Best 472 quotes in «myth quotes» category

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    Art is the Western myth, with which we both console ourselves and make ourselves.

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    As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth.

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    As I continue to mature and navigate the world, there are so many myths that are dispelled for me.

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    As long as the family and the myth of the family ... have not been destroyed, women will still be oppressed.

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    But the myth of violent solutions as the ultimate solutions maintains itself in much of popular media.

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    But because we live in an age of science, we have a preoccupation with corroborating our myths.

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    Dream is the personalized myth, myth the depersonalized dream.

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    Despite the myth that men are less committed, they are predisposed to desire marriage.

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    Everything and everybody is sooner or later identified, defined, and put in perspective. The truth as always is simultaneously better and worse than what the popular myth-making has it.

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    Each time, storytellers clothed the naked body of the myth in their own traditions, so that listeners could relate more easily to its deeper meaning.

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    Fallen myths can instill venom.

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    Folklore is a collection of ridiculous notions held by other people, but not by you and me.

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    Folklore is the boiled-down juice, or pot-likker, of human living.

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    Follow the lead of your symptoms, for there’s usually a myth in the mess, and a mess is an expression of soul.

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    For myth is at the beginning of literature, and also at its end.

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    Every society clings to a myth by which it lives. Ours is the myth of economic growth...

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    Freedom is acquired by conquest, not by gift. It must be pursued constantly and responsibly. Freedom is not an ideal located outside of man; nor is it an idea which becomes myth. It is rather the indispensable condition for the quest for human completion.

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    Historically speaking all - or very nearly all - scientific theories originate from myths.

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    I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth, of course, and looked for my own Prince Charming.

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    I believe the Republicans have never thought that democracy was anything but a tribal myth.

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    I'd like to dispel the myth that when you put a wedding ring on a woman, her brain stops.

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    If swans weren't real myths'd make up.

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    If the Bible is a creation myth, it is an amorphous confusing one

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    If you did not know at age five that the gods are made up beings and the myths made up stories, you are a fool.

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    If you're going to be a myth or want to be a myth, you'd better die young.

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    I had heard all sorts of stories about Woody Allen's directing - directorial approach. And some of them turned out to be myth. But, one of them was that he doesn't rehearse and another was that he doesn't really direct, if he doesn't like it...he cuts it out of the movie, or even replaces you.

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    I have often had the fancy that there is some one Myth for every man, which, if we but knew it, would make us understand all he did and thought.

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    Creation myths are not about the origins of the world at all, but about the origins of patriarchy which has claimed itself as the world

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    Happiness is a myth. It was invented to make us buy new things.

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    Humans live through their myths and only endure their realities.

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    I actually met a producer of Stanley Kubrick's who told me that Kubrick had never even thought about doing Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer. He just read it and didn't want to do it - that's it. There's a myth around that he said it's not filmable. But he never wanted to film it.

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    Iker Casillas is a legend, a myth, and myths do not give up just like that.

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    I think it's a myth that American public or any other public is so stupid that they need to be constantly pricked.

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    I love stories, I love myths, I love fairytales, I love Kafka.

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    I'm a man of the marketplace as well as an artist. I'm a pawnbroker of myth.

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    Individual success is a myth. No one succeeds all by herself.

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    I intend to explode the myths about myself and get down to the real truth about the legend that is Batman.

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    Innocent, unbiased observation is a myth.

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    In the New Testament, myth stands over against the truth of the history of Jesus Christ ... the decisive die has ... been already cast in the New Testament opposition to myth.

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    Is it a bad sign when the thought of your x-girlfriend makes you say things like, Satan is a myth... I guess.

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    I think it's a myth that one cannot leave any organization once you've entered one.

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    It is true that race is a social fiction, a myth perpetuated by a variety of peoples throughout the modern period, especially, to further their own gains at the expense of others.

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    I think there's a myth that people feel, that people of success are never fearful, that we're never challenged, that we have some supernova - no, we're like everybody else.

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    I think the older you get, you start to break down the myth and you get to the dirt of it - and if you still love the dirt, then I think you should stay on board.

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    It was a rainy night. It was the myth of the rainy night.

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    Maps of Time attempts to assemble a coherent and accessible account of origins, a modern creation myth.

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    It is difficult to separate, at times, the myth from the truth.

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    I wanted to connect a modern story with a myth that I had read.

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    Jackie Chan is a myth.

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    Like legend and myth, magic fades when it is unused.