Best 62 quotes of Tim Robbins on MyQuotes

Tim Robbins

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    Tim Robbins

    Altman was told they wouldn't do the film with me. He could easily have abandoned me, but he stood by me and really bailed me out.

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    Tim Robbins

    American people are not evil. Given information, they will do the right thing. But they're not given the information.

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    Tim Robbins

    Americans accept that gangsters are running the government.

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    Tim Robbins

    Any journey in life, if not done for human reasons of understanding and love, would be a very empty and lonely one.

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    Tim Robbins

    Any time you're trying to do a movie with a happy ending, it's very difficult because it's been done before and you don't want to be manipulative.

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    Tim Robbins

    As we applaud the hard-edged realism of the opening battle scene of Saving Private Ryan, we cringe at the thought of seeing the same on the nightly news.We are told it would be pornographic.

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    Tim Robbins

    Bush is very clever. When the debate should have been about the deterioration of our cities and the lack of action by government, he sent in his idiot to make an outrageous statement about Murphy Brown.

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    Tim Robbins

    Considering the fact that I've used it in the past, and know what it is, and seen the results of it, I don't view marijuana as a dangerous drug.

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    Tim Robbins

    Directing is creating a whole. You're able to combine different elements and create a film that is unique and true to your vision.

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    Tim Robbins

    I couldn't care less about being a presenter at the Oscars.

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    Tim Robbins

    I don't care about Clinton's haircuts or his affairs or any of that stuff.

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    Tim Robbins

    I don't know if I ever really bought into the eternal damnation bit.

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    Tim Robbins

    I don't think people have been able to deal with the fact that African American filmmakers can make movies about life and relationships.

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    Tim Robbins

    I don't view myself as a political leftie. I view myself as a storyteller who is fair to both sides.

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    Tim Robbins

    I don't want people to be inspired or offended by what I do. If you determine your behavior by what [other people] want, you're screwed.

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    Tim Robbins

    If I'm a commodity, it wouldn't be a wise idea to buy stock in me - although, in the long run, maybe I'm a slow growth investment.

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    Tim Robbins

    If you find yourself in a movie that you have questions about, it's not a compromise to your integrity.

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    Tim Robbins

    If you say, I'm living in America and I have freedom of speech but I choose not to use it because it's going to cost me, well, you're not living in freedom. You're not free.

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    Tim Robbins

    I grew up in New York, and I have that in me, that be-honest-at-all-costs, don't b.s. me attitude. I say, If you've got something to say about me, say it to my face. And then we'll either talk about it or fight about it.

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    Tim Robbins

    I had been unaware that baseball was a Republican sport.

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    Tim Robbins

    I have personal beliefs and they are sometimes reflected in the movies I make, but I also reflect other points of view.

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    Tim Robbins

    I learned much more about acting from philosophy courses, psychology courses, history and anthropology than I ever learned in acting class.

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    Tim Robbins

    I learned never to listen to acting teachers because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

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    Tim Robbins

    I like Spike Lee a lot. He's incredibly gifted and I don't think he gets the credit he deserves as a filmmaker.

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    Tim Robbins

    I love iconoclasts. I love individuals. I love people that are true to themselves, whatever the cost.

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    Tim Robbins

    I mean, what are they scared of? Who's going to vote for anyone from the Communist Party, for God's sake?

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    Tim Robbins

    I'm fairly competant as a director and actor, but I am Mr. Neurotic as a writer. I just don't have enough confidence in my abilities to take criticism well. I take it personally. Start with 'It's a masterpiece,' and then tell me what you think could be changed.

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    Tim Robbins

    I'm not gangly; I'm very coordinated. I do have a bit of a baby face. But I guess that just means I'll be working longer.

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    Tim Robbins

    I'm six foot four and a half and I have a temper. It's reserved for very important issues. If someone is asking me to make an artistic concession, then I'll become a madman.

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    Tim Robbins

    I'm the kind of person who does not remember bad things.

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    Tim Robbins

    In this time when a citizenry applauds the liberation of a country as it lives in fear of its own freedom, when people all over the country fear reprisal if they use their right to free speech, it is time to get angry. It is time to get fierce.

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    Tim Robbins

    I ran spotlight. Swept up. Did box office. Ran the lighting board. But acting was the most fun.

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    Tim Robbins

    Is Walt turning over in his grave? A man named Joe Roth runs Disney right now-he gave me the go-ahead and total freedom to do whatever I wanted to do.

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    Tim Robbins

    I think the enemy is self-censorship. In a free society the biggest danger is that you're afraid to the point where you censor yourself.

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    Tim Robbins

    It's certainly a lot more difficult to get a project made if you're talking about something progressive. That's just the nature of the industry.

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    Tim Robbins

    It's difficult when you have to turn down a tremendous amount of money because you don't like what the script is saying and you don't have any money.

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    Tim Robbins

    It simply comes down to this, Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.

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    Tim Robbins

    It was dangerous to hit the wrong kid in my neighborhood, because a lot of the guys I played with had fathers in the Mafia.

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    Tim Robbins

    I've been lucky-my looks haven't put me into one category. I don't look like a blue blood. I don't look like a criminal. I don't look like anything.

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    Tim Robbins

    I've long ago compromised my eight hours a night.

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    Tim Robbins

    I've used drugs that I do consider to be dangerous, drugs that are potentially detrimental to kids and society at large.

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    Tim Robbins

    I was a sports fan, but I also went to peace marches.

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    Tim Robbins

    I wouldn't say I'm a method actor. I do research when I feel I don't have enough experience for the part I'm playing.

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    Tim Robbins

    Just because someone gets arrested doesn't mean what they are doing is wrong. Some laws are unfair and unjust.

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    Tim Robbins

    Most good actors have a huge intelligence about the human condition and a real open heart to different kinds of people and behavior.

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    Tim Robbins

    My father described me as the oldest baby he'd ever seen. I apparently was very serious and reflective.

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    Tim Robbins

    New York is not conductive to theater. New York does not encourage its young. It does not encourage experimentation.

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    Tim Robbins

    Our resistance to this war should be our resistance to profit at the cost of human life. Because that is what these drums beating over Iraq are really about. This is about business.

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    Tim Robbins

    Susan is just great. I know I'm biased, but she's a great actress.

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    Tim Robbins

    There are a great number of Republicans who are economically conservative but have hearts and a consciousness about their country.