Best 62 quotes in «esoteric quotes» category

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    In all forms of magick, the imagination or image-making faculty is the most important factor

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    I think the more stability a person has, the more they can follow esoteric or intellectual pursuits.

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    That for me is what intrigues me the most about feature films. It's not like the little kind of esoteric projects that you and your friends get but how do you make something that has a universal appeal. Those are the movies that intrigue me the most.

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    Karma is not a cop-out. The esoteric meaning of karma is that you are who you are, because of what you have done and who you have been.

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    No word in our language - not even "Socialism" - has been employed more loosely than "Mysticism." The history of the word begins in close connexion with the Greek mysteries. A mystic is one who has been, or is being, initiated into some esoteric knowledge of Divine things, about which he must keep his mouth shut.

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    Philosophy is by its nature something esoteric, neither made for the mob nor capable of being prepared for the mob.

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    "Science" is pedantic, arrogant, esoteric and often insane.

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    The exclusion of true esoteric religion has been the business of the State since ancient times. At first this was done via the establishment of the popular idealism of exoteric religious institutions in league with the State. But in modern times the same process is done by the strategic exclusion of conventional religious cultism, mystical idealism, and higher evolutionary Wisdom from the mechanisms of popular culture.

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    The basic Buddhist stand on the question of equality between the genders is age-old. At the highest tantric levels, at the highest esoteric level, you must respect women: every woman.

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    The Occultists, however, know that the traditions of Esoteric Philosophy must be the right ones, simply because they are the most logical, and reconcile every difficulty.

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    The grain of real knowledge is concealed in a vast deal of esoteric chaff.

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    We try more to profit from always remembering the obvious than from grasping the esoteric.

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    These esoteric, intellectual debates-I want them to come to New Jersey and sit across from the widows and the orphans and have that conversation.

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    Der Neophit versenke sich mediativ in die Zeichnung!

    • esoteric quotes
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    When we become expert in something, our tastes grow more esoteric and complex.

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    When yoga is understood in its totality, it is neither a form of exercise, nor is it an esoteric philosophy or religion; it is a practical and comprehensive science for realizing life's ultimate aims.

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    An experienced witch does not rely on karma. She relies on magickal justice.

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    Books of the sages of the ages reflect upon in stages; like honey their words on the tongue give due savour.” {Source: A Green Desert Father}

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    Dinner starts with a ceviche of beef, the love child of northern Italy's raw beef culture and the couple's interest in assertive flavors from around the world. Depending on the day, you may find lemongrass, cilantro, and miso- perfect strangers across Italy- canoodling with cured anchovies and handmade pastas. "It's not fusion," says Francesca. "We don't ever think 'How can we work a bit of Asia into this plate?' If it makes sense on the fork, then we go for it." From there Francesca takes me through the entire menu: from the esoteric and unexpected- fried snails over a dashi-spiked potato puree, glazed pork belly with cavolo nero kimchi- to gentle riffs on the soul food you'd find in a traditional trattoria- fried artichokes dipped into an anise-spiked mayonnaise, tender pork sweetbreads with tiny candy-sweet asparagus and a slick of Mazzo's exceptional olive oil.

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    When the symbols are 'public' they usually act in an oblique manner, revealing themselves as archetypal symbols, which though familiar, have their central meanings obscured as is usual in esoteric imagery.

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    You cannot expect your children to be happy eating esoteric beige-colored foods when their friends get soda pop, Snickers, and Twinkies.

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    Cold stars reflected in the water Abyss beckons us his dark distance. Our world, only one of hundreds, In which we can not see the sun. In this world, I am uneasy, I want to touch another planets. Because there is dark and cramped, That spirit is calling me to run. Wander through the world I'm tired, And every day to meet the dawn, For me this world has closed its doors. I want to go to other worlds, To know all mysteries of their, And here never to return.

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    E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y ' 

' I F E V E R Y T H I N G I S E N E R G Y , W H I C H I T I S – 
T H E N E V E R Y T H I N G I S B E C A U S E O F E N E R G Y ' 

    • esoteric quotes
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    Everyone has a story. It is what defines us. Our stories continue to change as we evolve in-and-out of our own skin, changing and manipulating the world around us.

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    God is a sound frequency, and we can all tune in if we just listen. Some find The Rhythm through different melodies, but it's all music.

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    Fear and superstition were not the tools of witches but rather the tools of those who persecuted them.

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    Freemasonry is a spiritual practice that good men of every spiritual practice can agree upon.

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    If everything is energy, which it is - then everything is because of energy.

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    Magnetische Heilstromkraft kann entwickelt werden.

    • esoteric quotes
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    Inaction in a deed of mercy becomes an action in a deadly sin.

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    Magick is the manipulation of the Laws of Cause-and-Effect in accordance with one's Will, via states of Higher Consciousness.

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    It is only those who do not know who wander the paths. A blind eye and a stout heart create a true wanderer. Those who seek the paths do so in vain; only those who can see deep might hope to wander.

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    MacMillian narrowed his eyes at the man in the fedora. Neither he nor his friend looked a day older than nineteen, at most. "You're a... minister?" The man's lips twitched. "Of sorts.

    • esoteric quotes
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    Nur stümperhafte, oberflächliche Arbeit darf er sich nicht leisten. Das wäre ein Frevel an dem geheimen Wissensgut der geistigen Menschheit.

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    None of the questions was what I expected. Most of them were esoteric thought experiments, 'How would you turn Pride and Prejudice into a video game?' and 'If you added a button to Pac-Man, what would you want it to do?' Conundrums like 'How come when Mario jumps he can change direction in midair?

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    Motivation gets you started, and inspiration keeps you going.

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    The biggest question, transcending physics and the realm of how he was able to do the extraordinary things he did, remained firmly rooted in the realm of metaphysics and begged an answer to why he could do these things.

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    One not only wants to be understood when one writes, but also quite as certainly not to be understood. It is by no means an objection to a book when someone finds it unintelligible: perhaps this might just have been the intention of its author, perhaps he did not want to be understood by "anyone”. A distinguished intellect and taste, when it wants to communicate its thoughts, always selects its hearers; by selecting them, it at the same time closes its barriers against "the others". It is there that all the more refined laws of style have their origin: they at the same time keep off, they create distance, they prevent "access" (intelligibility, as we have said,) while they open the ears of those who are acoustically related to them.

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    One day at a time, one round at a time, one step at time.

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    On the Samael Qlipha, the magician makes a pact with the dark forces and realizes the invitation of Friedrich Neitzsche to re-evaluate old values. Insanity becomes wisdom; death becomes life. Samael is the 'Poison of God.' Here is where illusions are poisoned, and all categories and conceptions are deconstructed until nothing is left. The dark side of the astral plane could be compared to a chalice filled with poison or an intoxicating fluid. While Gamaliel is the chalice, Samael is the elixir and the following lower Qlipha, A'arab Zaraq, is where the magician experiences the effect.

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    The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. All true Masons know that they only are heathen who, having great ideals, do not live up to them. They know that all religions are but one story told in divers ways for peoples whose ideals differ but whose great purpose is in harmony with Masonic ideals. North, east, south and west stretch the diversities of human thought, and while the ideals of man apparently differ, when all is said and the crystallization of form with its false concepts is swept away, one basic truth remains: all existing things are Temple Builders, laboring for a single end. No true Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of all broadness. There is no place for little minds in a great work.

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    The most fundamental exercise is self-observation, which is the catalyst for inner change, it will give self-knowledge and a clear mind and perception. Without it, the attempt to reach enlightenment and awaken consciousness is destined to fail.

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    The taste of blood and that annoying sting of a bitten tongue. Once man got the taste of blood there was no going back, like a serpent circling itself eating its own tail.

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    The heights of the spirit can only be climbed by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to turn his eyes to the light, but he must first acquire this right.

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    These incident acquaintances and the twisted stories that grew out of them, made John thinking that “Charles Dickens” was not just another pub, but a special place in the Universe, where life itself ties the knots.

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    This life we lead is not just for anybody, it's for you and I to create a magnificent existence among the sheep. Together we will endure anything that crosses our path.

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    Today, there are very few unicorns left, and not many witches or wizards. But there is always magic—the power to create sufficient conditions for spirits to manifest, to bring consciousness from the realms of potential into the world of action.

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    Abstraction is an esoteric language.

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    Upward through all the ages, with never any descent, Man pursues still the glorious march which shall eventuate in making him one with the Father—more than man finite, Man infinite! Angelic! ~ Phylos the Thibetan

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    Algebraic geometry seems to have acquired the reputation of being esoteric, exclusive, and very abstract, with adherents who are secretly plotting to take over all the rest of mathematics. In one respect this last point is accurate.