Best 97 quotes of Kesha on MyQuotes


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    A friend of mine has a big farm in the desert, and she picks up feathers and roadkill for me, then makes it into clothes. I think it's cool to wear roadkill. If I died and somebody wanted to wear my teeth around their neck to VMAs, I'd feel honored.

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    All men that date me have to know that their name may end up in a pop song.

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    Eventually, I would love to be on my deathbed and looked at as an icon. Right now I'm still at the baby stages of my career. But that is the goal.

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    Everything I write is based on something I've personally experienced, or things that my friends have experienced that I just find horribly entertaining.

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    Every weird thing about you is beautiful and makes life interesting.

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    Glitter is my makeup of choice.

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    Go insane go insane, throw some glitter, make it rain...!

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    I am a huge fan of the transgender community.

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    I am leading a war against the British Empire. I'm not worried about what Democratic Party hacks say or do.

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    I am so not a proper, good female. I can't dance in high heels and I'm just so not girly, but then I see these men with these banging bodies, dancing in heels, singing, and having so much fun with so much make-up on. That makes me honestly want to be a better woman.

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    I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that's all you're going to get back.

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    I can't walk in high heels, never mind dance in them.

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    I could party in a cardboard box with people who are funny and don't care. For me, it's really about who I surround myself with, so I just try to always be with hilarious people.

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    I definitely think women are running it right now. We are not afraid to speak our minds. It's exciting because that's what I stand for, for people to be irreverent and to be themselves.

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    I do feel like there are the pop stars of the world and then I'm like their dirty little sister, running around with sh*t on my face in combat boots because I can't walk in heels.

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    I do have a stylist who helps me shop, because I don't have time to shop.

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    I do love country music.

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    I don’t even think of myself as a quote, unquote star - that’s really douchey. I think of myself as just like . . . a dance commander.

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    I don't even think of myself as a quote, unquote star - that's really douchey. I think of myself as just like . . . a dance commander. You have to have dance parties all day and night, and you always have to be excited about having a dance party. You have to have a dance party in Milan one day, and then wake up and have a dance party at, like, four in the morning on national television in L.A. the next day. The hours are insane.

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    I don’t love just men. I love people. It’s not about a gender. It’s just about the spirit that exudes from that other person you’re with.

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    I don't really plan what comes out of my mouth, and that's what makes most of my lyrics entertaining.

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    I don't want young people to think they can't make a difference because they don't have money.

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    I don't wear a lot of high heels.

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    I do think I have a rebellious, metal-loving rock chick inside of me.

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    I embrace the imperfections and celebrate them.

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    I feel like my music stands for the ultimate statement of irreverence.

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    If you listen to my record, I'm just honest about stupid stuff most normal people wouldn't put in a pop song.

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    I grew up in the Bible Belt and I made my own clothes and dyed my hair purple. Nobody ever knew what to do with me.

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    I grew up with nothing - I remember sometimes not having shoes.

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    I have a belief that if I wear my placenta in a necklace, there’s a possibility of me gaining second sight - like being psychic. I would be wearing it whether or not I was in the public eye.

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    I haven't bought anything excessive. I do plan on buying an island and filling it with baby tigers, though.

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    I hope to bring much more attention to important issues and change for issues and practices that are harming animals.

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    I just like playing with makeup and clothes - so I really don't feel like there are rules, and if there are rules, then I think it's up to you to break them.

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    I just love animals, and I'm an advocate for animals rights, and my family has rescued dogs from all over the world. I don't believe in animal testing. If you see me in fur, it's always fake. Sometimes you see me wearing skulls, but those are all from roadkill

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    I just think that gay men have much better taste than any straight man I have met. I have never gotten any grief about having a good time, being unapologetic, and irreverent from a gay man.

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    I know that I can sing. That's the reason I started playing music when I was twelve years old.

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    I know that I have balls. I have bigger balls than a lot of the men that I meet. I'm just a ballsy motherf - ker. I'm not afraid of pushing boundaries. That's what you have to do to become an icon.

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    I listen to a lot of rap where men talk a certain way about women and I'm not offended. It's meant to be funny. I'm throwing it right back at them with humor, but some people can't take it. They're not used to women talking back.

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    I love country music, blues, and punk, and one day I might make those kinds of records.

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    I love creepy old dudes. I love that they have so much self-confidence, despite having no evidence whatsoever to back it up.

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    I love wearing the exact same thing all the time because I think it makes you like a cartoon character. They always wear the same outfit and everybody always remembers them for it, so I feel like I should do the same thing.

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    I'm a singer and a writer first. I started to rap by accident, being playful.

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    I'm just honest about the things I believe in. For instance, I went to a past-life regressionist, and he told me that in my past life I was assassinated. I'm pretty sure that I was JFK in my past life.

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    I'm obsessed with beards. First of all, beards make you look like more of an animal. Second, I kind of like biting beards; it's a pastime of mine. And when I make out with a dude who has a beard - who are the only kinds of dudes I make out with - then my glitter gets stuck in their beards, and then no other chick will make out with them for at least three days.

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    I'm obsessed with beards. First of all, beards make you look like more of an animal. Second, I kind of like biting beards; it's a pastime of mine.

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    I'm over dudes trying to look like they're in boy bands.

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    I’m sure you gathered this by now: I just do what I want. Have I made out with chicks? Hell yeah. Did I think it was awesome? Hell yeah. I wouldn’t call myself bi. Like, if I didn’t eat meat for a week, it doesn’t make me a vegetarian. So I like people, and that’s just it. I like people.

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    I'm writing constantly about all my crazy experiences across the world, so I have a lot of music I've already written.

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    In the limelight I play it off fine, but I can't handle it when I turn off my night-light.

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    I pretty much just talk to and about men the way men talk to and about women.