani peene se kahin hota hai Woh darr ke mare paani ke glass me whiskey dal kar nahi hota hai!

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    I like the organza tiebacks. They're pretty and ethereal." "Lovely. I think those are the ones." "Me, too. And hey, can we invent a signature cocktail for the wedding, using honey?" "I'm working on one made with honey syrup, apple juice and calvados. Garnished with an apple slice, of course.

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    Cranberry cock-tail for me, you dirty carpet-muncher.

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    He bent over the back of sofa inside my apartment and removed my panties. With his Teeth. With his mother-loving teeth! I can't even! Romance novels, schmomance novels, here's how Wallbanger does it

    • cocktail quotes
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    How are you going to forget him if you keep talking about him? Darling, when things go wrong in life, this is what you do. You lift your chin, put on a ravishing smile, mix yourself a little cocktail... and out you go.

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    If the ambiance is right, you'll get your high on a mocktail in a cocktail glass, as it is a guilt-free drink.

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    Introverts don’t see life as one big cocktail party. We’re content with just a few meaningful relationships.

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    I've got it! Shecret Shauce! We can bottle it and sell it at farmers' markets or on the Internet!" We both laugh at her, but then Anne's face grows thoughtful. "It was pretty good stuff," she says. "Hey, Eleanor, what would happen if we blended it, so no one knew it was fruit cocktail? Then we wouldn't even have to give away the shecret." I get up and walk to Benny's cupboard, pull out ingredients: vegetable oil, soy sauce, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and one can of fruit cocktail. The only thing I can blend it in is Benny's old Osterizer, which actually works better than any appliance I've got. The finished product is a beautiful peach color, silky in texture, and tastes almost perfect. "All it needs is a bit of sweet chili sauce to perk it up," I say. "Here, taste." Who knows? A family dynasty might have been born from the ashes of our fathers.

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    The Fiddle Creek Steakhouse [in Stephenville, TX] started selling what they called an 'Alien Secretion' shot: ¾ shot of Malibu rum, ¾ shot of melon or Midori liqueur, ½ ounce of sweet and sour mix, ½ ounce of pineapple juice.

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    Servers moved among the guests with trays of hors d'oeuvres and the signature cocktail, champagne with a honey infused liqueur and a delicate spiral twist of lemon. The banquet was bursting with color and flavor- flower-sprinkled salads, savory chili roasted salmon, honey glazed ribs, just-harvested sweet corn, lush tomatoes and berries, artisan cheeses. Everything had been harvested within a fifty-mile radius of Bella Vista. The cake was exactly what Tess had requested, a gorgeous tower of sweetness. Tess offered a gracious speech as she and Dominic cut the first slices. "I've come a long way from the city girl who subsisted on Red Bull and microwave burritos," she said. "There's quite a list of people to thank for that- my wonderful mother, my grandfather and my beautiful sister who created this place of celebration. Most of all, I'm grateful to Dominic." She turned to him, offering the first piece on a yellow china plate. "You're my heart, and there is no sweeter feeling than the love we share. Not even this cake. Wait, that might be overstating it. Everyone, be sure you taste this cake. It's one of Isabel's best recipes.

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    She raised her middle finger to their smiles. She downed vodkas and cocktails and stumbled through the crowds and the streets, occasionally stretching up to touch a star in the black ice cap of the sky, shaking her hand and blowing on her fingers when it burnt her.

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    There are no doubts that the medical profession is heavily influenced by drug corporations to put you on a toxic cocktail of expensive prescription drugs.

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    Your doctors have the ability to legally kill you with a cocktail of potent prescription drugs.

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    Mix ingredients. Close bottle with a cork and fix cloth rags around the mouth. Soak rag in kerosene immediately before use. Light and enjoy!

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    What is so unique about coaching female business executives is the fact they approach taking executive business decisions the same way they approach matching two pieces of cloths they will wear going to a cocktail party or to a classic concert . To my surprise this turned to be something that teaches me deeper business dimensions male executives are not privileged with.

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    When you can’t handle the heady concoction of wine and women, it’s time to pack up your bags and quit.