Best 26 quotes in «spoiled quotes» category

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    And sometimes, sometimes, wanting things, wishing for, working for them, is a good thing. Otherwise, we become nothing but spoiled boys and girls frustrated that we don't get every new toy we see.

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    How humans love plundering a forest, like spoiled children with their parents' ATM cards and no concept of moderation

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    If not careful... there is possibility getting spoiled.

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    But you shouldn't have let her. That's the only way with these fanciful women that chaw high--innocent or guilty. She'd have come round in time. We all do! Custom does it! It's all the same in the end! However, I think she's fond of her man still--whatever he med be of her. You were too quick about her. I shouldn't have let her go! I should have kept her chained on-- her spirit for kicking would have been broke soon enough! There's nothing like bondage and a stone-deaf taskmaster for taming us women. Besides, you've got the laws on your side. Moses knew.

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    Many men remain spoiled boys that have never grown up. Women are prepared to raise them and take pain with patience, both as a condescendant contribution to supercilious compassion and as a proof of the eminence of their sense of worth. ("Prêt-à-penser" / "Ready-to-wear thinking")

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    In a world spoiled by the obituary of attention and the dormancy of empathy, people are coming up short of authentic emotion. (“The upper lip must never tremble”)

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    Compared with my life Cinderella was a spoiled brat.

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    Perhaps I am an insensitive rich woman. That doesn't change the fact that you can be downright mean and offensive, Kaladin Stormblessed.

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    . . . we shouldn’t always have what we want: it spoils the best of us, doesn’t it?

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    A happy childhood has spoiled many a promising life.

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    Food, like the people who eat it, can be stimulated by wine or spirits. And, as with people, it can also be spoiled.

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    I don't like spoilers. I don't like things being spoiled.

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    I like variety, which is frustrating. But I've always been picky. I was afraid Pirates would be too much like Twentieth Century, broad comedy. But my agent talked me into it. I was spoiled by the range of a repertory theater.

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    I have never cared enough about money to worry about spending it, and have been fortunate to make enough to be spoiled rotten.

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    I have often noticed that spoiled, petted children, usually have very little love for their parents, or indeed for any one but themselves.

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    I was quite the spoiled brat. I have quite a temper, obviously inherited from my father, and I became very good at ordering everyone around. I was the princess; the staff were absolutely terrified of me.

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    What an idiot I'd been. What a spoilt brat. What a bloody fool.

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    I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day.

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    I probably lead a very spoiled life, because I travel from people interested in permaculture to people interested in permaculture. Some of them are tribal, and some of them are urban, and so on.

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    I was spoiled by theater, where there is no editor.

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    Now, there's no use crying over spoiled milk.

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    The inability to listen and to depict in the countenance what others have said has spoiled many a good actress.

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    The most important things must be said simply, for they are spoiled by bombast; whereas trivial things must be described grandly, for they are supported only by aptness of expression, tone and manner.

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    Poisinet's verses are like spoiled children - loved only by their father.

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    The ocean has the conscienceless temper of a savage autocrat spoiled by much adulation

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    Ugly women may be naturally quite as capricious as pretty ones; but as they are never petted and spoiled, and as no allowances are made for them, they soon find themselves obliged either to suppress their whims or to hide them.