Best 169 quotes in «fellowship quotes» category

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    In Fellowship; alone To God, with Faith, draw near, Approach His Courts, besiege His Throne With all the power of Prayer.

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    I won a really big fellowship to go straight on to get my Ph.D. And I went through agonies of indecision, and then I decided not to accept it. I just decided I didn't want to be an academic.

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    In 1948 I was appointed to a Lectureship in Physics and in 1949 elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College.

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    It is a great thing to be a child of God, and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. If this is your privilege, you will know the fellowship of Christ's sufferings.

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    It is for him that is lonely or in prison to dream of fellowship, but for him that is of a fellowship to do and not to dream.

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    I was an undergraduate at Princeton, and I was pressed by the math department to go on to graduate school. Actually they gave me fellowships that paid my way, otherwise I would not have been able to continue.

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    Make disciples. Surround them in the reality of the Trinity in a fellowship of disciples. Teach them to do everything Jesus says.

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    I was later to receive an excellent first two years' graduate education in the same University and then again was able to pursue my studies in the U.S. on a fellowship from the aforementioned fund.

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    In losing stewardship we lose fellowship; we become outcasts from the great neighborhood of creation.

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    Most church members live so far below the standard, you would have to backslide to be in fellowship with them.

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    No use slaving for me and then saying you want to be cared for: who cares for a slave? If you come back, come back for the sake of good fellowship; for you’ll get nothing else.

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    Now it is the blood of Jesus which saves, and it is the same blood which cleanses and sanctifies; and as we had to come lo Jesus to be plunged into the fountain, so we have to abide in Jesus by fellowship, to grow up into Christlikeness.

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    Pity is best taught by fellowship in woe.

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    Pleasure blinds (so to speak) the eyes of the mind, and has no fellowship with virtue.

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    REAL fellowship is being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ.

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    Seek the fellowship of those who enjoy fellowship with the Lord

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    The American writer is a very pampered figure - by foundations, by fellowships, by publishing advances. Even though I am not American, I have been pampered enough myself to know how it can make your life too frictionless.

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    One does not simply walk into Mordor.

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    The fellowship of true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless.

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    The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ass he can become until he goes abroad. I speak now, of course, in the supposition that the gentle reader has not been abroad, and therefore is not already a consummate ass. If the case be otherwise, I beg his pardon and extend to him the cordial hand of fellowship and call him brother.

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    The lasting value of our public service for God is measured by the depth of the intimacy of our private times of fellowship and oneness with Him.

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    The life and fellowship of the church is to be a foretaste of life in the Kingdom of God.

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    Solitude does not pull us away from our fellow human beings but instead makes real fellowship possible.

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    Thanksgiving, our eminent moral holiday, doesnt have much for children. At its heart are conversation, food, drink, and fellowship - all perks of adulthood.

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    The church is not an audience of spectators; we are a fellowship of disciple-makers

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    There is a fellowship more quiet even than solitude, and which, rightly understood, is solitude made perfect.

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    There is no revival possible in any fellowship without a price being paid.

    • fellowship quotes
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    There is a brotherhood within the body of believers, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the common denominator. Friendship and fellowship are the legal tender among believers.

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    The weak and misbegotten shall perish: first principle of our brotherly love. And they shall be given every assistance.

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    [The Outsiders] was very competitive, in the best possible way. Full of love, full of companionship and fellowship, pranks and practical jokes and ball-busting.

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    There's neither honesty, manhood, nor good fellowship in thee.

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    The Spirit of God is jealous over us; He doesn't want superficial fellowship, but genuine intimacy.

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    We know that without food we would die. Without fellowship, life is not worth living.

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    Thus united to them in the fellowship of life, he will both understand the things revealed to them by God and, thenceforth escaping the peril that threatens sinners in the judgment, will receive that which is laid up for the saints in the kingdom of heaven.

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    To be told you've won a MacArthur fellowship is very flattering and gratifying personally.

    • fellowship quotes
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    Today there's more fellowship among snakes than among mankind. Wild beasts spare those with similar markings.

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    True joy comes only from God and He shares this joy with those who walk in fellowship with Him.

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    We all claim to worship the same God, so why don't we fellowship together? ... The only thing that keeps us from fellowshiping together are the church buildings, the organizations.

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    We formed the fellowship of the ring when we should've all just gone on medication

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    We must have a strong inner life of fellowship and intimacy with Jesus if we are going to have a strong outer life of ministry

    • fellowship quotes
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    Though you are weak and frail, though you are poor and helpless, God does not despise you; but would glorify your being with His own, and raise you to fellowship with Himself.

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    Whomever the Lord has adopted and deemed worthy of His fellowship ought to prepare themselves for a hard, toilsome, and unquiet life, crammed with very many and various kinds of evil.

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    #3. Meditate on God's many commands demanding that we love one another. When you feel your heart begin to turn against another Christian, this is the time to turn to the many commands to love one another-commands found in places such as John 15:12, Romans 13:8, Hebrews 13:1, 1 John 4:7, 1 Peter 1:22, and so on. Allow God's Word to convict you of love's necessity.

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    A Christian atmosphere is no protection against preening egos.

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    A colleague like Barnabas could comfort him (Paul) in illness and keep him from overstrain when fit.

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    A continual fellowship with God gives us His wisdom to properly evaluate the events that are occurring

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    Afternoon tea needn’t stand on ceremony. Anything that becomes more important than sweet fellowship, whether lace or linen or the china itself, is pretense. How much more we enjoy life when the pretenses are discarded!

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    All believers have been called into only one fellowship, which is that of Jesus Christ. Believers may mistakenly consider the group they associate with is one fellowship, and every other group has its own separate fellowship. The truth is, all believers belong to only one fellowship...Since all believers are in the one body of Christ, there should be no divisions in Christ.

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    Always choose fellowship with God in everything and he will appreciate your faithfulness

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    An act of kindness blossoms our lives with gladness.