Best 10 quotes of J. A. Saare on MyQuotes

J. A. Saare

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    J. A. Saare

    Fuck with the bull, assholes, and get the horns.

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    J. A. Saare

    Have you always been so refined? Your attitude and that mouth.” He sucked air through his teeth and grimaced. “Do you kiss your Mother with it?” I answered like the smart ass he knew I was. “I did before she died. Of course, my mouth was clean back then. It took years of trial and error to blossom into the fine outstanding young woman you see before you today.

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    J. A. Saare

    If you were anyone else, your nuts would be taking a long vacation, and the destination would be out of your mouth

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    J. A. Saare

    Rhiannon's Law #14: There is a reason the truth hurts. When you cease to feel the sting, it means you've stopped caring. And damn, wouldn't that be a total fucking waste?

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    J. A. Saare

    Rhiannon's Law #16: If it looks like a rabbit, and it hops like a rabbit, run the other way and fast. That shit is liable to tear you arm off.

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    J. A. Saare

    Rhiannon's Law #22. You can't lie to yourself, so don't bother trying. Doing so only multiplies your douchebag level to the umpteenth power and confirms what others have been saying for years - that you are an idiot.

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    J. A. Saare

    Thank you, Dr. Phil, for that fine psychological assessment," I snapped and motioned my chin to Disco. "Why don't you and Oprah here go take a long walk off a short plank and do the world a favor?

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    J. A. Saare

    The satisfying sound of bone giving way, as well as his outraged cry, made the you-had-it-coming-asshole angles sing.

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    J. A. Saare

    Well, well, well. Tickle my Elmo ass silly. I was sitting across from a person who enjoyed talking to dead people, and if they wouldn’t talk, then by God, he’d just wake their corpses up instead. Next to him was a moody, chain-smoking vampire who just might be bipolar and smoked like a corncob pipe.

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    J. A. Saare

    Who needs immortal strength when you've got weapons of mass destruction?