Best 90 quotes in «millennials quotes» category

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    In the world of millennials we are running very strong .

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    I always felt there was kind of a millennial aspect to The Sex Pistols.

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    I have not forgotten my story I want to tell Millennial women. I'm still waiting for them all to gather out there. I sent out a request for people to call Millennial that they know.

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    I think I do speak to all ages, but the emphasis is, unlike everybody else who is chasing the Millennials, I'm not chasing the Millennials.

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    I want to be a human being, nothing more and nothing less. ... I don't suppose we can ever stop hating each other, but why encourage that by keeping the old labels with their ready-made history of millennial hate?

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    To me it seems as plain as can be that the Bible declares that all the wicked will God destroy; again, that those who, during the Millennial age when brought to a knowledge of the truth, shall prove willful sinners will be punished with everlasting destruction.

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    Recognize that millennials' personal long-term goals may have nothing to do with their organizations' long-term goals. Discover and facilitate their long-term goals, and they will be more inclined to help their organizations achieve success.

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    Surprisingly, though, you know, there are red states in which we are doing very well because the Democrats don't really even try in the red states and they don't visit there. So it's too soon to say. You know, at this point we are building a movement. We are reaching out, especially to millennials.

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    The State must act as the guardian of a millennial future in the face of which the wishes and the selfishness of the individual must appear as nothing and submit.

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    What millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance.

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    Young African - millennials really love Barack Obama.

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    Among Evangelical Christians, all of whom await the Second Coming of Jesus, there are historically two camps: postmillennialists and premillennialists. For most of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, most were of the "post" variety, meaning that they expected the Messiah's return after the thousand-year reign of peace. In order to hasten His arrival, they set out to create that harmonious world here and now, fighting for the abolition of slavery, prohibition of alcohol, public education, and women's literacy. The chaos of the Civil War and industrialization caused many evangelicals to rethink their optimism. They determined that Jesus would actually arrive before the final judgment. Therefore any efforts toward a just society here on earth were futile; what mattered was perfecting one's faith. As historian Randall Balmer writes, these believers "retreated into a theology of despair, one that essentially ceded the temporal world to Satan and his minions.

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    Amazed Generation! Found Generation! Diamond Generation! Brainwashed Generation! Amnesiac T.V. Bureaucracy Voidoids! New Wave Punk Generation! Neutron Bomb blast Babies! Apocalypse Spermatozoa! Did you grow up imbibing Microchip sex waters? Will you marry me in the next Millennium? Must I wait for the Great Year? - Listening to Susan Sontag

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    All you Millennials staring at your phones,” he grumbled.

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    Anyway, in order to get along, the second Boomer group would have to learn to trust the younger millennials more, which is almost anathema to this micromanaging generation. Often, these are the parents or bosses who criticize millennials for doing things differently from what they were used to, which irks the youngsters who are more open to change. The millennials, on their part, would fare better by suspending their natural suspicion, and understanding that these elders are often just concerned with problem-solving underneath their hypercritical, nagging ways. These are people who have done things over and over all throughout their lives, and are having difficulty letting the old ways go.

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    As for power, they have very little of that, having little money. Before they were born, it was pretty much unheard of for a generation to make less than their parents, and as such, their expectant parents, having achieved quite a lot for their own, showered them with gifts and praise, hoping to one day take part in the economic windfall that the special millennials were certain to achieve. Now that they have fallen short of the bar of success set by their parents, they’re demoted in the power hierarchy and considered economic untouchables.

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    As we age, we feel less like leaves and more like trees. We have roots that ground us and sturdy trunks that may sway, but don't break, in the wind.

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    Ask one question: Would a Millennial (anyone born between 1980 and 2000) look forward to working here? Try this exercise. Take a group of people into a large, open room with tackable wall surfaces or whiteboards. Give them large sheets of paper, sticky notes, markers, and tape. Ask them to create a concept for a work environment (don't say “office”) using the following words: high-energy, collaborative, healthy, productive, engaging, innovative, interactive, high-tech, and regenerating.

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    By some definitions I am a millennial. I was born in 1980 and entered adulthood in the early 2000s, and my transition from child to adult lasted over a decade. However, I don’t identify as a millennial. If I had been born five months earlier I would have been branded Generation X, a label I don’t feel a strong connection to either. And no brand savvy sociologist came up with a term catchy enough to enter the zeitgeist for the in-betweeners born on the cusp.

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    Digital natives and millennials seem more at ease with gender fluidity. In the last year or two, we have seen high-profile moves towards trans awareness and acceptance. Young men, particularly well-educated, metropolitan guys, seem a lot less afraid of appearing gay. Maybe the Department of Masculinity is losing its grip. Like those once unassailable high-street chains which suddenly go bust, maybe the Department will one day reach a tipping point where no one will buy its wares any more. As with many real stores, maybe the Internet is helping to break the Department’s monopoly. Young men are shopping around for alternative visions of the masculine role that fit how they feel. In the future, I hope young men can easily adopt a plurality of masculinities as easily as shopping for a coat.

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    And God said, “Let there be millennials.” Like a wrench in the machinery, the little creatures went out, played with toys and went to school. The adults were at first pleased—“ah, how might these little things fit in our established world?” they wondered. “In what way must we hammer them to fit our mold?” More underlings was something to be anticipated and so they hammered the little things. But the little things didn’t adapt—they cried in pain. They cried, but they didn’t change. They grew up, and the tears became resentment and turned into psychological disorders. The adults hammered again—just a little more and they should cooperate. But they didn’t. And soon enough, the youngsters were fully grown. The adults beheld the creatures in fear and muttered the only word that came to mind: “Monsters.

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    Enduring treatment like this from those they held dear, they developed a sharp instinct regarding human nature, finely-tuned to detect those who only mean to take advantage of their trust. They developed an accurate sense of suspicion, learning intuitively how to weed out the lies that people tell themselves.

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    Doing something later is not automatically the same as doing something better

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    Es (Tattoo) ist ein Hilferuf einer jungen Generation, gefangen in der Kurzlebigkeit unserer heutigen Welt. Man muss ihn nur verstehen und anhören.

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    Due to their tendency to micromanage, they left little for their millennial and Gen Z children to work on themselves, resulting in the current problem of “adulting”—more so felt by the millennials, often being their eldest children.

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    Compared to other generations, millennials tend to be more collaborative, are accustomed to working in teams & have a passion for pressure.

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    For the most part, "naturals" are myths. People who are especially good at something may have some innate inclination or some particular talent, but they have also spent about ten thousands hours practicins or doing that thing.

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    From a generation ruled by the Moon to a generation ruled by the Sun, the difference between The Greatest Generation and The Baby Boomers is like night and day.

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    However, declining interest in protest activities and campus governance should not be taken as a sign that students are uncommitted to the right of free speech or the right to demonstrate on campus. In fact, they are stronger believers in these rights than many of their predecessors.

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    If you are on social media, and you are not learning, not laughing, not being inspired or not networking, then you are using it wrong.

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    Fucking millennials. Fucking millennials.

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    I don't want to be alone, that should just be the beginning and the end of my story.

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    If the first step in establishing a professional identity is claiming our interests and talents, then the next step is claiming a story about our interests and talents, a narrative we can take with us to interviews and coffee dates (...) a story that balances complexity and cohesion is frankly, diagnostic.

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    In order to live on this Earth together in harmony, humanity must make certain compromises to relate to each other. Everyone must make the necessary adaptations at some point in their lives—as children, they must adapt to their guardians; as adults, to their authorities and governments; and as elderly persons, to their caretakers. Those at the top now may not be there one day, and those at the bottom now could eventually rise to the top. Life is a cycle.

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    I'm loath to bring up the E word here, and I'm even more embarrassed to talk about "millennials" in this way because it is a terrible cliché you've heard a hundred million times, and it is not a cliché I actually believe to be true. However, in writing a book for people in their twenties in 2017, I'd be remiss to not discuss this biggest criticism against them. If you are a twenty-something working in the world of Gen Xers and baby boomers, many older people think you are entitled. This is probably not news to you. Your bosses meet over glasses of wine and get parent drunk about how lazy you are and how you don't respect authority and don't take initiative and also what a pain in the ass and entitled they feel you are. Boo-hoo. It doesn't matter that the assessment is a wild, sweeping stereotype, nor that it's not actually true or fair--after managing millennials successfully for years, I know it's not. There's not an entire generation of lazy jerks walking around, waiting to steal jobs and assignments they don't deserve. Also, people of all ages can and do act entitled, and this is just a tidy, cantankerous way to label a whole census block of folks and make them seem less threatening because some people (cough cough: olds) feel afraid that they might be aging out of their careers and not feel as relevant as before.

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    In short, millennials have been dealt a bad hand in their career, social, and romantic lives—some even in their family. In the karma points of the world, millennials are of the lowest caste so far. As a result, they are treated with disdain, contempt, and disrespect. Most of the time, they don’t fight back, usually in danger of losing their financial stability.

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    Instead of complaining about adapting for millennials, it’s imperative for leaders and managers to acknowledge the role of millennial behavior as an indication of the needs of the modern workplace to attract, leverage, and retain modern talent.

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    In the future, Instagram will be seen as an antiquity. Anyone remember Hi-5 or Myspace? Know then know life constantly evolves. So, lift your eyes off your phone and be present with the only part of evolution that would always stay with you: YOURSELF.

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    Millennials seek a mentoring sort of relationship as they are seeking to grow and learn. Use these opportunities to your advantage!

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    Millennials don't want to be managed, they like to be led, coached and mentored. This generation is on fire and ready to go. Are you ready to change the world?

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    Millennials have found that education does not equal economic mobility, and the works of white patriarchs long dead do little to further our own personal enlightenment beyond operating as an exercise in patience. We graduate high school with souls long dead; we fill in bubbles on standardized tests hoping that the etch of our Number 2 pencil will inscribe prosperity but we know deep down that that is the lot of the privileged few, and maybe if we were men, maybe if we were white, maybe if we were middle-class it could have been us one day but we know in this lifetime it will never be, so at the first opportunity we stop taking tests and look for the chance to find self-actualization or even latent meaning in anything at all.

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    niggas ain't shit.

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    In the end, for suffering so much without barely a grunt, for fighting and dying in a War decreed by their elders, for enduring The Great Depression, and for rebuilding their homelands, no other generation of the century has come close to the achievements of aptly-named “The Greatest Generation.

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    I think part of making any decision in your twenties is realizing there is no twenty-four flavor table. It's a myth.

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    It’s not an exaggeration to say that different generations may see the same behaviors or dynamics in the workplace and perceive completely different things, whether positive or negative.

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    I wish I'd been more.. I don't know... intentional.

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    Me pregunto si todos estamos igual de jodidos, solo que algunos lo escondemos peor. En cualquier caso, la vida no parece del todo una mierda, debajo de este enorme edredón de plumas.

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    Millennials, instead of a danger, are really a reflection of the society in which they grew up in, and in which all of us now live.

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    Millennials: We lost the genetic lottery. We graduated high school into terrorist attacks and wars. We graduated college into a recession and mounds of debt. We will never acquire the financial cushion, employment stability, and material possessions of our parents. We are often more educated, experienced, informed, and digitally fluent than prior generations, yet are constantly haunted by the trauma of coming of age during the detonation of the societal structure we were born into. But perhaps we are overlooking the silver lining. We will have less money to buy the material possessions that entrap us. We will have more compassion and empathy because our struggles have taught us that even the most privileged can fall from grace. We will have the courage to pursue our dreams because we have absolutely nothing to lose. We will experience the world through backpacking, couch surfing, and carrying on interesting conversations with adventurers in hostels because our bank accounts can't supply the Americanized resorts. Our hardships will obligate us to develop spiritual and intellectual substance. Maybe having roommates and buying our clothes at thrift stores isn't so horrible as long as we are making a point to pursue genuine happiness.

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    My friends were thin, pretty, naturally bronzed and accessorized with bug-eyed sunglasses. They slurped vodka straight from the bottle while they drove. They roamed the streets in bikinis by day and by night, skimpy dresses short enough to bare their ass cheeks when they bent over. They pushed up their breasts and snorted coke in the bathrooms of clubs before grinding their crotches into strangers until last call. And when the night came to an end, they romped through the filthy, gum-stained streets barefoot because they were too hammered to feel the glass shards beneath their soles. The PB girls were wild, edgy, and dangerously carefree.