Best 34 quotes in «blackmail quotes» category

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    Blackmail threats are e-mails from madmen.

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    Blackmail is aggravating in normal circumstances, but far worse when it's coming from a younger sister.

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    Hello, Mrs. Tran...I have David's homework. And if you ever want to see it again, you'll pay me the two million dollars I asked for.

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    You have a Happiness Switch in you that you can switch on at any time. All you have to do is stop switching it off in order to blackmail yourself or others.

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    Every honorable man is forced to yield to blackmail once or twice in his life, just for the sake of keeping peace in the community.

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    Having a heart that’s three sizes too small must be really convenient for business.

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    I am one of those servants – butlers usually – who respectfully points out when their master is about to do something stupid: "You should probably only burn the document once the blackmail has been completed, m' lady.

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    Hold on! Watch and pray! God gives nice answers to slanders! You can trust Him for answers, for He can do wonders!

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    I can be ruthless, unforgiving, and a manipulative bastard. But I don’t play games with sex.

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    I blinked and wiped my hand over my face. My fingers came back damp. I glanced across the room and saw my reflection in the mirror, hair snarled, mascara running, face streaked with tears. "Yep, you look like shit," Adam said. "And I took plenty of pictures, which I will keep until an appropriate opportunity for blackmail arises.

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    I’m not putting that in my mouth.

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    If this person is a blackmailer, El, I want you to have nothing more to do with it. Blackmailers are dangerous." Her brows rose. "You've had dealings with them before, have you?" Too bloody many times. "Attempting to blackmail the Mackenzie family is a popular pastime," Hart said.

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    I’ve had your kiss. I know what you taste like, and that’s only worsened the need. Made me crave more.

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    I’m sorry,” she said softly. “Even if you’d looked like you were born downwind of an outhouse, I would have snapped a thousand photos of you. And then used those photos to blackmail you later, but my reasons are inconsequential.

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    I've read the stories. Teenagers committing suicide because all they can see ahead of them is shame and disgrace. Kids running away from home because they feel like they've list their future. Well, I'm not having that happen to Torin.

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    I wonder how it worked inside the Stasi: who thought up these blackmail schemes? Did they send them up the line for approval? Did pieces of paper come back initialled and stamped 'Approved': the ruining of a marriage, the destruction of a career, the imprisonment of a wife, the abandonment of a child? Did they circulate internal updates: 'Five new and different ways to break a heart'?

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    She had hair the colour of' blackmail, a spine as straight as a guillotine, and a face that could sink ships.

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    Some people earn love. Some people blackmail others into it.

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    The tale of a righteous leftist - THE BRAND DEMAND

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    The bonds of friendship dwindle with age, Oliver. But a little blackmail lasts forever.

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    The kind of people we have in Washington only trust what they think they own.

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    There'd be no point trynna blackmail a bloke everyone already knows is a cunt, would there?

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    Strange how things turn out. Two birds, one stone and all that.' McBlane chuckled at his own impromptu joke. 'But things have worked out for the best and now we all get to work together,' he said, and a smile spread across his face as easy as a politician's lie.

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    Und der einzige logische Weg dieser Erpressung entgegen zu wirken, bestand nun mal darin, die Erpresser selbst zu erpressen.

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    They meet again at dinner--again, next day-- again, for many days in succession. Lady Dedlock is always the same exhausted deity, surrounded by worshippers, and terribly liable to be bored to death, even while presiding at her own shrine. Mr. Tulkinghorn is always the same speechless repository of noble confidences, so oddly but of place and yet so perfectly at home. They appear to take as little note of one another as any two people enclosed within the same walls could. But whether each evermore watches and suspects the other, evermore mistrustful of some great reservation; whether each is evermore prepared at all points for the other, and never to be taken unawares; what each would give to know how much the other knows--all this is hidden, for the time, in their own hearts.

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    This is a fast-paced, page-turner with suspense in every chapter.

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    You’re demanding fidelity, and I’ll give you that. But if I intended to be celibate, I would’ve become a priest.

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    You can't use blackmail on someone who doesn't know anything about the hold you have on them.

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    What would you do if someone was blackmailing you?” “Wish them luck. I ain’t got nothing.” --Daisy Pettles, Shady Hoosier Detective Agency Book 2 Baby Daddy Mystery

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    When that bastard calls back, you tell him he’s won this round. I’ll marry him. But I don’t take well to being blackmailed, and tell him I intend to spend the rest of my life making him miserable, got that?

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    all children blackmail their parents with their innocence.

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    I'm constantly lying to my dog. He only responds to manipulation and blackmail.

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    Blackmail is one of the great pastimes of family life.

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    I'm for moral blackmail when it comes to putting away child molesters.