Best 139 quotes in «thank god quotes» category

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    As time passes, you will look back with twenty-twenty hindsight, and you will say, 'Thank God He did not answer my prayers' or 'Thank God He answered my prayers,' whichever the case may be.

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    Back when I had a little, I thought that I needed a lot. A little was overrated, but a lot was a little too complicated. See, zero didn't satisfy me. A million didn't make me happy. That's when I learned a lesson that it's all about your perception....THERE'S HOPE. It doesn't cost a thing to smile. You don't have to pay to laugh. Better thank God for that.

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    Both of my parents got to see me host Carson, thank God. That's all anyone wants: to have their parents see they're going to be all right in life.

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    Capitalism is the only engine credible enough to generate mass wealth. I think it's imperfect, but we're stuck with it. And thank God we have that in the toolbox. But if you don't manage it in some way that incorporates all of society, if everybody's not benefiting on some level and you don't have a sense of shared purpose, national purpose, then it's just a pyramid scheme.

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    Eternity is a constant learning process. It will be another grade, another step, a chance to do what we failed to do before and to learn what we failed to learn before. Thank God for eternity! We've all probably got a lot of bad habits to change and failures to make up for. Maybe God will give each of us a chance to meet people who we've wronged and straighten things out and tell them we're sorry.

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    Britney Spears told an interviewer if she weren't famous, she would be a teacher. So thank God she's famous.

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    God bless America, God Save the Queen, God defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia.

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    God is the greatest. So at the end of the day and beginning of the day, I thank God.

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    Hating is a full time job with no benefits, only an acquired type can do it. I thank God I didnt meet the qualifications.

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    I can find almost anything funny, thank God, so you search for the black, lacy slip that encases the corpse. You know, shift the angle. God may take away, but he often leaves you with a terrific opening line for the next adventure. I would suggest taking it. Move on; change the angle; look at it in a different way tomorrow.

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    I can't wait to get off the bus and... go on stage and entertain people. That's my thing, that's what I love. I love doing it... I thank God I can make a living doing it.

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    At long last love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you.

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    Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.

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    First, I have to thank God for giving me the gift that he did as well as a second chance for a better life.

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    I am a person who always tries not to be easily influenced by position or achievement. I thank God for the fact that I can share more kindness and a good quality of life through the popularity. Not for the popularity itself.

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    I am working in Paris . I cannot for a single day get the thought out of my head that there probably exists something essential, some immutable reality, and now that I have lost everything else (thank God, it gets lost all on its own) I am trying to preserve this and, what is more, not to be content. In a word: I am working.

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    I catch myself thinking 'Thank God For This' out of habit, and then I understand what he's so concerned about. What if my parents' God, their whole belief system, is just something concocted by a bunch of scientists to keep us under control? And not just their beliefs about God and whatever else is out there, about right and wrong, about selfishness?

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    I do not want to speak about our cooperation with Japan now. Thank God, we have had no such problems there. Nor would we want any to arise in the future. Therefore, everything needs to be pre-calculated, and we need to agree upon everything in advance.

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    If today you have nothing to be happy about, thank God for the potential of tomorrow.

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    I don't have to work another day of my life, thank God, but I'm in a place where I probably work as hard or harder today than I ever have, but I do it because I want to, not because I have to. What is the difference between work and play? I think the difference is purpose. When your vocation becomes your vacation, the old quote, you know that's when you made it.

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    I had no desire to be in the movies. All my training had been in the theater, thank God.

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    I had been on the road for a long time and was not really getting anywhere. Bob Johnston, a friend of mine, had taken over Columbia in Nashville. He asked me if I wanted to come down. I did - thank God I did.

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    I have fun with it and I am honest and open about the way I lead my life and don't mislead anyone. I've had the time of my life and thank God for that, it would be such a waste otherwise.

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    I haven't had that many weird encounters with fans, thank God.

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    I have this typical Ukrainian face. Even people who know my music don't recognize me most of the time, thank God.

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    I hope for better things, and I thank God the world is also full of people who want to be genuine and kind.

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    I just thank God I'm still here and the main thing is to try to get closer and closer to Him as much as I can so that I can treat my friends and my family the way they should be treated.

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    I just thank god that I didn't grow up with so much money or privilege because you had to create ways to make it happen.

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    If I can play a little part in the world's healing, and making it a better place than when I came, then I just thank God for that chance.

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    I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.

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    I have no TV, thank God. I haven't heard anything about Tom Cruise, except that he had a baby, I think.

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    I have often met with happiness after some imprudent step which ought to have brought ruin upon me, and although passing a vote of censure upon myself I would thank God for his mercy.

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    I'm not for women, frankly, in any job. I don't want any of them around. Thank God we don't have any in the Cabinet.

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    I say thank God for government waste. If government is doing bad things, it's only the waste that prevents the harm from being greater.

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    I just thank God I don't live in a trailer.

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    I love seeing somebody act real earnest and serious, like Jackie Gleason. He makes me laugh because he reflects back to me my own serious-mindedness and how ridiculous it all is. It's always easier to see somebody else in that position than yourself, and you laugh. It's like the classic slipping on the banana peel, or someone getting hit by a pie in the face. Why do those things make us laugh? Is it from relief, like: Thank God it wasn't me? Or is it something else: I'm being very serious now. I'm pontificating earnestly and solemnly about-POW! PIE IN THE FACE! The bust-up of certainty.

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    I naturally have an athletic build, thick legs yet a lean upper body. I filled out much later than all my classmates, and I thank God for it now. I had to learn to fix what I can and accept what I cannot fix...That's probably the hardest thing.

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    In L.A relationships don't last. You go on a vacation and break up by the time you come home. Thank God for one-hour photo, so you can see your vacation photos while you're still in the relationship.

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    I spend most of my time at the ranch with my family, and enjoy life - watch the sun come up, watch it go down, thank God for another day, and just be happy.

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    It does not matter what your circumstances are; the instant you begin to thank God, even though your situation has not changed, you begin to change. The key that unlocks the gates of heaven is a thankful heart. Entrance into the courts of God comes as you simply begin to praise the Lord.

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    I tell stories to music and, thank God, in tune.

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    I thank God every day. That's all I can do. That, and try to help all those other guys who are trying to do what I did.

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    I thank God that I have been meeting so many people who want to help me.

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    I prayed, thanking God, for making it all possible for me, because I knew where I came from.

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    It is delightfully easy to thank God for the grace we ourselves have received, but it requires great grace to thank God always for the grace given to others.

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    I thank God that my body has been able to handle this kind of workload. I don't know if I will ever be like Lorenzo White, but that's the goal I'm trying to get to.

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    I thank God tonight for freedom - those who bought and paid for it with their lives in the past - those who will protect it in the present and defend it in the future.

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    I've been fortunate enough to travel to 58 different countries and I thank God everyday that I was born in this country. The most exceptional country that the world has ever known. And I want to make sure that we preserve that exceptionalism for the next generation.

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    I wanted to be a lawyer. I realized I don't really want to be a lawyer. I want to play a lawyer. Thank God I figured that out.

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    I was going to be a singer. If I hadn't been in my profession, I was going to be an Opera singer. That's from a young kid. I had all these records from all those famous Opera singers. I wanted to be an Opera singer - that was my whole thing and physical fitness got in the way, thank God.