Best 121 quotes in «las vegas quotes» category

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    History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of "history" it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody understands at the time--and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.

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    I always feel like an interloper when I do serious drama. It's my own paranoia.

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    Hatred is not what Las Vegas is about.

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    I do a lot of Vegas work and work with the comedians.

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    If what happens in Las Vegas is supposed to stay in Las Vegas, how did Harry Reid get out?

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    I had a great time doing Vegas. It's just that it takes a lot of time.

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    If an original piece of wardrobe came up from Star Wars, I'd probably spend a lot of money on it.

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    I like the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas more than the actual one.

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    I have always loved Las Vegas. It's a traditional place for lounge comics to perform, and I love that.

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    I like Vegas for its spontaneity.

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    I also want to return to doing stand-up. I've become frightened of live audiences. This is a really telling sign that I need to go back on the comedy circuit again.

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    I love performing in Las Vegas.

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    I love Las Vegas. I like that Las Vegas has everything. Everything and anything you want to do, you can do in Las Vegas.

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    I love coming to Las Vegas. I've always loved it and always had a good time.

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    In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.

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    In Las Vegas, nothing ends very well.

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    In Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number.

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    I met Elvis first in Las Vegas. I think I was appearing with Tom Jones and he came backstage to say hello to Tom or we went to his dressing room to say hello.

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    I started a big part of my career in Vegas.

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    I shouldn't be near Vegas and have money in my pocket.

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    I work a lot, and not just in Las Vegas.

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    Las Vegas is a SimCity game gone horribly wrong.

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    Las Vegas is a 24-hour city. It never stops.

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    Las Vegas was such a teeny, tiny place.

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    Man, I really like Vegas.

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    I've played a lot in Las Vegas in my life.

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    My work's never been accepted by my family, but it's something I'll always carry on with.

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    It's like a crapshoot in Las Vegas, except in Las Vegas the odds are with the house. As for the market, the odds are with you, because on average over the long run, the market has paid off.

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    Many a man who goes to Las Vegas to get away from it all soon finds that Las Vegas gets it all away from him.

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    There's just no quiet in Vegas.

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    No sympathy for the devil; keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride...and if it occasionally gets a little heavier than what you had in mind, well...maybe chalk it off to forced conscious expansion: Tune in, freak out, get beaten.

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    The reinvention of American culture as purely the self catapulted Las Vegas to prominence. The city took sin and made it choice -- a sometimes ambiguous choice, but choice nonetheless. Combined with a visionary approach to experience that melded Hollywood and Americans' taste for comfort and self-deception, Las Vegas grew into the last American frontier city, as foreign at times as Prague but as quintessential as Peoria. In Las Vegas, you can choose your fantasy; in the rest of America, you don't always get to pick.

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    Secretly, I had always wanted to go to Vegas, and have my own really bad act!

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    This desert town was man's own miracle of pure purposelessness.

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    We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas.

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    We'd just released a zebra in Las Vegas.

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    What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas - except the drone.

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    After the tragedy of Las Vegas sad incident... Definition of terrorism has got two meanings now, If done by a Muslim, IT IS AN ACT OF TERRORISM, but if committed by a non Muslim, it is an "ACT OF PURE EVIL!" Hypocrisy redefined...

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    Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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    Why can't you just get married in Las Vegas like normal Americans?

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    After graduation, I dealt blackjack in Las Vegas to make ends meet. When I wasn’t working, to straighten out my head, I would go out into the desert – up to Red Rock and Pine Creek. I would hike those creek beds and find a comfortable red-sandstone boulder, where I could sit and draw. In those days before cell phones, I could spend hours undisturbed, drawing or painting

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    As the other two men moved toward the parking lot, Jay turned Ellie so that she had to face him. Now that she was safe and he was able to touch her, the anger burning inside him pushed toward the surface. “We talk here or at home. Your choice.” “Jay…” “No,” he said savagely. “I come home on a break to find a bullshit note from you, throwing away our relationship like it meant nothing, then I find out from Wyatt that you quit with no notice. You’re going to talk about whatever the fuck scared you enough to run. So you get a choice. Here. Or home.” Shifting from one foot to the other and still not looking at him, she finally whispered, “Home.

    • las vegas quotes
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    At first, I thought I would use photography and the collage and montage possibilities of Photoshop strictly for visualization in preparation for my paintings. But after I experimented with Photoshop and digital photography, I soon discovered new possibilities and found exciting new ways of presenting ideas. I soon found that I was more interested in pure image-making than I was in actually painting the images. Digital Camera, 2017

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    As you know from our trips to Belmont Park in San Diego, I can scream like a girl when required.” he said. Angie laughed then she grabbed him by the face and planted a kiss on the lips so fierce, Mel wondered if it was Angie’s way of putting a lip-lock protective spell on her man. She hoped it was and she hoped it worked.

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    Best workout ever." Darius sat next to her and rested his back against the soft mat. She laughed and fumbled to put on her bra. He lifted the weight of her hair from her back and helped her pull down her silk shirt. For a moment, he held the length of her hair in his hand as he had the swing rope. He tugged gently to turn her face to his, and then released it. His face was open and relaxed, his pale blue eyes warm and content. His knees fell open to rest against hers. The feel of skin on skin, bone to bone, was easy, the most natural thing in the world. "Next time we should try the pommel horse." Mei laughed. "You still got pommeling on your mind?" "Oh yeah." He signed and tilted his chin to the ceiling, exposing the length of his throat. "Some pommeling and tumbling would be good. We've got time to make up for.

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    Bravery isn't when you go looking for trouble; bravery is when trouble comes looking for you.

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    Buy calmly and with meaning.

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    CCSD constantly recruits out-of-state teachers because the district doesn’t deliver on salary promises, which contributes to abysmal retention rates.

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    Diesel" - his name sounded sweet coming out of her mouth --"I want you, and I mean I really, really want you. Please. Let's go back to my room.

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    Everyone is a bender away from oblivion.

    • las vegas quotes