Best 1347 quotes in «natural quotes» category

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    This is England," he explained. "Tell someone it's a procedure, and they'll believe you. The pointless procedure is one of our great natural resources.

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    This is the Zen approach: nothing is there to be done. There is nothing to do. One has just to be. Have a rest and be ordinary and be natural.

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    This is what I think now: that the natural state of the sentient adult is a qualified unhappiness.

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    This place is too calm, too natural--too complete. I don't deserve it. At least not yet.

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    This world is too peaceful, too acquiescent, too tame. It is a circumcised world. Nay! - a castrated world! It must be made fiercer, before it can become grander and better and - more natural.

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    Throwing a ball is not natural, whether it's overhand or underhand.

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    Thus the right of nullification meant by Mr. Jefferson is the natural right, which all admit to be a remedy against insupportable oppression.

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    To be ethical is to endeavor to find one's proper place in the larger scheme of things rather than to seek to assert human superiority over the natural world.

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    To be in circumstances that are working upon us, that from time to time place us in front of great natural Things - that is all we need.

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    To bend and prostrate oneself to express sentiments of respect, appears to be a natural motion.

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    To be of few words is natural.

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    To be natural means to dare to be as immoral as Nature is.

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    To conquer nature is, in effect, to remove all natural barriers and human norms and to substitute artificial, fabricated equivalents for natural processes.

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    Toleration in religion was one of the great rights of man, and a man ought never to be deprived of what was his natural right.

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    To experience sublime natural beauty is to confront the total inadequacy of language to describe what you see. Words cannot convey the scale of a view that is so stunning it is felt.

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    Toil and pleasure, dissimilar in nature, are nevertheless united by a certain natural bond.

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    To me, playing an instrument and singing, all of these different things are just as natural to me as rhyming.

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    Tonality is a natural force, like gravity.

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    To the solid ground Of nature trusts the Mind that builds for aye.

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    To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.

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    To say a thing is natural is to condone it, never to praise it.

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    To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behavior is to render them powerless.

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    Transformation comes in a lot of different forms, but going natural really helped me love myself.

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    Trait X is fitter than trait Y in a population of organisms if those organisms have other biological traits T and live in an environment that has properties E. The theory of natural selection is filled with statements of this form.

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    Trees are, after all, our largest and oldest living things. They are Australia's natural, national treasures - the true Elders of our vast continent.

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    Trees ask us to examine how we live in the natural world, with one another, and intrapersonally.

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    Trance is a natural everyday experience.

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    Turkey's relations with its immediate neighbors are improving. They were pretty bad for a long time - with Syria they were abominable, and with Iran they were pretty bad. In both cases Turkey sees potential for trade, especially with Iran, where it gets a lot of natural gas. In good times Iran and Turkey find mutually profitable objects of exchange, but with Syria things have been very bad; Syria doesn't have much money and never will.

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    Truth can be found by a process of eliminating wrong thoughts, which are thoughts of limitation. When all thoughts of limitation are eliminated, what remains is our natural, unlimited, Self.

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    Upon discovering truth, the natural love one has for oneself expands until it encompasses the whole world. This Love removes the ego.

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    Unfortunately, failure enjoys a natural advantage. Wrong answers to any problem outnumber right ones by a wide margin, and it seems that it will always be easier to break things than to fix them.

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    Unless man have a natural bent in accordance with nature's, he has no chance of understanding nature at all.

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    Unto a life which I call natural I would gladly follow even a will-o'-the-wisp through bogs and sloughs unimaginable, but no moonnor firefly has shown me the causeway to it.

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    Verse should be as natural As the small tuber that feeds on muck And grows slowly from obtuse soil To the white flower of immortal beauty

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    Vanity is a natural object of temptation to a woman.

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    Vietnam is absolutely breathtaking. I've never been to that part of the world before and it is an area of such natural beauty.

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    Visual surprise is natural in the Caribbean; it comes with the landscape, and faced with its beauty, the sigh of History dissolves.

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    Virtue is the health, true state, natural complexion of the Soul.

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    Was there ever any domination that did not appear natural to those who possessed it?

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    War zones are dangerous, protests can be violent, also, natural disasters are difficult to cover, so there are going to be risks.

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    We all have supernatural powers, but have not been educated on how to use them. That is why they are called SUPER-NATURAL. They are already super NATURAL to US!

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    We call those works of art concrete that came into being on the basis of their inherent resources and rules - without external borrowing from natural phenomena, without transforming those phenomena, in other words: not by abstraction.

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    We all share in the same cosmic rhythm... For all natural laws are like the rhythm of the strings of the harp.

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    We are built to live in the kingdom of God. It is our natural habitat.

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    We are not responsible for our endowments or natural abilities, but we are responsible for the strategic use of time.

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    We all often feel like we are pulling teeth, even those writers whose prose ends up being the most natural and fluid. The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time.

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    We are all victimized by the natural perversity of inanimate objects...and the assorted human beings who perpetuate and maintain this perversity.

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    We are born to give; even though we are indoctrinated throughout our lives differently this simply is not what science tells us. It does seem that our natural state is to help others so I guess our goal is to find that natural state within ourselves.

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    We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.

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    We don't often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural consequence.