Best 120 quotes in «being real quotes» category

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    People are being really picky about the upcoming election. I read that Americans do not want the next president to be a first-term senator, be over 65, or have a former president in the family. Then the Secret Service said, 'Hey, whoever slips through slips through. No promises.'

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    Scary is good. Kids like going to a movie and being really scared rather than fake scared.

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    Sooner or later, many idealists transform themselves into disheartened realists who mistakenly believe that giving up is the same thing as being realistic.

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    Ride the energy of your own unique spirit.

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    The best thing is being really close. The worst thing is being really close.

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    ... professing myself moreover convinced that the general's unjust interference, so far from being really injurious to their felicity, was perhaps rather conducive to it, by improving their knowledge of each other, and adding strength to their attachment, I leave it to be settled, by whomsoever it may concern, whether the tendency of this work be altogether to recommend parental tyranny, or reward filial disobedience.

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    The realest people don’t have a lot of friends.

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    The pressure... It's not real unless you let it be real.

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    There are problems that just end up being really hard and by definition the only problems that come to my desk are the ones that nobody else can solve.

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    The cause, then, philosophically speaking, is the sum total of the conditions, positive and negative, taken together; the whole of the contingencies of every description, which being realized, the consequent invariably follows.

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    There is a generation begging for you to be real... and to be real now.

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    There should be in eloquence that which is pleasing and that which is real; but that which is pleasing should itself be real.

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    There's no value to working hard on being really popular.

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    The spirit is the life of the body seen from within, and the body the outward manifestation of the life of the spirit-the two being really one.

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    There's something interesting about being really intimate and familiar with Israel, but still being American - that really thin piece of glass between me and my experiences.

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    The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his identity.

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    The strongest force in the universe is Compound Interest.

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    The way must be in you; the destination also must be in you and not somewhere else in space or time. If that kind of self-transformation is being realized in you, you will arrive.

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    Things change that's the way it is.

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    There are things in your life which you are in control of, and those you're not. You need to not care about those things which you're not in control of, and when you come to really understand that, you can go from being really upset about something to that lovely feeling of being a kid where everything is okay.

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    We with Komplizen Film believe very much in the writer-director and in the freedom of a filmmaker. I think it's always good to be involved where you spend the money. Filmmaking, you see in the picture what the money's spent for. I never had to leave a phase of filmmaking before being really happy, and that was really a big luxury. That could happen, I think, because I am my own producer.

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    To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up.

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    Those who had demanded no more than an end to the bombing of North Vietnam and a commitment to negotiations saw their demands being realized, and lapsed into silence.

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    Trying to tell you I'm the one, come and holla at me before I'm on the next thing, YMCMB.

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    When you know the lyrics to a tune, you have some kind of insight as to it's composition. If you don't understand what it's about, you're depriving yourself of being really able to communicate this poem.

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    When people say, 'You're not being realistic,' they're just trying to tag some thoughts that they can't otherwise handle.

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    Who doesn't want to go to the Emmys? But it ends up just being really boring.

    • being real quotes
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    You know, I used to be made fun of as a kid for being really articulate; it was sort of like a strange thing.

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    Who's to say the effort to be real isn't the beginning of wings?

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    When you love, deeply love another human being, really deeply, somewhere you will feel that you are still alone, and this very beloved human being has no access.

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    You dread that there will be real problems during filming.

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    You have to be out there and have a mound presence. You have to be real aggressive and be real confident. You have to put the hitters on defense.

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    Do everything with your whole heart, or not at all. Don't put up with lies or with people who lie to you. Don't risk hurting people just for the fun of it. And lastly, your best foot shouldn't be put forward; it should be with you at all times— right there beside the other one.

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    You never think of films being really creepy that you're in because you just remember the funny stuff.

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    I believe the most difficult situation to be in, is one of mind-game-playing. Interestingly enough, it can be observed that it’s those from the most prosperous countries that tend to play the most mind-games with other people. They even write things about it. Why is it very difficult to be honest and transparent about what one thinks and feels? Why must one resort to manipulations and mind-mockery and mimicry? It is such a sad situation or state for any person to be in. Living in cubicle within cubicle within cubicle of themselves. Victims and perpetrators of mind games, interestingly, are the most paranoid about it happening to them— because they do it, they think everyone else does it too. Or because it’s been done to them, they think everyone will do it to them. Why cannot people say what they think, think what they say, say what they mean and mean what they say? The world would be happier if we were all just living out in a big plain in Africa! Roaming with animals, walking barefoot, being simple, transparent, real...

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    I am not a typical human being. I am me and don't try to be anything but that because God didn't give us all different fingerprints if he wanted us all to be the same. lol -- TAMMY WOOSTER

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    I don't understand why people care so much about showing that they are good; because I am rather comfortable with having badness, quite okay with being inexplicable. They tire themselves so. The light is beautiful; but light can't hide treasures like the darkness can.

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    I never say "If I were her, this is how I would have acted, this is what I would have done, etc. etc." And why? Well because I am not her and she is not me. We cannot say what we would have done if we were someone else, because, we are us and they are they. If you want to say that, then you must also be willing to go back into the womb of their mothers and live their lives from that point on— then— you can say that.

    • being real quotes
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    I'm different. I will give you my treasure chest of darkness first. If you can handle that, then I'll bring out my shining moons. If one cannot handle the darkness, then one should not deserve the light. I have no interest in "trapping" anyone into a silken web. I have no silken web.

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    It's not unfortunate that people aren't genuine; what's unfortunate is that insincere people try to act sincere and in doing so, mislead and deceive the other. I would rather meet a person who is not amiable and who does not feel any burden to act amiable towards me, than to have the misfortune of knowing people who feel like they need to be gracious and compassionate so they will appear to be good people, whilst possessing none of those qualities within themselves! It's the latter that causes the pain in life. And that's another reason why I don't believe in religion; I have observed that religion tells people that it is highly prized a quality to act kind and compassionate and so on and so forth, but some people just do not have these innate qualities within them! We get deceived, and I'd rather not be deceived! I'd rather be able to see a person for who he/she is and not judge a brute for being a brute, but avoid the brute who carries the burden of acting like a wonderful one!

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    My beliefs are the center of my being.

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    Let's burn our masks at midnight and as flickering flames ascend, under the witness of star-clouds, let us vow to reclaim our true selves. Done with hiding and weary of lying, we'll reconcile without and within. Then, like naked squint-eyed newborns, we'll greet the glorious birth of dawn; blinking at the blazing, wondrous colors we somehow failed to notice before.

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    We are all surrounded with so much static energy, that it is actually crucial to develop the ability to remove that and to flow through the streams in life that we make— the ones that are not stagnant, the ones that are real, the energy that is flowing and that is real and that is actual. You can get so caught up with what your friends think about your photo on Facebook that you don't realize your loss of ability to actually feel what in fact was going on in that photo. Too often, we stop to smell the flowers in order to show someone that we have stopped to smell the flowers; without actually smelling anything with our noses! This is scary. We live in a scary world.

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    People decide they like one another, based upon the color of their shells that they wear on the outside of them. And then they decide to leave one another, based upon the color of their souls that is who they really are underneath the shell. I think it should be the other way around. I think people should decide they like one another, based upon the color of their souls and then decide to leave one another if they run into the shells. But then it's not even that. What if they loved the soul and then broke down each others' shells when they ran into them? Then nobody would leave anybody and everybody would know what love means.

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    People love to say, 'I love that person even though…' But let’s be honest. Genuine love is never followed with the words 'even though.

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    After all this atrocity, this is how human beings really pray.

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    You have fun at the cool kids table. I prefer my spot over here with the real people.

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    You shouldn’t have to pretend to be as excited as I am just to make me happy. If it comes to that, you shouldn’t have to pretend to be anything around me. Friends should be real with each other

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    Which is more real, when you face reality, or when reality faces you?

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    Again, talent is the real import of being in the business.