Best 17 quotes of Elizabeth Richardson on MyQuotes

Elizabeth Richardson

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    Discipline is only a short term deterrent. It has never been responsible for long term change – only encouragement, upliftment and love can possibly do that!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I am where I am and it's the perfect place to start. I have what I have and it's more than enough. I'm creating what I'm creating by what I think, say and do. I'm going where I'm going, and a thousand angels are with me too.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I DON'T CLAIM TO BE A MASTER OF ANYTHING ... I prefer to be a mistress instead, tall black vinyl boots, red garter, tight laced bodice, long flowing hair, wicked smile …

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    If my level of happiness depends on something else changing, I'm enslaved for a lifetime. If my level of happiness depends on ME changing, I am free for-evermore!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I knew I'd claimed my own power, when I stopped asking others to approve, to endorse or to agree with me about anything.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I LOVE GETTING BILLS … It means I have the ability to pay them.. I LOVE PAYING MY BILLS TOO … It means that prosperity is flowing in and out, in and out, in and out, like the air that I breathe.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I'M NEVER BORED ... I've got a clitoris ;-)

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    INSTEAD OF DOUBTING SOMEONE ELSE’S LOVE FOR ME ... I decided to LOVE myself so much that it became irrelevant whether they did or not!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    INSTEAD OF LIVING CAUTIOUSLY AS IF DEATH IS THE ENEMY … I decided to live life fully and know that heaven is my friend.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I only have one tip on how to stop an argument. Decide that “Feeling Good” is far more important than “Being Right!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I once thought that being liked was important. Now I know that *Loving Myself* is paramount!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I only have one tip on how to get respect. Rather than speaking your mind, speak from the heart.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I only have one tip on how to get someone else to FALL IN LOVE with you. Adore, love, nurture and appreciate yourself so much, that it doesn't matter if they do or not.

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    I only have one tip on how to help someone else live a better life. Get a life of your own and show them how it’s done!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    Most people have opinions about how others should behave ... I just have high standards for who I intend to be no matter how they're behaving!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    The key to a happy life isn't to manipulate the conditions around me so I can feel better, the key is to change the meaning I give it and find happiness, no matter what's going on!

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    Elizabeth Richardson

    To start loving myself fully, I had to stop criticizing myself completely.