Best 119 quotes of Ellie Goulding on MyQuotes

Ellie Goulding

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    Ellie Goulding

    After shows my face feels dirty with makeup and sweat, especially in the smaller venues, so it feels good to get back to the bus and smooth it away. Sometimes you need something alcohol-based, especially on tour when you don't always get a chance to keep washing your face all the time.

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    Ellie Goulding

    America saw me as a projection of me that I always wanted. Thats why I love going to America so much. I feel like I started off in America exactly how I wanted to start everywhere.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Apparently I'm introspective... levelheaded... but at the same time, absolutely insane.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Because I've always been a runner I love to feel that my body is shining on the inside. I wear baggy clothes, so it's not as though I like showing it off. I just like to know I'm great on the inside.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Bjork, I'd love to do something with her. I'd love to do some sort of crazy orchestral choir thing with her.

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    Ellie Goulding

    By the time I got writing 'Halcyon,' I was on a roll, and I realized I had so much to write about, I realized I had so much built up inside that I couldn't really alleviate before, and then all of a sudden it was like reservoir burst.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Christmas in L.A. is weird. There's no snow. It's not even cold.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Cover versions, that's my forte, that's all I ever used to do. When you play your own songs, it's quite scary, 'cause I'm quite honest and open, they can be very revealing. But covers, I don't have to think about, just get me up there!

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    Ellie Goulding

    Drake, I'd like to collaborate with. He's a phenomenal lyricist. Probably the best rapper in the world at the moment. I love Kanye but there's something about Drake; he's more straight up, really clever and really poetic and metaphorical - I love that. He's just clever.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Even if a relationship doesn't work out, you can always take something positive from something negative. You never know what's around the corner.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Ever since I've been young I've been fascinated by the human body. I've written songs about it, but you can become quite morbid if you think about it too much - paranoid and a hypochondriac.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Every day I'd say I look different. Sometimes I look really formal, sometimes I love the classic Stella McCartney, Chloe Sevigny and Gwyneth Paltrow thing. Other days I like being rock star and wearing leather jackets and studs. I love wearing Burberry - it's the perfect combination of formal and punky.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Every so often I'll go back down to earth and I'll make reference to a phone or a house or something, something that's a bit more real. But I suppose what that does, is it puts you in a surreal place but also my music doesn't get too carried away in that sense, which I quite like.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Fame doesn't make it hard to date, because I could be seeing someone now and no-one would know. But if you go out with someone who's in the public eye you're asking for trouble. It's double intensity, double scrutiny. Even if I just went on one date with a normal guy, word gets around and that freaks me out. I don't like all that gossipy stuff.

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    Ellie Goulding

    Gwen Stefani has amazing style. I used to really love Courtney Love, and anything she wore I loved. Or Chloe Sevigny, because I really love that sort of classic look, and I like being girly and flowery, and wearing little D&G dresses. I wear hats a lot, too. I think it goes back to when I was a bit grungy and was a skater girl for a bit.

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    Ellie Goulding

    How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you, And longer if I may

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    Ellie Goulding

    I believe in the moment of things and fate and things happening for a reason, so I write things down and I trust it.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I can fall in love in a simple way, but I can dissect it in such an intense fashion when it ends.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I could always sing, from a really young age, but my voice was really weird. I used to make my mum turn up the radio every day in our house. She was well into music so I got that from her.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'd call what I do pop music, but it's folky and electronic and it doesn't really sound like much else.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I definitely write about a lot of dreamy, surreal stuff. I do end up going to a surreal world with my music, but I also like the idea of there being really real stuff as well.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'd hate it to become style over substance, I'd hate people to start putting me in a magazine article about my style. I don't like dressing up in something I'm not necessarily comfortable in just to make it more of a show. I want the power to come from what I sing about and how I sing.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'd just like to think that there's some kind of underworld where whoever's been lost at sea is there... I dunno, there probably isn't, but I'd like to believe there is.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'd like to look like Madonna when I'm her age. I also look at athletes and love their bodies. I've always wanted to be muscly, not skinny. A lot of women yo-yo around, but I'm always aware if I'm getting a bit out of shape. I never look at the scales but I can just tell. It goes on my tum and bum.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I don't really have a style icon but I really admire the way people dress like Gaga, Rihanna and Gwen Stefani. It's good to be inspired by singers who write music and dress incredibly - rather than models and people in the fashion industry who dress immaculately anyway because it's their style.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I don't think there was ever a moment when I was like, 'Yeah, I want to be a singer!' I guess it just happened. I performed a lot when I was younger and stuff, but I remember getting to the point where I thought I might have to get a normal job.

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    Ellie Goulding

    If a hundred people want autographs, sometimes you have to say no because you've got to get up for a 4 A.M. flight or something. In that sense, it really pisses me off when people think you've become a diva. It's not becoming a diva, it's because of the situation, I think.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I feel like my figure is a challenge because I'm quite flat chested but I've got a booty so I've got to look for the right things.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I feel like my songs are very relevant and very meaningful, but I literally have to get rid of the nostalgia for shows because I would just be mess on-stage otherwise.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I feel like sometimes I'm so positive and sometimes I think the worst of everything or I think the worst is going to happen. It's how I deal with stuff day-to-day, it's just how I get by really, and it's probably not the best way to be.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I feel more confident if my makeup looks good.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I feel quite proud to be an ambassador for women who realize that being fit is better than being skinny.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I find male singers and what they sing about fascinating. It makes me realize how little we know about ourselves and how little I know about myself. It's interesting to see the male perspective.

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    Ellie Goulding

    If I've got Writer's Block it generally means that I don't have that much to say or something's not quite connecting. I have had Writer's Block a bunch of times and it's generally because I'm not able to write down what I'm feeling basically. Mostly, I just need to be alone really, or be with someone who can bring that out of me.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I got approached by SoBe a few months ago about being an ambassador and I learned about the previous ones including Naomi Campbell, so I was instantly interested! Then I tried and really liked it. It's different and has interesting flavours... we don't have anything like it in the U.K.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I got a random tattoo the other day. It's a red triangle, which makes everyone think I'm arty, which I'm not. I used to draw red triangles all the time. It must mean something - maybe I don't know it yet. But I'll figure it out.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I guess I'm just quite observant and I pay attention to a lot of things. Human behavior really fascinates me.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I guess I started running when I was about 18 and... I feel like it assists my creativity a bit because it completely just flushes everything out.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I hadn't even released my first proper single when I started to feel the strain of attention. But I don't believe that it was the attention that was giving me panic attacks. I think it was everything in my life colliding at the same time. It really did get to a serious point where I couldn't even walk down the street without getting the pain.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I instinctively dress a bit tougher because I've spent a lot of time in the U.S. and I realised there was a certain image projected of me here. I've always been an absolute rebel. When I was in my teen years I had piercings and wore all black.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I just sing and write songs and wear what I want. It's quite a good job really. If I wanted to I suppose I could become more of a fashion icon, but singing is my thing.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I kind of just want to get to know people and I have a genuine interest in people that listen to my music. I've just always felt like that. I think it's from the days of playing guitar to a few people and being very conversational and very intimate and I've always wanted to keep that vibe.

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    Ellie Goulding

    'I Know You Care' is about my dad. And I haven't seen him for a long, long time. And my parents divorced when I was really young. And I guess I just wanted a - it was my way of saying that I wasn't bitter or angry anymore. I was just sad and just felt like something was missing.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I love designer stuff but like it will only be like, on a whim. I love Alexander Wang so much, but it's expensive.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I love prints of skulls and bones and have some taxidermy - a crow and a rabbit - to remind me of home. I like art and have a big portrait of Bjork.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'm a bit of a like girly-girl, really, I like flowery stuff.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I maintain that when I finally retire from my career in music, I will go and live back in Wales - when I am an old person, if I live to be an old person. The water I miss, and the air, there's something different about it. And I miss the simple life.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'm always intrigued by people that listen to my music, I just naturally want to get to know people who listen to my music because people who end up having such an attachment with my stuff, I wonder why they have such a connection to something that's so personal to me in the first place.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I met Prince William at a musical festival and he let me know he was a fan of my music. But the invitation to sing at his wedding reception came completely out of the blue. The fact that Kate and William knew the words to my songs was very touching.

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    Ellie Goulding

    I'm genuinely peaceful and positive. I feel more grounded and connected with everything - friends, family. And I think I've changed the way I deal with stuff recently; I'm trying to think of everything in a more positive way because if something gets me down, it'll really gets me down. The thing I wish I could do more of is train. It's the one thing I do that doesn't require any emotion.