Best 127 quotes of Mila Kunis on MyQuotes

Mila Kunis

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    Mila Kunis

    In a marriage, you and your partner come first. And unless you and your partner are happy, that kid's never going to be happy.

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    Mila Kunis

    I never dated Wilmer Valderrama. I never dated Danny Masterson. They're like my brothers. That's disgusting. That's wrong.

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    Mila Kunis

    I really, truly believe in learning from other people's mistakes.

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    Mila Kunis

    I stand by every movie that I did. I don't regret any decision I made.

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    Mila Kunis

    I started teaching myself, taking a breath or a moment that's not overreacting or having an explosion. It made me such a better person. Let alone a better mother, but also just a better human.

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    Mila Kunis

    It'd be nice to just hear, "You did a great job." I don't say this from personal experience because I have an amazing husband who is an amazing father. I say this knowing he does it all the time. He's always great about saying, "You were amazing today." He does it without me having to ask for it and there's something so beautiful about not fishing for that compliment from your partner that gives you that much more of stability and confidence.

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    Mila Kunis

    It doesn't matter if you're play-pretending crying or play-pretending laughing, you're still play-pretending.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think all presidents should have teenage girls before they become presidents. If you can handle those hormones, you can handle anything.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think I have a good sense of humor, but I'm not, like, a joke-teller. I get the jokes, which is sometimes half the battle. Believe me, I have no idea why anyone hires me.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think that an actor is more likely to be forgiven in the public's eye than an actress.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think it's important to just be a good, honest person and be true to who you are.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think parenthood is just ripe for comedy. This just happens to be told from the perspective of women.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think playing coy is silly. Speak your mind. If a man gets turned off, he's the wrong man.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think sadly in any industry and in any work related environments females always strive to achieve a certain amount of perfection whether they be skinny or pretty. It's constant in our society.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think that there are a lot of reasons to be insecure as an actress... But I don’t really have a perception issue. I’ve been pretty good about being who I am in the public’s eye.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think that when a person is insecure about who they are or who they want to be, then it translates on screen, and the choices they make are all about perception.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think that you have to restrain yourself from googling your name and have other hobbies and desires and wants. You do a million things. You go to school, you write, you read, you blog.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think there will always be a double standard between males and females, so I think that an actress is more likely to protect her public persona, so to speak, than an actor would be.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think the second you think that you're funny is when you stop being funny.

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    Mila Kunis

    I think you can get away with so much more offensiveness when you're operating behind a stuffed teddy bear or a cartoon or something that's not real, because it's forgiven. It's like having a little kid in a movie curse - it's funny because it's not natural.

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    Mila Kunis

    It's been the greatest gift that I've been given. Because no matter how much my parents have asked me to be more patient, no matter much my husband has asked me to be more patient, none of it mattered until I had a kid. And then all of sudden I was like, "Oh. I have to be more patient." They were all like, "Yeah! We've been telling you that for twenty years!" And I find it to be a gift. Every day I'm more patient.

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    Mila Kunis

    It's fun to play somebody who has no boundaries or rules. There's no book you can read on how to play a witch, so you just create a version. It's really great!

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    Mila Kunis

    It's fun working on the set... I usually work about 10 and a half hours a day, and I also study about five of those hours. It can be tiring, but it's fun!

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    Mila Kunis

    It's very possible that I could look like a kleptomaniac and a pathological liar and that's why I keep getting hired.

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    Mila Kunis

    It took me five months to lose twenty pounds and it took me hours to gain it back. I mean it was magical how quickly it all happened. Going back to my poor eating habits after having really good eating habits my stomach was a little unsettled.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've always been a fan of Kate Winslet. She's very classy and a sexy little thing, too.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've always wanted to drive cross-country.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've definitely grown apart from a lot of my friends. Some of them don't understand the schedule, and it's not that I don't want to talk to them, it's that sometimes I am really busy and can't get back to them.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've had that conversation! "You had a minute! Why didn't you do that?" So if husbands could read our minds that would be great.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've never dated. I can say this honestly: I don't know what it's like to date. But also, how am I going to date? I'm not in one state long enough.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've only been a mom for not even two years yet, so I haven't had much of a chance. But boy do I wish I could have lunch with my girlfriends in the middle of the afternoon. I don't remember the last time I had lunch in the afternoon with my girlfriends.

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    Mila Kunis

    I've spoken about this completely independent of this movie prior to ever being attached to this film that as a kid the first movie that I remember seeing that resonated with me was the Wizard of Oz. I think just visually the color, the spectrum of it and how fantastical it was and how much you wanted to live in that world, for a nine-year old was so magical and so grand so I have the greatest, fondest memories of it.

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    Mila Kunis

    I wanted to just surround myself with people who I think are better than I am, whether they're actors or directors or producers, so that I could learn from them.

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    Mila Kunis

    I was actually a pretty good student. My problem was that I didn't know what I wanted to study.

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    Mila Kunis

    I was exhausted from fake partying. I was like, "I just danced for nine hours. Goodnight, ladies!

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    Mila Kunis

    I was never raised to think that I was pretty. It's not that I was raised to think I was unattractive, but it was just never something that was pointed out to me by my family. They would point out personality traits — 'our daughter is really quirky' — versus what I look like, because inevitably, looks go, so it makes no difference.

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    Mila Kunis

    I was really good at saying no. I decided I was just going to say yes to any opportunity that came, no matter how crazy. And it changed my life.

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    Mila Kunis

    I went to college because I felt like I was supposed to. I graduated from public high school and I did all the things that I was supposed to do.

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    Mila Kunis

    I will say this, though, in regards to laundry. I'll say, "Do you need to wear a new pair of jeans every day?" We've worked on this for the past year and he [Ashton Kutcher] now doesn't need to wear a clean pair of jeans every day. My laundry has gotten cut down immensely.

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    Mila Kunis

    Knowing who you are is confidence.

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    Mila Kunis

    Mine doesn't even know there is laundry. It just magically gets done.

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    Mila Kunis

    My dad worked - f - k if I know - seven jobs? He painted a house. He would deliver toilets. He drove a cab, delivered pizzas. Whatever he could do, he did.

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    Mila Kunis

    My glass of wine and I are besties.

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    Mila Kunis

    My goal in life is to enjoy what I do, and never to look back and say I wish I would have done that.

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    Mila Kunis

    My mom and my dad wanted my brother and I to have a better life, you know, better education, better jobs. It was probably harder, much, much harder, for my parents. When you're a kid, you can learn a language much more easily; I learned English in less than a year.

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    Mila Kunis

    My nickname when I was young was Teddy, so people would call me Teddy Bear.

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    Mila Kunis

    My parents’ biggest thing was that they just wanted me to graduate high school and go to college. They couldn’t fathom me acting for the rest of my life.

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    Mila Kunis

    My parents went through hell and back. They came to America with suitcases and a family of seven and $250, and that's it.

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    Mila Kunis

    Now a days, I don't think these things scare kids. I think that kids are so desensitized to violence and I don't mean this in a negative way what so ever, but, I just think it's the reality that I think that it's just all changing so I don't know.

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    Mila Kunis

    [Oz the Great] it's not like I had to imagine things, and as far as wire work goes, I had fun with it.