Best 4 quotes of Christopher Sorrentino on MyQuotes

Christopher Sorrentino

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    Christopher Sorrentino

    If there’s any greater exhibit of the malleability of human nature than the sight of someone standing, absently waiting for the light to change at a deserted intersection, I don’t know what it is.

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    Christopher Sorrentino

    I was never a planner, but to wait is to plan, or it is itself some sort of plan. Actions move us swiftly into the irrevocable, but to wait keeps the irrevocable at a distance.

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    Christopher Sorrentino

    Most people's identities were important to them, something they wouldn't shed. It was proud, it was timid, it was laudable, it was stupid. It stuck people with dumb friends and crummy marriages. Trapped them in dead towns and murderous neighborhoods. It manufactured tradition from the uninterrupted drudgery of successive generations. It transformed ignorant belief into folklore, and ignorance itself into defiance. Identity was a trap.

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    Christopher Sorrentino

    The reflex of comforting him, of assuaging his fears, of forgiving the boy crouched behind the props, took over, and she stubbed in the words, the reassurance and avowals, that would silence him, finally.