Best 5 quotes of Melissa Keil on MyQuotes

Melissa Keil

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    Melissa Keil

    And, anyway it's not always about fitting in." "It's not?" "Nope. Sometimes, it's about reading your environment real quick, and then finding the bits that fit you.

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    Melissa Keil

    Dude, innapropriate. Don't talk about your friend's Dad's junk.

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    Melissa Keil

    I fall asleep with the sound of her voice echoing in my head, and a feeling in my chest like someone is scooping my heart out with a spoon.

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    Melissa Keil

    I think, because…well, I like the idea of coming up with a story that never existed before, but I don’t really want to be in charge. I don’t want to be famous. I guess I like the idea of sitting in the dark and knowing that I created the thing on screen, that it’s my story, but, like, no-one else has to know it was me. Does that make sense?

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    Melissa Keil

    So the person you drag with you - she manages to fit in no matter where she goes?' 'Well - she didn't always. But she's levelled up a lot since she started out. She just upgrades her equipment and hopes that there aren't any evil guilds waiting to shoot her in the back. And anyway, it's not always about fiting in, Dex.