Best 83 quotes in «champagne quotes» category

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    Come quickly, I am drinking the stars!

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    If I ever ran for President, It would be a school for scandal. Champagne for all served before exams.

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    Here's champagne for our real friends, and real pain for our sham friends.

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    Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!

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    ...dette drikker kongen av det første han gjør om morgningen og det siste han gjør om kvælden, bare idelig sjampanidrik. (Jul i Åsen, Stridende liv)

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    Inventory: "Four be the things I am wiser to know: Idleness, sorrow, a friend, and a foe. Four be the things I'd been better without: Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt. Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne. Three be the things I shall have till I die: Laughter and hope and a sock in the eye.

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    If you drink champagne when you are sad it makes you happy. If you drink champagne when you are happy you can taste the stars.

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    Mixing old wine with new wine is stupidity, but mixing old wisdom with new wisdom is maturity.

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    Morse poured himself a can of beer. "Champagne's a lovely drink, but it makes you thirsty, doesn't it?

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    I have a wedge of Brie and some crackers in the pantry, and I could slice a pear or an apple and drizzle the fruit with some orange blossom honey. That always makes a nice accompaniment for cheese. I've got some olives, too, Lucques. I wonder if I have time to make cheese sticks. I use store-bought puff pastry, roll it out, sprinkle it with salt and red pepper flakes and grated Parmesan, then cut the dough into strips, twist them, and bake. They are particularly delicious with a glass of Champagne, especially when you serve the cheese sticks warm.

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    No, I drank champagne and romped and tried to flirt, and was altogether abominable," said Meg reproachfully.

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    Servers moved among the guests with trays of hors d'oeuvres and the signature cocktail, champagne with a honey infused liqueur and a delicate spiral twist of lemon. The banquet was bursting with color and flavor- flower-sprinkled salads, savory chili roasted salmon, honey glazed ribs, just-harvested sweet corn, lush tomatoes and berries, artisan cheeses. Everything had been harvested within a fifty-mile radius of Bella Vista. The cake was exactly what Tess had requested, a gorgeous tower of sweetness. Tess offered a gracious speech as she and Dominic cut the first slices. "I've come a long way from the city girl who subsisted on Red Bull and microwave burritos," she said. "There's quite a list of people to thank for that- my wonderful mother, my grandfather and my beautiful sister who created this place of celebration. Most of all, I'm grateful to Dominic." She turned to him, offering the first piece on a yellow china plate. "You're my heart, and there is no sweeter feeling than the love we share. Not even this cake. Wait, that might be overstating it. Everyone, be sure you taste this cake. It's one of Isabel's best recipes.

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    Some women will do anything for a glass of champagne and a safe bed.

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    That evening I glanced back at the TV as Bella poured half a bottle of the finest brandy into her bowl of cake batter, I waited for tinselly anticipation to land like snowflakes all around me, but I felt nothing. Even when she produced what she described as 'a winter landscape for European cheeses', sprigged with holly and a frosty snow scene, I failed to get my fix. 'Ooh, this is a juicy one,' she said, biting seductively at a maraschino cherry she'd earlier described as 'divinely kitsch'. She swallowed the cherry whole, giggled girlishly and raised a flute of champagne. 'Why have cava when Champagne is sooo much more bubbly? Cheers!' she said, taking a large sip of vintage Krug.

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    The air is dry and light and its effect on the mind is similar to that of a glass of Champagne before dinner.

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    På samma sätt som en kapsyl sprätts av från en sockerdricksflaska for han upp igen. Liknelsen hade onekligen fungerat bättre om det varit en kork i en champagneflaska, men Johannes drack som bekant inte champagne, utan sockerdricka.

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    The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex, and picnics.

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    The noise of drinking was exhilarating. Champagne corks popped and the pale, chrysanthemum-coloured liquid, whispering gleefully with bubbles, hissed into the glasses; heavy red wine glupped into the goblets, thick and crimson as the blood of some mythical monster, and a swirling wreath of pink bubbles formed on the surface; the frosty white wine tiptoed into the glasses, shrilling, gleaming, now like diamonds, now like topaz; the ouzo lay transparent and innocent as the edge of a mountain pool until the water splashed in and the whole glass curdled like a conjuring trick, coiling and blurring into a summer cloud of moonstone white.

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    Think champagne, drink champagne!

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    The lovely effects of champagne were quite gone and only the nasty ones were left; the taste in the mouth, the splitting ache in the brow and the impotence of not being able to clarify one's thoughts.

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    watching the tiny bubbles flea-jump out the top of her glass

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    What did Dom Perignon say to fellow monks after he invented champagne? ... Come quickly, I am tasting the stars.

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    Wie lieb und luftig perlt die Blase Der Witwe Klicko in dem Glase.

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    Too much champagne?” “Maybe.” “Silly girl,” she said, looping her arm through mine. “There’s no such thing as too much champagne. Though your head will try to tell you otherwise tomorrow.

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    When you eat too much chocolate, you get sick of it. When you drink too much champagne, you get sick of it. Gorge yourself on fear.

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    You may receive a pie, eat it and forget. You may receive champagne, drink it and forget. But when you receive a book, you can open it again and again.

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    After moral poisoning, one requires physical remedies and a bottle of champagne.

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    While they were dancing, the buoyancy that the champagne had given her left her all at once, and she slumped and felt suddenly tired and miserable about all the things that Denys should have said and done and hadn't. At the end of the dance there was one awful moment when she was bored. She didn't want to go and be kissed in the garden, she didn't want to drink any more, and Denys was in no mood for conversation; what was there to do? She was bored. It was a terrible, treacherous thought to feel like that when you were with someone you loved.

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    This new resolve gave her a sort of light-headed self-confidence: when she left the dinner-table she felt so easy and careless that she was surprised to see that the glass of champagne beside her plate was untouched. She felt as if all its sparkles were whirling through her.

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    A pun, like champagne, loses its sparkle when too long drawn out. Its flash is its savor.

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    Admiration and love are like being intoxicated with champagne; judgment and friendship are like being enlivened.

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    Best wine if you're stranded on a deserted island? 1982 Salon Champagne.

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    As far as a cocktail, I do like good wines, basically with meals, and good champagnes.

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    Champagne is the only drink that leaves a woman still beautiful after drinking it.

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    Champagne with its foaming whirls/As white as Cleopatra's pearls.

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    Champagne offers a minimum of alcohol and a maximum of companionship.

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    Champagne... the wine of kings, the king of wines

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    Champagne is simply one of the elegant extras of life.

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    Champagne makes you feel like it's Sunday and better days are just around the corner.

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    All the times being like, 'Who rented this car and why are we going to this place?' You take the easy route and go, 'Oh, thanks for the champagne. I'll have another.

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    Criticism is like champagne, nothing more execrable if bad, nothing more excellent if good.

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    But Champagne is not drinking.

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    Coquetry is the champagne of love.

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    Don't die with a bottle of champagne in your fridge.

    • champagne quotes
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    Do you know,' he asked in a delicious accent, 'what Dom Pérignon said after inventing champagne?' 'No?' I said. 'He called out to his fellow monks, 'Come quickly: I am tasting the stars!

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    Diogenes was asked what wine he liked best; and he answered as I would have done when he said, "Somebody else's".

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    He'd heard that writers spent all day in their dressing gowns drinking champagne. This is, of course, absolutely true.

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    Getting hit on by both genders is such a champagne problem.

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    I have yet to discover a dish that will not come alive in the presence of champagne.

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    I'd give all the champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him in a big European match at Old Trafford.