Best 68 quotes in «god's plan quotes» category

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    Anytime you feel jealous or envious, you reject your uniqueness. It's a criticism of God's plan for you.

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    ..You take too much responsibility for things that dont belong on your shoulders. Always have. Your responsibility is to forgive her. Tell her. You dont just give up on the person who might be the love of your life. The rest is in God's hand." "You make it sound so simple." "It is. Doesn't mean it's not hard, but it isn't complicated...

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    Abortion ... interferes with God's plan-a plan He willed before He created the universe.

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    All God's plans have the mark of the cross on them, and all His plans have death to self in them.

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    A throne is God's purpose for you; a cross is God's path for you; faith is God's plan for you.

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    God’s plan and His ways of working out His plan are frequently beyond our ability to fathom and understand. We must learn to trust when we don’t understand.

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    Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives and God’s plans, but God is not helpless among the ruins.

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    Each of us is a small part of God's plan. I'm a small part. I create paintings that are being used by God.

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    God plans all perfect combinations.

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    God's plan for moving people from the broad road to the narrow road involves you.

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    Christ is the very epitome of innocence, and without the blood of Christ, shed on Calvary, God's plan of salvation would not have been fulfilled.

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    Everything that occurs in your life is part of God's plan to wake you up.

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    Gods plan isn't a map for your life that you see all at once, but a scroll unrolled a little at a time.

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    God's plan makes you sing about resurrection when your hanging on a cross.

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    God's plan remains God's plan despite our sin.

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    God's plan will continue on God's schedule.

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    God’s plan provides a way for family relationships to extend beyond the grave. We can return to the presence of God, eternally united with our families.

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    God's plans for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day.

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    Many times I wondered if I were truly carrying out God's plan for my life.

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    How you respond to the enemy of your soul determines whether his plan for your life or God's plan for your life is realized.

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    I believe everything happens under God's plan anyway.

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    I believe that there is a God's plan for this world, and that plan for this world is for good.

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    I can't see what God's plan is. I just know I've got to live with it.

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    If the work of our sanctification presents us with difficulties that appear insurmountable, it is because we do not look at it in the right way. In reality, holiness consists in one thing alone, namely, fidelity to God's plan. And this fidelity is equally within everyone's capacity in both its active and passive exercise.

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    It doesn't matter what has happened, better things are coming. God's plan produces hope in me.

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    It's incredible to realize that what we do each day has meaning in the big picture of God's plan

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    I can't change it, That was God's plan for my life and I'm going to go with it.

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    It is unlikely that God's plan for the universe includes making you rich.

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    It’s my luck that every time I feel I completely comprehend God’s plan, I don’t have a pencil with me.

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    Just because I don't understand god's plans does not mean that he is not with me.

    • god's plan quotes
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    Self-improveme nt is no more God's plan than self-salvation.

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    my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" from the book of Isaiah

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    Redeeming sinners from all nations through Jesus Christ was God's plan from the beginning.

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    Thankfully, God's plans also happen to be much better than my own.

    • god's plan quotes
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    Thankfully, God's plans do not seem to be affected much by my own.

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    The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God's plan seems like it doesn't make any sense at all. God is always in control and he will never leave us.

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    The enemy's plan is to take away God's glory. God's plan is to have as much glory shown through your life.

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    The idle man stands outside of God's plan, outside of the ordained scheme of things; and the truest self-respect, the noblest independence, and the most genuine dignity, are not to be found there.

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    There is always death at the end of your plan and life at the end of God's plan.

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    The purpose of the Bible is simply to proclaim God's plan to save His children.

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    There is a grand designer behind everything. God's plan for your life, all that happens to you, including your mistakes, your sins, and your hurts.

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    Things don't always happen the way we planned. As we learn to trust in God's plan, we will see that He has our best interests at heart.

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    There is nothing wrong with God's plan that man should earn his bread by the sweat of his brow.

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    The scripture is God's plan on how we are to live our lives here and what we are to do to have eternal life.

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    What kind of future is in God's plan? A good one to which you can look forward. That's why you can hope.

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    Trusting God's plan is the only secret I know in the gentle art of not freaking out.

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    We are to make a plan for the day, pray over that plan, and then proceed with that plan. When we are willing to regard the unexpected as God's intervention, we can flex with the new plan, recognizing it as God's plan.

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    We dont know Gods plan, but we do know were pretty blessed and God expects us to do something with that.

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    We get to be God's plan for the whole world by pointing people toward Him.

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    When you trust the universe, you get to play in the magical world of God's plan.