Best 92 quotes in «politeness quotes» category

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    Thank Siri when she helps, it's only polite!

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    The author relates George Bernard Shaw's sentiments that polite conversation excludes the only two subjects that matter, religion and politics.

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    The crime rates would go right down, I think, if Americans stopped saying: 'Have a nice day,' to one another. At least it would stop me from contemplating violence; when people in shops & so on order me to have a nice day in this authoritarian way, I want to kill, kill, kill. When I mutter 'sod off' under my breath, they think it is a Russian Orthodox benediction.

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    THE MYTH OF THE GOOD OL BOY AND THE NICE GAL The good of boy myth and the nice gal are a kind of social conformity myth. They create a real paradox when put together with the "rugged individual" part of the Success Myth. How can I be a rugged individual, be my own man and conform at the same time? Conforming means "Don't make a wave", "Don't rock the boat". Be a nice gal or a good ol' boy. This means that we have to pretend a lot. "We are taught to be nice and polite. We are taught that these behaviors (most often lies) are better than telling the truth. Our churches, schools, and politics are rampant with teaching dishonesty (saying things we don't mean and pretending to feel ways we don't feel). We smile when we feel sad; laugh nervously when dealing with grief; laugh at jokes we don't think are funny; tell people things to be polite that we surely don't mean." - Bradshaw On: The Family

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    The natural flow of discourse must be calm and serene; if wit, whim, fun and fire are present, they will not fail to flash brightly along its surface; but they can never constitute the main body of the stream itself.

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    There is no living in the world without a complaisant indulgence for people's weaknesses, and innocent, though ridiculous vanities. If a man has a mind to be thought wiser, and a woman handsomer, than they really are, their error is a comfortable one to themselves, and an innocent one with regard to other people; and I would rather make them my friends by indulging them in it it, than my enemies, by endeavouring, and that to no purpose, to undeceive them.

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    There is an old German fable about porcupines who need to huddle together for warmth, but are in danger of hurting each other with their spines. When they find the optimum distance to share each other's warmth without putting each other's eyes out, their state of contrived cooperation is called good manners. Well, those old German fabulists certainly knew a thing or two. When you acknowledge other people politely, the signal goes out, "I'm here. You're there. I'm staying here. You're staying there. Aren't we both glad we sorted that out?" When people don't acknowledge each other politely, the lesson from the porcupine fable is unmistakeable. "Freeze or get stabbed, mate. It's your choice.

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    This was our last night. We only had one curtain call, Bree. And I thought they were going to give us a standing ovation, but no-o-o-. Do you know why half the audience stood up?" "To get a head start on the traffic," Bree said. "To get a head start on the traffic," Antonia agreed in indignation. "I mean, here we are, dancing and singing our little guts out, and all those folks want to do is get to bed early. I ask you, whatever happened to common courtesy? Whatever happened to decent manners? Doesn't anyone care about craft anymore? And on top of that, it's not even nice.

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    the veneer of civilization is exceedingly thin

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    The trouble with good manners is that people are persuaded that you are all right, require no protection, are perfectly capable of looking after yourself.

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    Trevor cast her a glance. “Politeness doesn’t cost a thing, even if I’m offering a hand to the devil herself.

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    Vlad stared at Simon. "Meg told the Elders they were..." "Bad puppies," Simon finished. "Yeah." A minute passed before Vlad said, "Why?" "They didn't say 'please' when they asked for cookies." "I don't know what to say." Simon scratched behind an ear that was now Wolf-shaped and furry. "That's okay. Meg said plenty for all of us.

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    We are enjoined whenever we behold the gifts of God in others so to reverence and respect the gifts as also to honor those in whom they reside.

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    We live in a society where mutual respect and appreciation should be considered one of the pillars of modern life.

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    When I act tough they listen politely till the spasm passes. They know.

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    Why is it that those who are the most concerned with manners rarely have any themselves?

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    Woah,' I said, blocking the doorway. 'You can't come in here. This is the girls' room.' Even as it came out of my mouth, I knew it sounded dumb. Dumb, I thought and maybe even wrong. You...are a boy, aren't you?' I asked. 'I mean, don't take that the wrong way or anything -' J.Lo is a boy, yes.' I let that go. Boov have boys and girls...just like us?' Of course,' said J.Lo. 'Do not be ridicumlous.' I smiled a wan little smile. 'Sorry.' The Boov have seven magnificent genders. There is boy, girl, girlboy, boygirl, boyboy, boyboygirl, and boyboyboyboy.' I had absolutely no response to this.

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    You are a worthy competitor, the best rival I ever encountered, it is an honour to be your opponent, you are better than me at many things, but you cannot beat me at politeness.

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    Yes. But I like Americans," she said, with a sigh. "Everybody likes Americans. You have to. It upsets them so much if you don't.

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    You need not to love everyone, but you need to be polite with everyone, people will appreciate your politeness more than your love, because politeness is sweeter than love.

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    Christian piety annihilates the egoism of the heart; worldly politeness veils and represses it.

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    Politeness costs little and yields much.

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    Politeness is wasted on the dishonest, who will always take advantage of any well-intended concession.

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    Politeness is practical Christianity.

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    Politeness smooths wrinkles.

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    He was the soul of politeness to everyone -- to some with a hint of aversion, to others with a hint of respect.

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    In nothing do we fail more, as a Mission, than in lack of tact and politeness.

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    Politeness is not always a sign of wisdom; but the want of it always leaves room for a suspicion of folly, if folly and imprudence are the same.

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    Politeness is one of those advantages which we never estimate rightly but by the inconvenience of its loss.

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    Politeness is sometimes a great tax upon sincerity.

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    Punctuality is the politeness of kings.

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    such is the effect of true politeness, that it banishes all restraint and embarassment.

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    Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy.

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    Politeness only teaches us to save others from unnecessary pain.... You are not bound by politeness to tell any falsehoods.

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    The only option is politeness-remember always that you are dealing with other primates.

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    The chief prerequisite for a escort is to have a flexible conscience and an inflexible politeness.

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    There is nothing costs less than civility.

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    The truest politeness comes of sincerity.

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    True politeness is perfect ease and freedom. It simply consists in treating others just as you love to be treated yourself.

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    There is no accomplishment so easy to acquire as politeness and none more profitable.

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    As her brother turned to walk away, she asked with mild exasperation, “Where are you going? Leo, you can’t leave when there’s so much to be done.” He stopped and glanced back at her with a raised brow. “You’ve been pouring unsweetened tea down my throat for days. If you have no objection, I’d like to go out for a piss.” She narrowed her eyes. “I can think of at least a dozen polite euphemisms you could have used.” Leo continued on his way. “I don’t use euphemisms.” “Or politeness,” she said, making him chuckle.

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    Ability does catches my attention, but its a politeness in the person that I remember.

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    Aggression is just where politeness is ignored.

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    There is a time for politeness and there is a time when you are obliged to be rude.

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    Allow me to tell you, Mr Taylor", said I, but quietly as the occassion demanded, "that one gentleman does not rejoice at the misfortune of another in public".

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    A moment of truth is very powerful. Instead of smiling to be polite, just frown. Instead of laughing when you are nervous or uncomfortable, just speak your truth. Instead of acting like everything is all right, proclaim it isn't alright, and talk about your feelings! Honor your truth. Honor yourself. Be real.

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    But a man of tender sensitivities finds disruption unpleasant; he finds it unpleasant to break in on a well-constructed train of thought with his own logical or historical objections culled from memory, and even in the anti-intellectual he will honor and respect the intellect. Today we can see clearly enough that it was the mistake of our civilization to have been all too generous in exercising such forbearance and respect—since on the opposing side we were indeed dealing with naked insolence and the most determined intolerance.

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    As the head of an expedition, you can't pussyfoot around being polite to everyone. You have to show your teeth once in a while; a little growling goes a long way.

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    (Bless her heart's Southern for 'that bitch,' which Meryl was too polite to say out loud.)