Best 121 quotes in «las vegas quotes» category

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    One more cockeyed optimist thrown under the reality bus.

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    On Planet Dragos, everything goes the way he arranges it – unless you decide to cross him, and God help you then, because he doesn’t know how to back down, and he doesn’t ever, ever let up.

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    Over a year later and the chemistry was still as powerful as ever.

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    People change. Life changes. It's the way of the world. Maybe it's meant to be.

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    Packy watched her walk away, her perfect heart-shaped rear end testing the confines of her tight black dress. There was a God. Packy was now certain of it. How else could such heart-stopping beauty be accounted for? Such a thing could not be the product of a random universe. A flower, maybe. A rainbow, perhaps. But not Venus Versailles.

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    People move on. Friendship end.

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    She was screwed by the fates. Cursed with a mate she wanted but couldn't have.

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    Sometimes knowing what to shoot is a big relief. Other times, being extemporaneous is the way to go. I love to go out and see what the universe is presenting to me on any given day. Learning to be sensitive to what is out there with no preconceived idea is a wonderful way to discover new subject matter. But only looking for the shot that presents itself in the moment seldom creates new technical skills. In order to master the camera, I give myself special assignments. Giving yourself an assignment helps you to learn about photography and your equipment. By knowing what you want to achieve, you can plan things out. This way you can slow things down. Shoot and confirm. Take notes. Concentrate on getting the shot just right! You will learn to master Aperture Priority, shutter speed, ISO, manual settings, and more. Digital Camera, 2018

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    Teachers are the most important component of a free society. And one of the most embattled. They are treated like the grease in a machinery grinding to nowhere instead of enlightened beacons of knowledge. Teachers are unappreciated, underpaid, and constantly criticized.

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    Technology also made some of the established principles of image-making meaningless, such as the idea that symmetrical images are more static and perhaps less interesting than asymmetrical images. Symmetry is easier to achieve with mechanical means, so I used my collection of digital tools to break the rules, explore perfect symmetry and create repeatable patterns. Digital Camera, 2017

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    The dragons live in the casino? Tee's eyes widened and alarm coursed through her. My God, it's like the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

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    She continued toward the light, content and satisfied in both body and mind. She broke the surface and gasped a full breath into her lungs, her head buzzing with endorphins. Leaping into flight, she saw a pair of icy, watching dragon eyes a moment too late.

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    She turned to Dragos. “I’m sorry I’m so crabby.” His eyes gleamed in a subtle smile. “You’re very pregnant,” he told her. “And as you are well aware, I’ve read several books about pregnancy. I’ve decided to consider you somewhat insane until the baby is born.

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    Some things are private. I mean, we're grown-ups now. You don't share everything.

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    The first thing he noticed was that Las Vegas seemed to have invented a new school of functional architecture, 'The Gilded Mousetrap School' he thought it might be called, whose main purpose was to channel the customer-mouse into the central gambling trap whether he wanted the cheese or not.

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    The gestalt of living in the desert, surrounded by the desert, was a big influence in my life and in the lives of other artists in this community. There are many artists and musicians who grew up as lonely kids in the desert with nothing to do, and who chose to channel their focus inward. In the Mojave Desert, numinous, mystical experiences are not as rare as one might think. The numinous is a part of the whole artistic experience for the desert artist.

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    The limo pulled up to two crescent-shaped gold-plated buildings standing side by side, stretching high into the sky. The farther building said The Diamond Hotel, and the closer one The Diamond Residences.

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    The Mojave Desert is a harsh, but very spiritual, place. It’s as much a matrix as anything else in my life has been. Growing up in the desert has a different gestalt than growing up in a temperate zone, with its humidity and rainfall. As children growing up in the Mojave, we chased lizards and snakes, instead of frogs and squirrels. There is an arid openness about it, and a true feeling of being alone, that you don’t get in any other type of environment.

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    The moment this is over, you're mine," Diesel all but groaned, keeping his eyes on the road so he wouldn't pull over and take her right there. "No, wolf, you're mine." the look on his face went immediately from lust to yearning. "That's right," she said with a sigh. "We're going to finish what we started. And then do it all over again.

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    The secret of Vegas is that money is boring. Hence all the bluster.

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    When I take a picture of a derelict sign, I already begin to see and find the patterns and shapes that will form the final piece. Once I get the image in the studio, I begin to layer the patterns created, making sure to save the patterns I particularly like. I never lose a layer of work during this process; I simply continue to build and modify those patterns that appeal to me. Digital Camera, 2017

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    While I began my career as a painter in the early 1980s, I became increasingly curious about the possibilities promised by digital tools - so I switched my traditional media for computer equipment. Digital Camera, 2017

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    With the academic background that I had, I found that I was able to stretch my imagination and stretch my exploration beyond what I thought I was capable of, which was really fascinating to me, and very fulfilling.

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    You always thought you were better than everyone,” he snarled as he slung her to the floor by her hair.

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    You can Cut Back or you can Make More Money

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    You can lead if you want." He whipped them around so he moved backward, pulling her with him across the floor. "You're still leading," she said. "Perception is a tricky thing." He kissed the side of her neck, and shivers followed. "I know on way to lead." She dropped her hand from his shoulder to the band of his shorts, and slipped her hand in his waistband. He sucked in a breath, and her hand snaked downward. She stroked the length of him, feeling him grow hard and rigid. "Mei." He pulled her closer...

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    You’ve got to do what interests you. And it can’t matter [how popular it is]—maybe it’s not what’s current now, or what’s being celebrated—but sooner or later people will take notice because it’ll have a vibrancy and a truthfulness to it; it is you, it’s you speaking, it’s you painting. So to me, I thought, why fight it? Let’s see how it goes. I have nothing better to do in this life, so let’s just see where it goes, and where it takes me.

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    The main criticism was really “he just presses a filter and gets these images.” But then they’d realize that I had learned how to paint and how to draw—that I had paid my dues, and I’d also been a graphic artist and a technical illustrator. And so I was able to show that I could draw with technical pens—and do anything that anyone else could do—and yet still was fascinated by this, and that sort of opened people up a little bit more. The more they knew about me, the more open they were to my explorations in the digital field.

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    The only difference between Las Vegas and Washington, D.C. is that at least Vegas has the decency to admit the town is full of hookers and crooks.

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    The Strip was still lit by a million neon lights, though the crowds on the sidewalk had greatly decreased by this hour. Still, Bosch was awed by the spectacle of light. In every imaginable color and configuration, it was a megawatt funnel of enticement to greed that burned twenty-four hours a day. Bosch felt the same attraction that all the other grinders felt tug at them. Las Vegas was like one of the hookers on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. Even happily married men at least glanced their way, if only for a second, just to get an idea what was out there, maybe give them something to think about. Las Vegas was like that. There was a visceral attraction here. The bold promise of money and sex. But the first was a broken promise, a mirage, and the second was fraught with danger, expense, physical and mental risk. It was where the real gambling took place in this town.

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    The temptation is always to think of Las Vegas as a gambling mecca, the ‘Entertainment Capital of the World’. Well, it’s that. But, it’s a lot more than that as well. There are beautiful natural rock formations, rare plants and animals, and even pseudo-alpine regions. Just because you can see for a hundred miles doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there to see, and open desert allows you to see things in a different way. There is nothing to block your view, and nothing to hide behind.

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    They stood locked together for the space of a few breaths. He frantically tried to triage his concerns but only came up with questions. "How can you be a water dragon? They were all killed." "Apparently not." Her smile was grim.

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    Time is truly apathetic to the many to whom a little empathy would mean so much. ~"Disarming (Reign of Blood #2)

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    Todavía podéis bajaros del mundo. Podéis ser autosuficientes, cultivar vuestra propia comida, construir vuestra propia casa, hacer vuestro propio jabón, pan, ropa, riqueza. Podéis dejaros de pajas mentales y de teles de plasma que os tratan como si ya no os funcionara el cerebro, de interminables torres de oficinas en los que os jodéis la vida reordenando abstracciones ajenas, de terrorismos terroríficos que no hacen ni la mitad de muertos al año que vuestras queridas carreteras, de atentados supuestamente perpetrados unos personajes sobre los que no entendéis nada. Podéis rechazar un mundo que pasa sus días pidiendo prestado para consumir recursos con los que producir toda esa estúpida basura. Mascotas electrónicas. Interiorismo impersonal. Sexo virtual. Cheques regalo. Realities irreales. Comida con la que enfermar.

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    Water problems in the western United States, when viewed from afar, can seem tantalizingly easy to solve: all we need to do is turn off the fountains at the Bellagio, stop selling hay to China, ban golf, cut down the almond trees, and kill all the lawyers.

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    What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas ... but that doesn’t matter when you live there.

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    When I first started showing the “Indra’s Jewels” work, I had people coming out of the woodwork saying “Who is this guy? What is he doing? Who does he think he is doing this stuff?” and the more they’d find out they’d go “Oh, he was a painter? He taught for more than decade on the university level? He knows what he’s talking about? Oh, well let’s look at it a little closer.

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    A little bit of this town goes a very long way.

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    Hatred is not what Las Vegas is about.

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    I always feel like an interloper when I do serious drama. It's my own paranoia.

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    I do a lot of Vegas work and work with the comedians.

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    If an original piece of wardrobe came up from Star Wars, I'd probably spend a lot of money on it.

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    I had a great time doing Vegas. It's just that it takes a lot of time.

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    I like the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas more than the actual one.

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    History is hard to know, because of all the hired bullshit, but even without being sure of "history" it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then the energy of a whole generation comes to a head in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody understands at the time--and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened.

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    I also want to return to doing stand-up. I've become frightened of live audiences. This is a really telling sign that I need to go back on the comedy circuit again.

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    If what happens in Las Vegas is supposed to stay in Las Vegas, how did Harry Reid get out?

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    I have always loved Las Vegas. It's a traditional place for lounge comics to perform, and I love that.

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    I love coming to Las Vegas. I've always loved it and always had a good time.

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    I like Vegas for its spontaneity.