Best 465 quotes in «he man quotes» category

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    I don't hold it against the men who beat me because undoubtedly there are some ruffians of every nationality and the English are not exceptions.

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    I don't know nothing about that. I'm not the man upstairs.

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    I don't know the man I admire more than [Charles Evans] Hughes. If ever I have the chance I shall offer him the Chief Justiceship.

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    I enjoyed sex and indulged in it when I fancied the men.

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    I feel close to people like Jimi Hendrix because I connect with his music. Not the man but what he did.

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    If I had to choose between a narrow-minded woman or a man who was an enlightened thinker, I would vote for the man.

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    If manners maketh the man as someone said, then he's the hero of the day.

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    If you told me tomorrow that I couldn't act anymore, it wouldn't bother me. I have only one wish: to meet the man of my life.

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    If treachery is the reward of trust, will the man who trusts come to harm?

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    if we begin on the men, there is no stopping. We must love them when we can.

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    I hope to soon be in contact with the man who is searching for Noah's ark.

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    I had spared the stag's life. The power of that life belonged to me as surely as it belonged to the man who had taken it.

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    I have the LIFE magazine of the men walking on the moon.

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    I have never felt at any point in my life, good or bad, any ill will ever from the man or woman on the street.

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    I just felt the power and the meanness of the man I was messing with.

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    I just hugged the man that murdered my son.

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    I'll continue to work to ensure that safety and I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the men and women who provide public safety in our city.

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    I knew a man who grabbed a cat by the tail and learned forty percent more about cats than the man who didn't.

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    I'll tell you this, lad: A tattoo says more of a fellow looking at it than it can do of the man who's got it on his back.

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    I love New York. New York made me the man that I am, and I always rep it to the fullest, but right now it's completely different from what it was and anybody that says it's for the better is straight up lyin'. Straight up lyin'!

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    In all important respects, the man who has nothing but his physical power to sell has nothing to sell which it is worth anyone's money to buy

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    I'm meeting my obligations, somehow, always have, without ever truly working, without ever putting my shoulder to the wheel for the man. Of course I had to deal dope to do this!

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    I'm probably taller than 90% of the men I meet.

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    I'm as fixed in my opinion as the man who thought he was a hard-boiled egg.

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    I'm hugely honored [with the Man Booker Prize].

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    I'm singing for the love of it/Have mercy on the man who sings to be adored.

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    In no department can a leader spend time more profitably than in the selection of the men who are to accomplish the work.

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    Initiative is the essence of manhood. Noting comes to the man who is passive, except failure.

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    In every man's heart there is a devil, but we do not know the man as bad until the devil is roused.

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    In most men there exists a poet who died young, whom the man survived.

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    I once met a man who had forgiven an injury. I hope some day to meet the man who has forgiven an insult.

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    Instead of rating the man by his performances, we rate too frequently the performances by the man.

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    Invite the man that loves thee to a feast, but let alone thine enemy.

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    I once read about a meeting of economists who agreed that if their forecasts were 33 1/3 % correct, that was considered a high mark in their profession. Well, of course, I know you cannot invest in securities successfully with odds like that against you if you place dependence solely upon judgement as to the right securities to own and the right time or price to buy them. Then, too, I read somewhere about the man who described an economist as resembling ‘a professor of anatomy who was still a virgin.’

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    I notice that most of the men who tease me about my hair, don't have any.

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    Ironically, women who acquire power are more likely to be criticized for it than are the men who have always had it.

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    It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher.

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    I shall do down in history as the man who opened a door!

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    Is demum miser est, cuius nobilitas miserias nobilitat. Indeed, wretched the man whose fame makes his misfortunes famous.

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    I should like to be remembered as the man who raised a voice against... placing limitations on the freedom of the individual.

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    I tell girls all the time that the men that have fallen in love with me, have all fallen during a man repeller stage funny how life works out like that.

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    It is impossible to communicate with Schumann. The man is hopeless; he doesn't talk at all.

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    ... it is always the men we won't allow to make love to us, who take our characters away.

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    It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.

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    It is only from the belief of the goodness and wisdom of a supreme being, that our calamities can be borne in the manner which becomes a man.

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    It is the eye of the master that fatteth the horse, and the love of the woman that maketh the man.

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    It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her.

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    It is pleasing to be pointed at with the finger and to have it said, "There goes the man." [Lat., At pulchrum est digito monstrari et dicier his est.]

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    It is the man that has nothing to lose or is willing to lose everything to beat you that I am afraid of. If a man is willing to lose his life to bite off my nose then I don't care how good I am or what I do to him- he's gonna get my nose.

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    It is the man that makes the motive, and not the motive the man.

    • he man quotes