Best 22 quotes in «opportunist quotes» category

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    The biologists have essentially been pushed aside. Al Gore's just an opportunist. The person who is really responsible for this overestimate of global warming is Jim Hansen. He consistently exaggerates all the dangers.

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    They crave attention though, they always saying show me som but girl you aint the only one that's tryna be the only one

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    The manufacturer who finds himself up the creek is the short-sighted opportunist who siphons off all his advertising dollars for short-term promotions.

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    The fact is I'm an opportunist. I'll take materials around me, materials on my table, and work with them as I'm searching for an idea that works.

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    There`s one way of looking at the Trump phenomenon that he`s essentially a Doofus or he is an opportunist.

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    An opportunist runs away and disappears if it fails to gain its targeted opportunity.

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    An opportunist hides the truth and keeps the options for the achievement of the purpose.

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    Hard work works harder than luck!

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    For while libertarians have too often been opportunists who lose sight of or under-cut their ultimate goal, some have erred in the opposite direction: fearing and condemning any advances toward the idea as necessarily selling out the goal itself. The tragedy is that these sectarians, in condemning all advances that fall short of the goal, serve to render vain and futile the cherished goal itself.

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    He taught me who I was, something I would never have known, without his deft Handling of my personality

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    Recently I met with the director of the London Ironstone railway," he said. For Kathleen's benefit, he explained, "It's a private company, owned by a friend. Tom Severin." 'We're in the same London club," West added. Devon viewed the map critically before drawing a parallel line. "Severin wants to reduce distance on London Ironstone's existing Portsmouth route. He's also planning to relay the entire sixty-mile line, start to finish, with heavier rails to accommodate faster trains." "Can he afford such a project?" West asked. "He's already secured one million pounds." West uttered a wordless exclamation.

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    I am often guilty of expecting the worst so as to avoid disappointment and welcome surprise.

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    I chose and adopt such a notion and way that matches my feelings and character, not the opportunity, to become as an opportunist.

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    Subtle difference between a hero and an opportunist is not where you stand, but its timing. Standing up against injustice when it suits is convenience, not heroism

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    If you never try, you'll never know. You are what you manifest.

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    It would be difficult to find a man still on the early side of his thirties who had acquired wealth and power at the speed that Tom Severin had. He'd started as a mechanical engineer designing engines, then progressed to railway bridges, and had eventually built his own railway line, all with the apparent ease of a boy playing leapfrog. Severin could be generous and considerate, but his better qualities were unanchored by anything resembling a conscience.

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    Severin can be callous in pursuit of a goal. He has an extraordinary mind, it's no exaggeration to call him a genius. However, such ability often comes at the expense of-" He hesitated, searching for the right word. "Decency?" West suggested dryly. Looking rueful, Devon nodded. "When dealing with Severin, one must never forget that above all, he's an opportunist. His brain is so busy trying to engineer a certain outcome that he doesn't bother to consider anyone's feelings, including his own. That being said, there have been times when I've seen Severin go to great lengths to help other people. He's not all bad." He shrugged. "It seems a pity to give up the friendship entirely.

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    There's a difference between an opportunist, and someone who seizes an opportunity. One selfishly harvests the fruits of another's labor, the other strategically helps plant the seeds. The latter can be an asset, the former will always be a leech. That climb to the top is already back breaking enough! Don't carry opportunists up your ladder of success!

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    When someone wants to help you, love you, does not let you, waiting; it does not seek excuses and does not hide and seek, but comes to you with a clear-cut and obvious decision. If that is not, you should consider that person as a useless, worthless, untrustful and an opportunist.

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    America is another name for opportunity.

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    Exceptional performers are masterful opportunists, keenly alert to opportunity!

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    A lot of other bands have tried to go out there and say we've got views on this and views on that. But some of it I've found opportunist. Duran Duran has always been honest about everything. We've always laid everything out.