Best 113 quotes in «anger management quotes» category

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    Snobbery management is as difficult and necessary as anger management.

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    So let me get this straight. You were living in a tent in the woods, but now you're living with Prince Charming and anger management boy? SERIOUSLY?!

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    I immediately went out and bought a book on anger management. And now I have that book, and I don't know if I'll get to the book. But I'm certainly excited about the day where I can't find the book, and I get to say, 'Where the hell is my anger management book?!'

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    The Anger Management Tour was another beautiful thing. I loved that tour.

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    To rule one's anger is well; to prevent it is still better.

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    Acknowledging and being concious that you are being angry is a battle half won against anger.

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    Anger can be defeated by controlling our emotions without upsetting the nerves.

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    A little more compassion and a little less anger is what most of us need.

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    Anger is a boomerang.

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    Anger is a certified destroyer, from its birth till now, it is yet to build a lasting legacy

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    Anger is a cover for fear.

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    Anger is a super weapon given by god...with a catch...the more you use it the less effective it becomes.

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    Angriness is one the powerful weapon to stand up again.

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    Anger is the fire of the soul, love is the language of the heart ...

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    An angry enemy is a conquered enemy

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    Anger becomes righteous when you use it to defend the rights of another, without nursing any selfish motive.

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    Anger may not have been derived from the Hindi word 'angaar' meaning Fire...however coincidentally both are equally destructive.

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    Anger is a loaded weapon, be careful where you point it."~

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    Anger kills logical thinking and logical thinking kills anger....the choice is yours

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    Anger gets you into trouble, ego keeps you in trouble.

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    Anger is just an emotion, don't let it rule you

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    Anger creates a tempest within the heart and confusion within the mind. We rage against it and all too often succumb to its evil nature. When that occurs, immediately seek God’s forgiveness and pray for a peaceful heart and mind to return. Anger and peace are spiritual oil and water: they can never be mixed together. With God’s strength, anger can be overcome, so seek peace at all times.

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    Before you reach the point of forgiveness, you go through the phase where you pray... for every possible misfortune and ill luck to strike them dead while you sit and watch.

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    As Freud noted: "A thing which has not been understood inevitably reappears; like an unlaid ghost, it cannot rest until the mystery has been resolved and the spell broken." . . . in ambivalent attachment, a mother vacillates inexplicably from being loving and tender to angry and threatening.. Faced with this unpredictable inconsistency, a child tries to appease the mother, anxious to control and monitor her shifting moods.

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    Before her angry impulses got the better of her, she admonished herself that she was born to win and that one did not win by throwing temper tantrums--at least not outside of one's own home, which could result in vicious, spurious rumors.

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    Aristotle’s position on anger is that it is one of the most complex and distinctive of the human emotions, that it involves bodily, psychological, social, and moral dimensions, and that anger can and ought to be felt and acted upon in a number of right ways.

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    Being nonreactive to destructive or hostile behaviour does not imply passive acceptance of it. Rather, it means we need to deal with it, take off our blinders and see the unacceptable. To redirect the destructive enery, we must dance with the shadow, not kill it. When we can achieve this stance, we learn to confront maladaptive or nonproductive behaviour matter-of-factly, without becoming embroiled in the heat of our own emotions. This nonreflexive style of being in the world is potent.

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    Comfort blindfolds; difficulty brings realization. Pain reveals; disappointments plant trigger of actions. Fear controls; ignorance deceives. Anger torments; silence keeps. Misunderstanding divides; love joins. Laughter starts; deception suspects. Frowning cautions; sorrow remembers. Purposefulness moves; idleness wastes. When you live in comfort, ponder. When you live in pain, take lessons. When life goes up, plant your feet and appreciate the height. When life goes down, envision the height and dare to get there with tenacity. Life is how you take and manage things. Be a manager of things or things shall be your manager

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    Besides, just being heard helps the other person calm down and feel less angry. We often yell when we are angry because we want to be Heard.

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    Both sadness and anger are the two sides of same coin. Sadness is supressed anger, while anger is expressed sadness. Both sadness and anger are state of unhappiness, which are often because lack of self-love.

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    But there are indeed specific obstacles to change, which different people experience in different ways. In some sense, what we are calling obstacles to change are actually defenses against some perceived threat if we change, so we persist in thoughts that were originally protective. Identifying the things that get in our way as we want to change becomes complex and difficult.

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    Change the way you think and you will change the way you feel.

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    Confronting your enemy in anger feeds your ego, but diminishes your chance of success.

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    Controlled anger leads to positive action.

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    Couples counseling has long been banned from the list of acceptable treatments for domestic violence . . . "an inappropriate intervention that further endangers the woman." Schechter explained: 'It encourages the abuser to blame the victim by examining her "role" in his problem. By seeing the couple together, the therapist erroneously suggests that the partner, too, is responsible for the abuser's behavior. Many women have been beaten brutally following couples counseling sessions in which they disclosed violence or coercion. The abuser alone must take responsibility for the assaults and understand that family reunification is not his treatment goal; the goal is to stop the violence.

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    Ephesians 4:26—‘Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

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    Fight fire with fire, only adds more negative energy to the situation, making it worse.

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    Experimental studies consistently point out that the popular remedy for anger, ventilation, is really worse than useless. In fact, the reverse seems to be true: expressing anger tends to make you even angrier and solidifies an angry attitude.

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    Getting angry in a stressful situation is like trying to clean something with dirt

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    For most of us, It's easy to get mad but it is much easy to ignore the one who gets you mad.

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    Free your hearts of anxiety, pain and anger, to have peace within your heart and soul.

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    Freeze your words and actions, divert your mind and laugh for a little while! That is all it takes to tame the demon called anger!

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    Happiness has more to do with giving than taking. Kamon 2015

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    Impatience is the breeding ground of anger.

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    I'd be the first to admit that I have no shortage of faults. But if I had to pick one, the one that's gotten me into the most trouble over the years... would be that I sometimes get angry.

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    I feel as though I can chew up nails and spit out a barbed wire fence.

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    If you lack open communication and honesty in your life – It’s time to look within. Are you someone who handles heavy, emotional, or tough information well or do you often get excessively agitated, upset, or depressed? My rule of thumb is that no topic ‘should’ ever be off limits with a loved one. That is the goal to work towards. The point being, if you’re easy to talk to, people will talk to you! If you’re not, then they won’t!

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    I'm unable to tell you what it feels like to be "a little" mad. My emotions work as if controlled by a light switch. I'm either fine or I'm out of control. I once spilled a container of thumbtacks and got as angry at myself as I did when I screwed up my relationship with my high school sweetheart. If I'm under the impression that there are Golden Grahams in my cupboard, then realize that there in fact are none, there's a high probability I'll be as sad as I was at my grandfather's funeral. In other words, my reactions aren't in proportion to the things I'm reacting to. It's something I've been working on with a very lovely shrink for the past few years. But against the 4Skins one day, all that hard word went out the window.

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    Have you ever requested an angry person to get into rage?

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    Healthy people know not to gorge on anger. At the end of the day, they walk away. They choose to end it. And it’s an easier choice the next time.