Best 90 quotes in «millennials quotes» category

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    It’s not an exaggeration to say that different generations may see the same behaviors or dynamics in the workplace and perceive completely different things, whether positive or negative.

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    I wish I'd been more.. I don't know... intentional.

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    Millennials seek a mentoring sort of relationship as they are seeking to grow and learn. Use these opportunities to your advantage!

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    Millennials, instead of a danger, are really a reflection of the society in which they grew up in, and in which all of us now live.

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    Millennials: We lost the genetic lottery. We graduated high school into terrorist attacks and wars. We graduated college into a recession and mounds of debt. We will never acquire the financial cushion, employment stability, and material possessions of our parents. We are often more educated, experienced, informed, and digitally fluent than prior generations, yet are constantly haunted by the trauma of coming of age during the detonation of the societal structure we were born into. But perhaps we are overlooking the silver lining. We will have less money to buy the material possessions that entrap us. We will have more compassion and empathy because our struggles have taught us that even the most privileged can fall from grace. We will have the courage to pursue our dreams because we have absolutely nothing to lose. We will experience the world through backpacking, couch surfing, and carrying on interesting conversations with adventurers in hostels because our bank accounts can't supply the Americanized resorts. Our hardships will obligate us to develop spiritual and intellectual substance. Maybe having roommates and buying our clothes at thrift stores isn't so horrible as long as we are making a point to pursue genuine happiness.

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    Me pregunto si todos estamos igual de jodidos, solo que algunos lo escondemos peor. En cualquier caso, la vida no parece del todo una mierda, debajo de este enorme edredón de plumas.

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    Millennials don't want to be managed, they like to be led, coached and mentored. This generation is on fire and ready to go. Are you ready to change the world?

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    Millennials have found that education does not equal economic mobility, and the works of white patriarchs long dead do little to further our own personal enlightenment beyond operating as an exercise in patience. We graduate high school with souls long dead; we fill in bubbles on standardized tests hoping that the etch of our Number 2 pencil will inscribe prosperity but we know deep down that that is the lot of the privileged few, and maybe if we were men, maybe if we were white, maybe if we were middle-class it could have been us one day but we know in this lifetime it will never be, so at the first opportunity we stop taking tests and look for the chance to find self-actualization or even latent meaning in anything at all.

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    No one knows what causes it. It’s not passed in the air. It’s not sexually transmitted. It’s not a virus or a bacteria, or if it is, it’s nothing scientists have been able to find. At first everyone blamed the fashion industry, then the millennials, and, finally, the water. But the water’s been tested, the millennials aren’t the only ones going incorporeal, and it doesn’t do the fashion industry any good to have women fading away. You can’t put clothes on air. Not that they haven’t tried.

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    My friends were thin, pretty, naturally bronzed and accessorized with bug-eyed sunglasses. They slurped vodka straight from the bottle while they drove. They roamed the streets in bikinis by day and by night, skimpy dresses short enough to bare their ass cheeks when they bent over. They pushed up their breasts and snorted coke in the bathrooms of clubs before grinding their crotches into strangers until last call. And when the night came to an end, they romped through the filthy, gum-stained streets barefoot because they were too hammered to feel the glass shards beneath their soles. The PB girls were wild, edgy, and dangerously carefree.

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    niggas ain't shit.

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    Real wages have been declining for twenty years. People are working harder, they have to work longer hours, they have less security things are just looking bad for a lot of people, especially young people. I mean, very few people expect the future for their children to be anything like what they had, and entry-level wages in the United States have just declined radically in the last fifteen years-for instance, wages you get for your first job after high school are now down 30 percent for males and 18 percent for females over 1980, and that just kind of changes your picture of life.

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    Our twenties can be like living beyond time. When we graduate from school, we leave behind the only lives we have ever known, ones that have been neatly packaged in semester-sized chunks with goals nestled within. Suddenly, life opens up and the syllabi are gone. There are days and weeks and months and years, but no clear way to know when or why any one thing should happen. It can be a disorienting, cave-like existence. As one twentysomething astutely put it, "The twentysomething years are a whole new way of thinking about time. There's this big chunk of time and a whole bunch of stuff that needs to happen somehow.

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    People may have to die, but morbidity will live forever.

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    People who have been there forever, left to their own devices, are rarely in the best position to design the future. It’s those who consciously listen to the constituents of the future who can understand which direction to move in.

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    Prince Harry and Prince William didn’t buy a castle to live in! They live at Kensington Palace. Why do we have such unrealistic expectations of Millennials in America?

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    Sitting by myself. Laughing until tears flow, writing these quotes. I don't know what is going on, but I remember this side of myself. The one who laughed herself to tears all the time. She's baaccck! Oh hunny, she's back.

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    Selena was born in a generation that had grown up on the edge. She’d grown up knowing that the little child starlet who voiced Anne-Marie on 'All Dogs Go to Heaven', Judith Barsi, had been murdered and set on fire by her own father. She’d grown up knowing that school shootings were more common than winning the lottery. She’d grown up in an age of terror.

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    The average millennial attention span is now 10 seconds, which means you might not catch the end of th...

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    That’s what happens with Millennials. They’re so used to getting participation ribbons and trophies for losing, they think everything is owed to them. They’re ungrateful.

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    The Dirty Thirties are knocking in a French accent-

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    The differences of the generations may be unsettling or overwhelming now, but rest assured that history merely repeats itself, and that everything is in order. The millennial hatred phenomenon is merely a representation of a common pattern in human life of favoring, disliking, detesting, accepting, and then finally surrendering to a new generation. It’s happened over history and will happen again.

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    The first and foremost easiest slip-up to get to a millennial’s bad side is power-tripping them. This is a generation that has seen a lot of B.S. in their lives, and nothing you do to hide yours will escape their sensitive lie detectors.

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    The problem with a generation treated like royalty as children as they partied their life to the fullest was that they became quite used to special treatment as they grew into adults and produced children of their own. As the Baby Boomers had babies of their own, the need to be the best transformed into “which one has the most special child?

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    The older generation of Vikings no doubt complained that the younger generation were getting soft and did not rape and pillage with the same dedication as in years gone by.

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    ... the Gen Y paradox: an entire generation of employees with the attitude that they know how to communicate with anybody, anytime, anywhere, and have the tools to back them up, but who need more help with critical thinking than prior generations in pulling meaning and value from all those communications.

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    The lottery question might get you thinking about what you would do if talent and money didn't matter. But they do. The question twentysomethings need to ask themselves is what they would do with their lives if they didn't win the lottery.

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    The millennials said it best: You Only Live Once. And for that precious thing that one can’t live without, they will spend their whole lives searching. When they find it, they will keep doing it until it kills them. The older generations shriek at this intensity, but it is simply how the millennial mind is wired. “What use of living if you don’t live on the edge?” they ask. After all, the life force is strongest the nearer we are to death. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

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    There is a great new work before us, which is to replace with true knowledge the ignorance that has destroyed human minds. We will construct unity in a world [which] has been brutally torn apart by false divisions of race, religion, gender, nationality, and age. We will heal with unconditional love those souls whose hearts have been disfigured by hatred and loneliness.

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    There seems to be a direct correlation between the spike in suicides by young people and the increase in cyberbullying amongst young people.

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    They bond deeply with their chosen companions, often unsatisfied with a shallow connection.

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    The rich ruling class has used tribalism, a primitive caveman instinct, to their advantage since the beginning of time. They use it to divide and conquer us. They drive wedges between us peasants and make us fight each other, so we won’t rise up against our rulers and fight them. You can observe the same old trick everywhere in America today: Red states and blue states are fighting. Christians and Muslims are fighting. Men and women are fighting. Baby Boomers and Millennials are fighting. Black people and white people are fighting. That doesn’t just happen all by itself. There are always voices instigating these fights.

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    Truly the worst generation. Stupid children nowadays are nothing like my time. We were far more independent. We weren’t so weak that we needed to lean on others to make it in this world. Either you were the best or you were trash. That was the bottom line. You can’t even fight a rebellion with your own strength.

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    This is because only two things can fulfill millennials: First is to be completely understood, accepted and respected by a loyal companion whom they respect themselves—a lifelong seduction with someone they can call their own. This level of understanding and intimacy is the only way they can heal the wounds of their treacherous childhood. The second thing is having enough money to live a lifelong vacation and help people along the way—as they are an emotional generation, they are actually compassionate about their fellowmen though they may not seem like it. Nothing dissatisfies this cohort more than the need to fend for basic necessities, as it goes against their lifelong quest to find fulfillment and reduces them to their base human urges they consider beneath them, like fighting for resources and food—an anathema to this generation who puts a premium on self-actualization.

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    Through most of human history, our ancestors had children shortly after puberty, just as the members of all nonhuman species do to this day. Whether we like the idea or not, our young ancestors must have been capable of providing for their offspring, defending their families from predators, cooperating with others, and in most other respects functioning fully as adults. If they couldn't function as adults, their young could not have survived, which would have meant the swift demise of the human race. The fact that we're still here suggests that most young people are probably far more capable than we think they are. Somewhere along the line, we lost sight of – and buried – the potential of our teens.

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    Today's college students demand a self-segregating "safe space". Rosa Parks spinning in her grave.

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    Tweet others the way you want to want to be tweeted.

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    We have become so preoccupied in clicking, capturing and caging memories that we have forgotten to live them first.

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    We are not born to accommodate tyranny over our hearts, minds, bodies, or souls. We are here to confirm an abundance of love-inspired possibilities greater than such restrictions.

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    Weak ties, on the other hand, force us to communicate from a place of difference, to use what is called elaborated speech (...) True interconnectedness rests not on texting best friends at one a.m., but on reaching out to weak ties that make a difference in our lives (...) Everything can change in a day. Especially if you put yourself out there.

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    Your money is always consciously or unconsciously generating something.

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    We, the stumbling prophets screaming ourselves raw, wondering if Atlas will ever take the world from our shoulders. We, the impossible. We, the unyielding. We, the unrelenting heretics burning alive for truths the old world will never be ready to hear. We, the nuclear. We, the radioactive. We, the unwilling angels choking on the innocence shoved down our throats, ripping these unforgiving linens to shreds. We, the celestial. We, the hungry. We, the courageous damned kissing revolution in the moonlight, crushing fate between our teeth. We, the unholy. We, the light.

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    What would you do, if you weren’t afraid to die? This is the question that most millennials face in their lives.

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    Yet even in the best of cases, the need to be on call, to spend at least a certain amount of energy looking over one's shoulder, maintaining a false front, never looking too obviously engrossed, the inability to fully collaborate with others —all this lends itself much more to a culture of computer games, YouTube rants, memes, and Twitter controversies than to, say, the rock 'n' roll bands, drug poetry, and experimental theater created under the midcentury welfare state.

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    You're just another one of those disconnected, easily angered zombies who haven't really worked a day in their lives. Always eager to tell other people how to live and what to say. Posting pictures of their food every single day because that's a fucking achievement for them. Preparing a meal. You know, that thing you're supposed to do so you don't starve to death?

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    We thrive when we are pulled by the future, not pushed by the past.

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    What would an A in your twenties even mean?" I wondered out aloud. "I don't know. That's the problem. I just feel like I shouldn't be less-than.

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    Willa was confounded. Millennials she thought she knew: the overmothered cyborgs helplessly sunk in their virtual worlds. From what planet came this new, slightly feral tribe of fixers, makers, and barterers, she had no idea.

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    Due to their tendency to micromanage, they left little for their millennial and Gen Z children to work on themselves, resulting in the current problem of “adulting”—more so felt by the millennials, often being their eldest children.

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    I always felt there was kind of a millennial aspect to The Sex Pistols.