By AnonymClive James
The great thing about living until you get a bit older if you are a writer, and especially a poet, is that you have more life to reflect on. And I think that if I am better now - and I think that I am probably better than I was - is because that I simply have more to think about, more to get under control, more to understand.
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By AnonymClive James
The key to effective teaching is to remember how you learned.
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By AnonymClive James
The Language Laboratory at Cambridge is a very good way of finding out about grammar and the vocabulary and that's why I learned to read German and later on I added Spanish, the standard European languages.
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By AnonymClive James
The literary critic, or the critic of any other specific form of artistic expression, may detach himself from the world for as long as the work of art he is contemplating appears to do the same.
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By AnonymClive James
The provincial intellectual is doomed to arguing at low level... there is still no Australian literary world, not in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide. It is some consolation to realise that there is no literary world in Birmingham or Los Angeles either. I have heard there is one in Montreal, but I don't believe it. The literary world is in London and New York, the only cities big enough to sustain magazines which can afford to reject copy.
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By AnonymClive James
The rattle of plastic keys reminds me of a squadron of butterflies failing to fight their way out of a paper bag.
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By AnonymClive James
The repeat run of Fawlty Towers (BBC2) drew bigger audiences than ever and deservedly so. Statistical surveys reveal that only the television critic of the Spectator is incapable of seeing the joke, which is that Basil Fawlty has the wrong temperament to be a hotel proprietor, just as some other people have the wrong temperament to be television critics.
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By AnonymClive James
The secret for an artist is to make that a subject and not bang your head against the wall and give up. But to turn it into and treat the new subject matter, which is one's own vanishing.
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By AnonymClive James
The smartest move I ever made in showbusiness was to start off looking like the kind of wreck I would end up as. I was already aged in the wood.
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By AnonymClive James
The streets, at least in this part of town, seemed impossibly clean in comparison to London. The public telephones were unvandalised. For a London telephone booth to look like that it would have to be guarded around the clock by the SAS.
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By AnonymClive James
The thing about making a documentary in Las Vegas is there isn't much to film apart from other people making documentaries about Las Vegas.
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By AnonymClive James
They had a... dog called Bluey. A know psychopath, Bluey would attack himself if nothing else was available.
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By AnonymClive James
Twin miracles of mascara, her eyes looked like the corpses of two small crows that had crashed into a chalk cliff.
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By AnonymClive James
Visitors who come from the Soviet Union and tell you how marvelous it is to be able to look at public buildings without advertisements stuck all over them are just telling you that they can't decipher the cyrillic alphabet.
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By AnonymClive James
What is Camille Paglia doing, writing that an actress as gifted as Anne Heche has the mental depth of a pancake? How many pancake brains could do what Heche did with David Mamet's dialogue in Wag the Dog? No doubt Heche has been stuck with a few bad gigs, but Paglia, of all people, must be well aware that being an actress is not the same safe ride as being the tenured university professor of humanities and media studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.
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By AnonymClive James
When I finally embraced abstinence it was because of the simple urge to work a longer day. Thus, without joining Alcoholics Anonymous, I was at last able to leave Piss-Artists Notorious.
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By AnonymClive James
When I was very young, one of my favourite books was Captain's Courageous and I suppose one of the reasons I loved it, it was a life I knew I should have had, learning all the different bits of the ship and learning to catch fish and rig sails and to -all the things that I never learned and I never learned the discipline, but I hungered after it.
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By AnonymClive James
When I was young I never believed that Australia was anything else except blessed. I thought it was a little dull when I was young, but that was 'cause I was a snob.
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By AnonymClive James
When you cut it up, put the pieces in your mouth and swallowed them, the British hamburger shaped itself to the bottom on your stomach like ballast, while interacting with your gastric juices to form an incipient belch of enormous potential, an airship which had been inflated in a garage. This belch, when silently released, would cause people standing twenty yards away to start examining the soles of their shoes. The vocalized version sounded like a bag of tools thrown into a bog.
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By AnonymClive James
Whoever called snooker "chess with balls" was rude, but right.
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By AnonymClive James
Writers quite often starve. And I'm mainly just writing critical prose and poetry, that's a formula for starvation.
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By AnonymClive James
Writing is a performance art for me. They're very closely aligned, writing and performing. But I'm a writer, not a performer.
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By AnonymClive James
You can never get a woman to sit down and listen to a drum solo.
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By AnonymClive James
You can't be young always. The day will come when everything will fall apart.
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By AnonymClive James
Young men especially - I don't know if young women feel much the same - but young men think they are immortal, automatically. They have no idea of time because they have so much energy and I was like that.
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By AnonymClive James
You should never trust anyone who listens to Mahler before they're forty.
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By AnonymClive James
Apparently Burgess shares the gutter press assumption that those who achieve fame should be made to suffer from it.
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By AnonymClive James
Democracy is even more important for what it prevents than for what it provides.
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By AnonymClive James
If you don't know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as well read until they do.
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By AnonymClive James
The childish urge to understand everything doesn't necessarily fade when the time approaches for you to do the most adult thing of all: vanish.
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By AnonymClive James
The clavadista checks the tower On the cliffs from which he dives Turning two thirds of the way down To mark the point Where all the somersaults are over And he must go in feet first or else break
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By AnonymClive James
The whole world, if you wait long enough Is full of falling.