Best 229 quotes in «obvious quotes» category

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    Do not allow consumerism to dictate your spiritual practice. You need nothing more than your focused attention to gain enlightenment.

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    If you only have the ability to see what's hidden, you can't see the obvious! If you only have the ability to see the obvious, you can't see what's hidden!

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    Genna: “My straw has a hole in it!” Tim: *gives her a Really? look* Genna: “One that it’s not meant to have!

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    If you can say it... it's obvious.

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    If you give a five thousand dollar diamond ring to a two year old child, sooner or later, that child is going to lose the treasure. Even though you could have meant well, yet the child would misplace the diamond. It is obvious because that child doesn’t know the value of a diamond ring.

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    I still didn’t turn. Instead, I just listened really hard. I couldn’t tell where he was standing anymore, but I could sense that he was still there somewhere. Well obviously … because he didn’t exactly jump out of the window.

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    Internet, Can fill a young mind with a whole bunch of gablooey

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    I have nothing left to prove.

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    It is obvious that the prevalent Christian world-view is not a Kingdom world-view

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    It is obviously a good rule not to lie to others but even more important not to lie to oneself.

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    Mi amiga Diana dice que si quieres que algo sea secreto no se lo cuentes a nadie

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    Making itself intelligible is suicide for philosophy.

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    ... one doesn't need telepathy to read your intentions.

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    Never put yourself in a position to be made an example of.

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    Plug into the anti-obvious power of the rebel. Or get those opposing minds to plug into your purpose, to solve your problem, to reimagine your process.

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    People that criticize the harshest usually are the ones who would trade places the fastest

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    Rachel’s the first one to speak. “So—he told you.” “Told me what?” “Come on, Hal. What’s changed since yesterday?” Rachel sneaks one arm out of her jacket cocoon to give Hallelujah a soft punch in the shoulder. “I may not be at my best right now, but I’m not blind.” She pauses. “Or deaf.” Hallelujah feels her face get hot. “Oh. What did you hear?” “Bits and pieces. I was really out of it last night, after . . . whatever that was. After almost freezing to death.” Rachel shudders. “I have to say, it was totally obvious from the get-go that Jonah liked you.” “It was?” Hallelujah is still surprised. She still doesn’t quite believe it. “Um, yeah. Or did you think he’s out here for me?” Rachel says slowly, as if to a child, “You followed me. He followed you.

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    Sometimes the most difficult thing is to be able to see the most obvious thing!

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    Seeing the obvious is often harder than seeing the hidden!

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    Repeated enough times even the most obvious obnoxious lies become to seem like the truth.

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    Rich or poor it’s nice to have money

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    Science has proven that subatomic particles can exist in two places at once. Since we are all made up of these particles, then this simple fact should drastically re-define every limitation that you think you have.

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    Sometimes when I go to bed, I lay there for hours and hours trying to fall asleep and I get so frustrated! But then I realize my eyes were open the whole time...

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    The idea that other perspectives exist may not be obvious to those who are in an emotional state of mind.

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    The humanitarian philosophies that have been developed (sometimes under some religious banner and invariably in the face of religious opposition) are human inventions, as the name implies - and our species deserves the credit. I am a devout atheist - nothing else makes any sense to me and I must admit to being bewildered by those, who in the face of what appears so obvious, still believe in a mystical creator. However I can see that the promise of infinite immortality is a more palatable proposition than the absolute certainty of finite mortality which those of us who are subject to free thought (as opposed to free will) have to look forward to and many may not have the strength of character to accept it. Thus I am a supporter of Amnesty International, a humanist and an atheist. I believe in a secular, democratic society in which women and men have total equality, and individuals can pursue their lives as they wish, free of constraints - religious or otherwise. I feel that the difficult ethical and social problems which invariably arise must be solved, as best they can, by discussion and am opposed to the crude simplistic application of dogmatic rules invented in past millennia and ascribed to a plethora of mystical creators - or the latest invention; a single creator masquerading under a plethora of pseudonyms. Organisations which seek political influence by co-ordinated effort disturb me and thus I believe religious and related pressure groups which operate in this way are acting antidemocratically and should play no part in politics. I also have problems with those who preach racist and related ideologies which seem almost indistinguishable from nationalism, patriotism and religious conviction.

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    This pain, this terrible seeing-through that is in me now. It wasn't necessary. It is all pain, and it buys nothing. Gives birth to nothing. All in vain. All wasted. The older the world becomes, the more obvious it is. The bomb and the tortures in Algeria and the starving babies in the Congo. It gets bigger and darker. More and more suffering for more and more. And more and more in vain.

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    The most obvious question of every citizen who is responsible to his nation's transformation is, "What can I do in this situation?

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    The obvious is only obvious when it happens to someone else.

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    Then this," Grimm said, "is what I believe professional inquisitors refer to as a clue." "In my considered judgment as an occasional inquisitor for the Spirearch," Benedict said, "I believe you may be correct.

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    There are always options available that are not obvious.

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    There will always be much more behind what happens than is initially obvious.

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    The very way that you think is a crucial component to your overall health and well being. Living towards the negative will only foster conflict and a sense of lack, while living towards the positive will create more opportunity for you to experience harmony and abundance.

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    To avoid surprises later, spend enough time to know people initially. Don't just ask the obvious. Go the extra mile... Be creative and unconventional...

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    Abstraction generally involves implication, suggestion and mystery, rather than obvious description.

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    Well, of course there is such a thing as good taste! Some things actually are better than other things, and some people are capable of making the distinction. But... Bad taste will always ultimately triumph over good taste, because bad taste has more financial backing. There is far more profit to be made from selling cheap and nasty products, at a big mark-up, than selling quality items at a small mark-up. And you can always produce far more cheap and nasty items far more quickly than you can produce quality items. Far more.

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    What would Jesus do? One thins is obvious, if there is one thing Jesus would NOT do - is to behave like his followers.

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    When you are always ready for the worst, then the worst is likely to show up

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    You can think of your body in two ways: 1. As mechanical, like an automobile worth only so many miles or 2. As a living breathing energetic vessel manifested from spirit. Either way will greatly effect the length and quality of your life. Choose wisely.

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    You know what you are, young 'un? You're the grand bloody panjandrum of the painfully bleeding obvious.

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    A characteristic of intuitive solutions and new ideas is that of being obvious once they are discovered.

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    Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, while simple unbiased attention and detachment to outcome often lead to pleasant surprises.

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    What would Jesus do? One thing is obvious, if there is one thing Jesus would NOT do - is to behave like his followers.

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    Wisdom is all about the simple, often tiny, obvious things, done consistently, one at a time.

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    Yes is too obvious,may be always incubates curiosity

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    All resources are not obvious; great managers find and develop available talent.

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    Adultery is an obvious violation of the rights of another. You are stealing what doesn't belong to you.

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    An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.

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    And a more foolish notion can scarcely be imagined, it being obvious that the reader is only informed of what the writer wishes him to know, and is thus seduced into believing almost anything.

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    Anything that we're connecting with that's happening right now, there's an obvious vulnerability - because we're just fragile human beings in the middle of a just-now expression.

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    Commercial record has never interested me. It's amazing I was in a band like The Police that had such phenomenal commercial success. Part of what made The Police what it was was that we didn't all come in with obvious mainstream musical tastes. We were a rock band and somehow we had to make rock music, but it was informed by a lot of things outside of the mainstream for sure.