Best 150 quotes in «timing quotes» category

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    God is patient and act in His timing.

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    I believe my mother was smart enough to know that in the night, you are willing to tell all. If she waited until the next day, she knew she'd get one-syllable answers.

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    I believe that life is all about perception and timing. That good things come to those who act and that life’s about more than collecting a paycheck. I believe that the only person you’re destined to become is the one that you decide to be. That if you try hard enough you can convince yourself of anything. That having patience doesn’t make you a hero nor does it make you a doormat. I believe that not showing love proves you’re weak and belittling others doesn’t make you strong. That you are never as far away from people as the miles may suggest. That life’s too short to read awful books, listen to terrible music, or be around uninspiring people. I believe that where you start has little impact on where you finish. That sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away. That you can never be overdressed or overeducated. I believe that the cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears, or the sea. That you should never let your memories be greater than your dreams. And that you should always choose adventure.

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    I can't help but feel, across oceans and vast fields we will connect again. What we share is too rare to let go of for good but sometimes we have to accept, the timing isn't right.

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    I don't think it was our time then. I guess it isn't now, either... But one day maybe it will be.

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    I am always running 5 minutes later than the latest you'll think I would be

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    Have you ever noticed that when God closes a door, he opens a window? Neither have I. But I have noticed that timing and luck sometimes line up in such a way that you can catch a break.

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    I fell in love with you that summer all those years ago. I never really told you, because of everything that happened. But I suppose I've been in love with you ever since. Everything's been wrong with us, timing -wise. Hasn't it? I just wanted you to know I wasn't an idiot, some stupid bastard who wanted to hurt you. I could never do that to you. There were reasons.

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    If it comes easy, it will go fast.

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    If only we wait on God's timings, we shall eat of the best fruits from the tree of life in the garden of God.

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    If we seek for the best times to act, we may missed some opportunities. We must seize every moment and make it great.

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    I hoped with every ounce of my being that he would have the pleasure of knowing love and heartache in the way that I did. It might sound strange me wanting my five-year-old son to experience heartache, but without it I wouldn't have met his mother - a wonderful woman who taught me just how uncomplicated falling in love can be when it is with the right person, as well as highlighting the notion that timing is everything. If I had met her earlier in life I've no doubt that I'd have made a complete mess of the whole thing. I wouldn't have been ready to receive her love or to give the love I'd spent year accumulating.

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    If you want to know the real character of man, intentionally and timely give him the test of 3d’s; delay, denial and disappointment

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    In reality, for anybody to make real impact, he ought to be real. He ought to know the real position of materialism in purposefulness. He ought to understand the real reasons to act and the consequences for staying dormant. He ought to know the people who matter most in making true impacts and build the best synergy. As a matter of fact, he ought to be ready to embrace the real challenges that come with staying purposeful and making real impact. In fact, he ought to be able to turn what least counts and what is so uncanny to what really counts. He ought to be a mindset changer.He ought to know the real essence of time and timing and the value of patience and assertiveness. He ought to be strong. Living to leave footprints that count is what will make us count

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    It felt as if everything that had happened so far in my life had been leading me to this point, preparing me for this task, and that I was uniquely equipped to pursue this quest. It was a perfect collision of personality, past experience, purpose, and timing.

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    I think you loved me And I loved you But we never really did At the same time.

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    In the morning, when I am gone. Don’t sit ‘round and mourn. Just simply look up to the sun. I’ll be looking right back at you. You will all be okay without me, soon. It’s not the end; it’s the start of a new bloom. You will have better times than now. Don’t reflect on the sad times, avow. Think of the happy times, the years and vow. I don’t want a bunch standing around my grave. Straighten up and think of the happy days. I’ll only allow tears of joy, be brave. I will be right there with you. I will keep an eye on you. You teenagers better behave, I’ll be seeing your every move. Every move you make on those nights, out late. So, anyway, when I am gone in the morning, date. Don’t be sad or mad, don’t hate. Just look up to the sun, nigh I’ll be looking back at you, wry It was just my time to fly. It was simply my time, goodbye.

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    It is the story of people who found each other at the right moment in their lives and performed magic. (v)

    • timing quotes
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    It's him, it always has been and it always will be ~ the only thing left now is timing.

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    Life is about time because timing is everything”.

    • timing quotes
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    Love is such a powerful subject matter because it comes in so many different shapes and sizes. It's about timing, fate, failure, redemption.

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    Luck is made by the making the right choices at the right timing and place.

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    If you keep waiting for the ideal time, chances are that there will never be

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    I told you I loved you, but I said it a little too late. You move in time and sometimes our timing is against one another.

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    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There's almost no such thing as ready. There's only now. And you may as well do it now. I mean, I say that confidently as if I'm about to go bungee jumping or something--I'm not. I'm not a crazed risk taker. But I do think that, generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

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    It seems that life is all about timing. Sometimes the timing is perfect for something you want, and the events come together perfectly. It’s at those times when you think life couldn’t get any better. Opportunities are presented to you, and you make the right decisions at the right times. You feel as if your life is gaining speed. Then suddenly, it seems that the universe changes. You’ve stepped out of the flow, or time has sped up or slowed down. You try to make things happen even though the timing is wrong, and it’s like you’re swimming upstream.

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    Making excuses as to why you cannot do something based on what you don't have, or what hasn't happened yet, only serves to hold you back even further. WAIT FOR NOTHING & NO-ONE.

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    ... patience ... the principal requirement in the art of timing.

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    Once Trump got his hands around this promising idea, he basically strangled it.

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    Patience is something I can’t wait to have!

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    Patience is the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in mind.

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    Q: When is the perfect time? A: Who can say, but probably somewhere between haste and delay - and it's usually most wise to start today.

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    Persuasion is a strong but subdued outrider.

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    She knows her timing, always knows. The time to strike or the time to starve. Her eyes as a clock, she watches she waits she learns, and in the second she blinks, she changes her mind just like that.

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    Main issue with most of men is of perfect timing.

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    Revenge, I've come to learn, is not impulsive, or reactionary, or blind. It's calculating, patient, and observant. And if it's going to work- the timing must be perfect.

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    Sometimes love finds you when it’s ready. And when you’re ready too. How that happens is anybody’s guess. Love is the great mystery stew, its secrets well kept, its ingredients known to providence alone. While both people are being prepared, marinated, skewered,cooked to readiness in the fires of life, the cosmic alchemist is turning the pot, reverently preparing the base for the lovers who will meld into it. Only God knows when the stew is ready to be served. Divine timing, Divine dining…

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    Right now is then time of repentance.

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    Silence, if treated with caution and love, can be like our alabaster flask; as it waits for the right time, for the right reason, and for the right audience to manifest its healing properties.

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    The doctrine of providence, rightly understood, excludes, in all cases, the notion of chance. It tells us to recognize the hand of God, not only in important events, but in all their attendant circumstances; and what a comfort is it to mourners, what refuge from painful reflections, to know that the means are determined as well as the end -- the day and hour as well as the consummation-- and that all things are of God who hath reconciled us unto himself by Jesus Christ! - If then, God order for the minutest occurrence the moment of its advent -- if He determine when, as well as how the sparrow shall fall to the ground -- we may feel very specially assured that his perfections were engaged in timing the introduction of this seal of the covenant. -- David King, The Lords Supper. p. 61. (concerning the signs of the elements of the Lords Supper)

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    Sometimes the real action in a conversation takes place in the pauses, when nothing at all is being said.

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    The Lord God knows exact when to act.

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    The problem with Fate is that no matter how many times you call out to her, she has her own timing that’s irrelevant to whatever anyone else happens to be doing

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    There is appointed time for every sacred event under the sun.

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    The Holy Spirit knows precisely the right timing in our lives. I always say, "Only the Holy Spirit knows when you are ready for what." In other words, the Spirit of the Lord is the only One Who knows what it will take to help you, and when you are ready to receive help.

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    The right thing at the right time only happens when we stop searching for the right time, everything becomes right when we decide to make it right, time never decides the choice & determination factor, it just moves on.

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    The right timing hinges on a narrow window of opportunity.

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    The root of impatience in discipline is really the same as that of overindulgence. In both instances, parents want to make up for lost time, to speed up a process that takes time.

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    Sometimes while waiting for God's promises to come to pass, we messed up things and go into so many troubles, but God’s mercy has never failed in bringing us out of them all.

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    There is a part of us that knows the timing of any relationship. It knows things that we cannot work out. It knows when to say yes. It knows when to say no. It knows when to wait. It knows when something has finished. It knows when something has started. It knows when we have a responsibility to another person. It knows when the ties are untied. It will not betray us or another.