Best 287 quotes in «bob quotes» category

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    My hair-- bob it!

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    It’s boring.” “Oh,” I said. I rubbed at my jaw. “You think I should have gone four-color?” Bob stared at me for a second and said, “I have nightmares about Hell, where all I do is add up numbers and try to have conversations with people like you.” I glowered up at the skull and nodded. “Okay, fine. You think it needs more drama.” “More anything. Drama would do. Or breasts.” I sighed and saw where that line of thought was going. “I am not going to hire a leggy secretary, Bob. Get over it.” “I didn’t say anything about legs. But as long as we’re on the subject . . .

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    Mac raised his hand. “Once I could only find one of my socks,” he said. “Man, I looked everywhere for it! Under the bed, in the bathroom. You’ll never guess where I finally found it.” “In the refrigerator,” said Bob. Mac’s mouth dropped open. “How’d you know?” Bob shrugged. “Where else?

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    20 years ago, when Bob Bly starting teaching copywriting, the field was deeply shrouded in mystery. Now, thanks to Bob, learning copywriting, though still a tricky proposition, is much easier.

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    You're supposed to be a spirit of intellect. I don't understand why you're obsessed with sex." Bob's voice got defensive. "It's an academic interest, Harry." "Oh yeah? Well maybe I don't think it's fair to let your academia go peeping in other people's houses." "Wait a minute. My academia doesn't just peep -" I held up a hand. "Save it. I don't want to hear it." He grunted. "You're trivializing what getting out for a bit means to me, Harry. You're insulting my masculinity." "Bob," I said, "you're a skull . You don't have any masculinity to insult." "Oh yeah?" Bob challenged me. "Pot kettle black, Harry! Have you gotten a date yet? Huh? Most men have something better to do in the middle of the night than play with their chemistry sets.

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    A lot of my music is very reggae- driven. Half of my life Bob Marley was all I listened to.

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    All of the [Bob] Fosse-esque movements and point of view informed years and years of what I would do.

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    And then it was working with Bob Hoskins, who I had never worked with before - except radio. It was like being given a wonderful meal - full of the things you love most.

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    And you don't want to just totally mess up the rhythm when you're playing with Bob Dylan.

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    As a kid I said 'Bob Costas went to Syracuse, I'm going to Syracuse'

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    And I don't expect anyone can bring about a revolution in the way that Bob Dylan did - and really didn't - in the 1960s.

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    At 25, I was in the audience of my first professional speaker, Bob Bales. His presentation got my attention. I had never seen anyone having so much fun 'at work' and getting paid for it!

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    Back seat drivers don’t know the feel of the wheel but they sho’ know how to make a fuss" Bob Dylan/Bonnie Raitt, “Let’s Keep It Between Us,” 1982

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    [Allied] got the attention of (director) Bob Zemeckis and Marion Cotillard. I'm glad I waited. If it had been made 15 years before, who knows how it would have looked, but it's got the best possible cast, director and everything. It's been fantastic. It was worth waiting.

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    Besides Bob Satterfield, the only ones who ever hurt me were my ex-wives.

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    Bill Clinton, Mr. Bob Dole, You too old to understand tha way tha game is told.

    • bob quotes
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    Bob arum is Manny Pacquiao's boss, Floyd Mayweather is his own boss.

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    Bill Charlap and I recorded a tune that Jack [Montrose] wrote and had brought to a date with Bob that was untitled. Bob [Gordon] really loved it and asked if he would mind if they dedicated it to Sue and call it "For Sue.

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    Bob Arum and Don King can do their thing but if I fought for those guys and they put the money up like they are supposed to then I don't have a problem.

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    Bob Dylan had been a big sort of presence in my life but I'd never quite registered what he was trying to tell me. He was always this kind of figure, a sort of bear-like figure in the corner of the room. You know, every time I imagined what Bob Dylan looked like, he looked a bit like Steve Earl used to look - with the beard.

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    Bob Corker was not the inside man that, certainly, Senator [Jeff] Sessions was. And he doesn`t telegraph what`s going on. He`s been much more discreet about that.

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    [Bob] Dylan crashed his motorcycle in 1967, and almost died. A few years ago, he referred to the experience as a "transfiguration.

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    Bob Dylan impresses me about as much as... well, I was gonna say a slug but I like slugs.

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    [Bob Dylan] is a preacher but also a sinner; a poet but also a pitchman; authentic all-American but also invented persona.

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    Bob Dylan has a way with words that simply blows me away. When he forgets his lyrics he just makes up new ones on the spot, that is what I called talented!

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    Bob Dylan, Nobel laureate. A new fact so shocking that even the year's most notable deaths have not outdone it for the volume (in both senses) of instant reaction; so divisive, it makes Brexit, the Labour leadership and the US Presidential election seem lesser ruptures.

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    Bob Dylan is as influential as any artist that there has been.

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    Bob Dylan is one of the very few people in the history of popular music who you can unquestionably apply that word [genius] to.

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    Bob Dylan truly is a poet whose song is part of the poetry.

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    Bob Dylan was uncomfortable being known as just a protest singer.  He wanted to go back into himself and do what he wanted to do when he wanted to do it.

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    Bob Altman got nothing from the TV series 'M*A*S*H,' and the royalties for the theme song went to his oldest son, Michael, who wrote it as a 15-year-old poet!

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    Bob Brannum was my body guard on the court. He was 6'-6 and built like a bulldog.

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    [Bob] Dylan is a contemporary Don Quixote, at once besotted by the promise of America and yet also undermining it.

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    Bob Dylan is out of the mentorship of Allen Ginsberg.

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    Bob Dylan is the Jew of all time.

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    Bob Dylan tells interviewers what he wants to tell them, not what they necessarily want to know. His responses are really part of the art, and often have a relationship to the songs that have just come out or are about to come out.

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    Bob Dylan tends not to have geographical or chronological markers that tie a song to any specific context, so they stay alive, stay relevant.

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    [Bob Dylan] was rarely tender and seldom reached out to anticipate another's needs.

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    Bob Hope has a beautiful short game. Unfortunately, it's off the tee.

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    Bob Altman had this relaxed but serious attitude. Everybody loved him. I wanted him to adopt me.

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    Bob Dylan has always sealed his decisions with the unexplainable. His motives for withholding the release of the magnificent 'Basement Tapes' will be as forever obscure as Brian Wilson's reasons for the destruction of the tapes for 'Smile.'

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    Bob Dylan is quite a songwriter, and a great singer and musician. I won't bother with comparing myself to him, but I will say that I heard his records at a very young age and I still listen to all his records.

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    [Bob] Dylan, like Johnny Cash and only a handful of others, simultaneously embodies the American dream and the harsh wake-up call that comes after it.

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    [Bob] Dylan may, for whatever reasons of his own, do nothing of the sort with the Nobel committee. Up there on Parnassus, that is his unquestionable prerogative. But here on my anthill, it's mine to say: oh, do piss off, you ineffable snobs.

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    Bob Dylan said, "The executioner's face is always well-hidden". That's the problem: The cross pulls that hood off.

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    Bob Dylan's Christianity has been allusive, idiosyncratic, and never the sort to place him on anyone's side in any Kulturkampf.

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    [Bob] Dylan began to incorporate things into that scene that were controversial then. He got shouted at in Newport when he played electric guitar, for instance. There was a certain purity that was sought among those people.

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    Bob Dylan started out as a folk rip- off but he quickly ran with complex influences and it ended up to be his own sound.

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    [Bob] Dylan thus deserves the Nobel Prize, not just for "new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition," as the Nobel committee aptly described his work, but also for embodying the contradictions within it.

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    Bob has never written a bad song. Bob Dylan is a genius.