Best 30 quotes in «java quotes» category

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    Wong meneng ora mesti anteng, wong anteng ora mesti meneng.

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    why bother with null and java 8 has optional

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    I fear - as far as I can tell - that most undergraduate degrees in computer science these days are basically Java vocational training.

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    However, when Java is promoted as the sole programming language, its flaws and limitations become serious.

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    I fear - as far as I can tell - that most undergraduate degrees in computer science these days are basically Java vocational training. I've heard complaints from even mighty Stanford University with its illustrious faculty that basically the undergraduate computer science program is little more than Java certification.

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    A class, in Java, is where we teach objects how to behave.

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    After all, C++ isn't a perfect match for Java's design aims either.

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    C is declining somewhat in usage compared to C++, and maybe Java, but perhaps even more compared to higher-level scripting languages. It's still fairly strong for the basic system-type things.

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    If Sun were to hand the management of Java over to a committee of monkeys, would it be more successful?

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    If I were to pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala

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    I love coffee, I love tea, I love the Java Jive, and it loves me. Coffee and tea and the Java and me, A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup.

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    I'm just an observer of Java, and where Microsoft wants to go with C# is too early to tell.

    • java quotes
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    If the pros at Sun had had a chance to fix Java, the world would be a much more pleasant place. This is not secret knowledge. It's just secret to this pop culture.

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    I think it would be a tragic statement of the universe if Java was the last language that swept through.

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    In my daily work, I work on very large, complex, distributed systems built out of many Python modules and packages. The focus is very similar to what you find, for example, in Java and, in general, in systems programming languages.

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    I was interested in Java the beginning, but the problem with Java is you do have to switch your platform.

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    Java is C++ without the guns, clubs and knives.

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    Java and C++ make you think that the new ideas are like the old ones. Java is the most distressing thing to hit computing since MS-DOS.

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    Java isn't platform independent; it is a platform

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    (In response to Java) Anybody who thinks a little 9,000-line program that's distributed free and can be cloned by anyone is going to affect anything we do at Microsoft has his head screwed on wrong.

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    Now, it's my belief that Python is a lot easier than to teach to students programming and teach them C or C++ or Java at the same time because all the details of the languages are so much harder. Other scripting languages really don't work very well there either.

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    Mark Hammond is working in this area, with Windows Scripting Host. It is definitely an area where Python fits almost perfectly. That's quite independent from Java, actually.

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    This evolution may compromise Java's claim of being simpler than C++, but my guess is that the effort will make Java a better language than it is today.

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    Dr. Soekarno was always exactly what he was in the beginning, a whizz-bang demagogue, an opportunist, just another little dictator. U.S. officialdom never tires of backing that type. Nor does U.S. officialdom take sufficient note of the writing on the wall, such as: Down With All Whites. I wonder what the phrase looks like in Vietnamese.

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    Travelers describe a tree in the island of Java whose pestiferous exhalations blight every tiny blade of grass within the compass of its shade. So it is with despotism.

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    Software testing is a sport like hunting, it's bughunting.

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    My book "Bamboo Walls" is forever because the Djojobojo Prophecy is timeless!

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    Teknologi tertinggi yang ada di dunia ini adalah tubuh manusia. Komputer paling rumit sekaligus paling canggih ada di otak manusia

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    Takut untuk mengalami hal-hal baru adalah wajar. Yang bisa mengatasinya akan diganjar hadiah berupa pengalaman, kebijakan dan kebesaran

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    Programming is about managing complexity: the complexity of the problem, laid upon the complexity of the machine. Because of this complexity, most of our programming projects fail.