Best 48 quotes of Katherine Center on MyQuotes

Katherine Center

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    Katherine Center

    All my main characters are people I'd love to sit around having coffee with. They are people who will tell you honestly about the things that scare them and worry them and trouble them. Because those moments of connection between women-when they really decide to be honest with each other about their lives-are some of the best things in life.

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    Katherine Center

    And despite everything I know now, I still believe, as I did when I was little, that there is an entire universe of things that my mother knows that I don't. I still believe that nothing truly bad can ever happen if my mother is around. I know it's not true. But still. It is true.

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    Katherine Center

    And so my hope for you, good boy, as you grow taller every day, is that you will learn to take good care of yourself, and you will learn to take good care of others-and, someday, you'll see how those two things are exactly the same.

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    Katherine Center

    Be brave with your life, so others will be brave with theirs.

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    Katherine Center

    Don't let anyone convince you that love doesn't matter.

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    Katherine Center

    I believe women are too hard on themselves. I believe that when you love someone, she becomes beautiful to you. I believe the eyes see everything through the heart. Nothing in the world feels as good as resting them on someone you love.

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    Katherine Center

    I guess that's the upside of not being young anymore... You know from experience that the struggle always leads, in some way, to something better.

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    Katherine Center

    I like to write about people who are real and likeable. I like to write about people who tell their stories in that close and intimate voice we use with best friends. I love the closeness and honesty and vulnerability that come from characters who can talk that way.

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    Katherine Center

    In fiction, you can be as true as you want. Real life is a different story.

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    Katherine Center

    It's more important to be interesting, to be vivid, and to be adventurous than to sit pretty for pictures.

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    Katherine Center

    Nobody was perfect. Not even close. And everybody had wrinkles from smiling and squinting and craining their necks. Everybody has marks on their bodies from years of living- a trail of life left on them. Evidence of all the adventures and sleepless nights and practical jokes and heartbreaks that had made them who they are.

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    Katherine Center

    Nothing that doesn’t push you past your limits can change your life. It’s true of work, it’s true of parenting, and it’s true — a hundred times over — of love.

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    Katherine Center

    Something good was happening. My life was rising from the ashes, and the sight of it left me feeling something like hopeful.

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    Katherine Center

    Sometimes there is no way to hold your life together. Sometimes things just have to fall apart.

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    Katherine Center

    Success is doing the right thing for who you are.

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    Katherine Center

    That's what just hit me: How you really can't have everything. You have to give up the old to get the new. You can't be the child and the mom at the same time. You can't be your young self and your old self at the same time. You can't know what you know now and feel the way you did then. You can't, you can't, you can't.

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    Katherine Center

    The best things about womanhood might possibly even be the conversations. The chatting. The gabbing. The whispering. The hands-on-hips eye-rolling. The yukking-it up.

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    Katherine Center

    The human condition is imperfection. And that's how it's supposed to be.

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    Katherine Center

    There is no question that the objects that surround us impact our experience of the world.

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    Katherine Center

    There is no tenderness without bravery.

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    Katherine Center

    There on the sofa, as I nursed Maxie and her eyes slid closed, I said to the girls, 'I think nursing is where kisses come from.' I had been thinking about it. Nursing had to be the place where nurturing and sweet milk and soft skin and mouths and warmth all came together and started to mean something about love. I had always assumed kissing was a learned thing, like waving bye-bye or speaking a language. But since Maxie, I'd decided that it was innate, the adult version of something we know to do from the moment we're born. All of it tied together in the cycle of life.

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    Katherine Center

    We are at our finest when we take care of each other.

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    Katherine Center

    We are only as great as our struggles. We only become who we are in the face of them.

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    Katherine Center

    We build our lives in moments, and even the ones we can't remember become the story of who we are.

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    Katherine Center

    We're looking for stories that speak to us. We're looking for stories that connect us with something true. But, instead, a lot of the time we get strippers. All I'm saying is, when boys are writing the stories, the percentage of strippers is bound to go up. And real stories about real women kinda don't get written at all.

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    Katherine Center

    What matters most is how you respond to your heartbreaks and your disappointments and your fears. What matters most is who you become in response to them.

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    Katherine Center

    You are writing the story of your only life every single minute of every day.

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    Katherine Center

    But Beckett, for all his posturing, talked in scribbles. He gave lines of information with gaping spaces in between.

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    Katherine Center

    But the things we remember are what we hold on to, and what we hold on to becomes the story of our lives. We only get one story. And I am determined to make mine a good one.

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    Katherine Center

    I don't want my kids to be like me. I want them to be better than me.

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    Katherine Center

    I had a purpose. I had a reason to take a shower every morning. I had a reason to take care of myself. More than that, I was figuring out how doing something for other people could - in fact - be doing something for yourself. Amazing.

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    Katherine Center

    I had told my story. I had put it into words, at last... Telling the story changed the story for me. Not what had happened--that I could never change--but how I responded to it.

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    Katherine Center

    I have to go.' 'Just be careful about your expectations..' 'I want her to apologize.' 'Sweetheart,' Jean said, 'your mother is never going to apologize... Go see her if you need to. But remember who she is. Going to your mother for understanding is like going to the hardware store for bread.

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    Katherine Center

    Isn't there enough misery in the world? Do I really have to spend my leisure time absorbing more of it?

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    Katherine Center

    It's amazing how brave you can be when you feel safe.

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    Katherine Center

    It's strange that I could have laughed so hard under those circumstances, during that very dark moment in my life. But I've decided sorrow can make things funnier. Endure enough hardship, and you start really needing a good laugh.

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    Katherine Center

    It's such a sweet thing about people that when we're truly happy, we can't imagine ever being unhappy again. pg. 266

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    Katherine Center

    It's the trying that heals you. That's all you have to do. Just try.

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    Katherine Center

    I was going to make myself miserable on this trip by being overly serious and overly self-conscious and overly self-critical. And Jake was going to make me even more miserable by being the pure opposite of all those things.

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    Katherine Center

    Needing to find reasons to live had forced me to build a life worth living.

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    Katherine Center

    [N]ot getting what you want forces you to appreciate what you already have.

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    Katherine Center

    Ten years I'd simmered in my own self-righteousness, holding my grudge against her as if the only way to win was to stay mad the longest.

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    Katherine Center

    The lived on the mistaken assumption that their lives mattered, that life was essentially fair, that it was all going to wind up happy in the end. I knew what they didn’t—that everything you care about will disappear, that deserving a happy life doesn’t mean you can get one, and that there really is no one in the entire world you can count on but yourself.

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    Katherine Center

    We had both moved on. We could both be okay at the same time. We weren't on a seesaw, for Pete's sake! There was plenty of okay to go around.

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    Katherine Center

    Whales have a highly evolved language that works like sonar. They have special neurons called spindle cells. Human have them, too, and they’re linked with self-awareness, and compassion, and language. Except whales have had them about fifteen million years longer than we have.

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    Katherine Center

    You can't fix everything. Not even close. But you can look for reasons to be grateful. More than that, you can work to create them.

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    Katherine Center

    You can't just wish strength for yourself. Or wisdom. Or resilience. Those things have to be earned.

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    Katherine Center

    You can’t understand this yet, but that’s most of life: breaking your own promises to yourself.