Best 2427 quotes in «drama quotes» category
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As a woman, she [Penelope Cruz] obviously has changed as she has become an adult. But, as an actress, I actually might say that she has not changed that much. And she has something great, especially in comedy, and she hasn't been exploited as much as she could be in comedy, but particularly in that mix between comedy and drama. She's got a very special quality about her. You can place her in very extreme situations, especially very painful situations, in terms of how her character interprets it. And sometimes, the deeper and more human that pain is, the better she is at it.
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As a writer, I haven't delved into dramatic writing. As an actor, I could always, even more so than comedy, do drama.
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As a writer I'm committed to exploring what I call "The invisible things" - the things that people aren't talking about. I think that's where the juiciest conversations and the juiciest drama lives. My goal with the series is to get people talking about and reflecting on how issues of race play out in their own lives. Since I've spent a fair amount of time watching time travel shows and movies where the leads are White (and can blend in really easily no matter the time period) I thought I would turn that on its head and see what might happen.
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As an actor, the first thing you learn in drama school is you never judge.
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As an actor you really want to push yourself, and there's no better way than to do an intense drama.
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As a writer, I haven't delved into dramatic writing. As an actor, I could always, even more so than comedy, do drama. When you do your comedy and your drama, your acting style doesn't change. If it's a comedy, the situations and the characters might be a little funnier, but you're just trying to be honest.
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A scar left behind by a woman typically goes forever.
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As for acting, I took drama lessons when I was in high school.
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As for writing about temptation, there's no drama without temptation, and no novel without drama.
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As for whether genre considerations influence what I write, they don't at all, but I might sell more books if they did. The Night Journal is a hodge-podge of historical fiction, western, mystery, and contemporary domestic drama. It doesn't settle into a specific market, reviewers have a hard time describing it, and sometimes it gets classified weirdly in bookstores. But from a writer's standpoint, I like that it's hard to categorize.
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As God is omnipresent in the cosmos but is undisturbed by its variety, so man, who as a soul is individualized Spirit, must learn to participate in this cosmic drama with a perfectly poised and equilibrated mind.
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As long as more people will pay admission to a theater to see a naked body than to see a naked brain, the drama will languish.
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As much as everything can seem to be about patterns in your self and others, within the drama of all that, it's really all about knowing.
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A smart man can't beat a hardworking man and a hard working man can't beat a happy working man.
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As soon as I see period costume, I turn off. It's like hearing drama on Radio 4.
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As we have more women in power, so the plays and the TV dramas are reflecting what's happening.
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As an actress, I get plenty of drama in my professional life. When I'm at home, I want a peaceful life.
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At drama school, I always picked the really evil roles. It's a great way to deal with your everyday emotions.
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As people, [my parents were] very colorful, very talkative, passionate, they really loved each other. But that also meant heated, it meant there was a lot of drama in the house. Which is good for a filmmaker, I think.
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At best, the relationship between drama critic and playwright is a pretty twiggy affair. When I'm asked whom I write for, after the obligatory, I write only for myself, I realize that I have an imaginary circle of peers - writers and respected or savvy theatre folk, some dramatic writers and some not, some living, some long gone. . . . Often a writer is aware as he works that a certain critic is going to hate this one. . . . You don't let what a critic might say worry you or alter your work; it might even add a spark to the gleeful process of creation.
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At first, I thought the ring might be a fake, a lie. But it was real to me. When I was always waiting for you, while my heart was breaking, and as I was happy, the ring became real to me because of you.
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A third variety of drama ... begins as tragedy with scraps of fun in it ... and ends in comedy without mirth in it, the place of mirth being taken by a more or less bitter and critical irony.
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At its core, 'Heroes' is an ensemble character drama with genre elements.
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A true friend is someone who never gets tired listening to your pointless drama over and over again.
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At the end of drama school, I made a contract with myself: I'd try acting for five years. I was 26. I had already spent eight years working in restaurants and gas stations. So I had seen enough small businesses to understand that that's what acting is: a small business.
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Back through the ages of barbarism and civilization, in all tongues, we find this instinctive pleasure in the imitative action that is the very essence of all drama.
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A talent for drama is not a talent for writing, but is ability to articulate human relationships.
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Baseball is an art! A drama! A ballet without music! Let us give it a Greek chorus!
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Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words.
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Basically, being alive means keeping yourself ready for the sky to fall in on you at any time. If you start from the assumption that existence is only an ordeal, a test we have to pass, then you’re equipped to deal with its sorrows and its surprises. If you persist in expecting it to give you something it can’t give, that just proves that you haven’t understood anything. Take things as they come; don’t turn them into a drama. You’re not piloting the ship, you’re following the course of your destiny.
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Basically, when I hear the words 'family drama' I run in the opposite direction.
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Basically, if I ever went and worked on a crime drama or something, it was usually just for the work.
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Because I had grown up with Jane Austen novels and period dramas, I was very familiar with that period and that world.
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Because all the movies that we tell ourselves we can't make - ballets, westerns, dramas, everything that are the hardest things to make - those are the movies that are not only winning awards which is fantastic, but also those movies that are commercial. We won't see a fascinating season like this for a while.
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Baseball can have its perfect dimensions, its undeniable drama, but hockey, for all its wrongs, still has the potential to deliver a momentary, flashing magic that is found in no other game we play.
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Because the world is in economic recession, which worsened since this drama happened, and our country will bear the burden of all of these consequences.
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Because we grew up surrounded by big dramatic story arcs in books and movies, we think our lives are supposed to be filled with huge ups and downs. So people pretend there is drama where there is none.
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Beethoven had a great look. It was very much about the drama of appearance.
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Before I got Doctor Who, I went to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I went back to take the final grade exam, which is the grade you have to take before you can take the teachers diploma.
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Because I was familiar with Taika's Watiti work and there's a very subversive, funny streak amongst all of them. I don't think he turned [Hunt for the Wilderpeople] into a sort of drama, there's too much dark material underneath it for it to be a comedy; it wasn't designed to be a comedy. I think it's a comedy... I think it's a drama that's funny; which is different.
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Because revenge is a very known feeling in American culture, theres a certain element of an eye for an eye. Theres the saying, 'Be careful what you wish for, you might get it'. When you wish for revenge, and you think you've gotten it, what happens then? Revenge is just a really good drive for drama and good action.
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Being singer is different than being an actor, where you call up sources from your own experience that you can apply to whatever Shakespeare drama you're in. But an actor is pretending to be somebody, a singer isn't. And that's the difference. Singers today have to sing songs where there's very little emotion involved. That and the fact that they have to sing hit records from years gone by doesn't leave a lot of room for any kind of intelligent creativity.
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Beware the ends of the earth and the exotic: the drama is on your doorstep wherever the slums; are, wherever there is malnutrition, wherever there is exploitation and cruelty.
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Before I write anything, before I create any assumption in my mind about what it's like to be in that world, I go out there first. I'm very drawn to darkness and light, very drawn to cop drama, because there are very few places besides war and murder and a homicide investigation where you see the extremes of human nature - the darkest crevices and cracks in what people do to one another.
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Both of the Quaid brothers, Randy and Dennis, were in my class, and Tommy Schlamme, who produced and directed The West Wing with Aaron Sorkin, among many others. Marianne Williamson, who did A Course In Miracles, she was in my high-school drama class, too. So it was kind of an amazing class.
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Blot out from the page of history the names of all the great actors of his time in the drama of nations, and preserve the name of Washington, and the century would be renowned.
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Boarding school in Tring was a bit of a bubble that burst when I went to Hackney to go to drama school.
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Boxing is drama on its grandest scale.
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Briggsy's performances down the years have been pure magic. If they could bottle his ability and sell if at drama schools they'd make a fortune.
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Brahma is the great Creator, Life a mystic drama; Heaven, and Earth, and living Nature Are but masks of Brahma.