Best 186 quotes in «grace of god quotes» category

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    I don’t need to look good so Jesus can look good; I need to be honest about my colossal spiritual need so he can look all-sufficient.

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    If you are forcing it, you are doing it wrong

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    If you are convinced about your choices, go with full hope that you will get there by the grace of God!

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    If the teaching of Christ were a law, it would not be a gospel {glad tiding}, but a sad tiding.

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    I had rather mistrust my own capacity than God's justice.

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    I have a spiritual journey on earth. Lord anoint and empower me to accomplish my great task on earth.

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    I have a complicated spiritual history. Here's the short version: I was born into a Mass-going Roman Catholic family, but my parents left the church when I was in the fifth grade and joined a Southern Baptist church—yes, in Connecticut. I am an alumnus of Wheaton College—Billy Graham's alma mater in Illinois, not the Seven Sisters school in Massachusetts—and the summer between my junior and senior year of (Christian) high school, I spent a couple of months on a missions trip performing in whiteface as a mime-for-the-Lord on the streets of London's West End. Once I left home for Wheaton, I ended up worshiping variously (and when I could haul my lazy tuckus out of bed) at the nondenominational Bible church next to the college, a Christian hippie commune in inner-city Chicago left over from the Jesus Freak movement of the 1960s, and an artsy-fartsy suburban Episcopal parish that ended up splitting over same-sex issues. My husband of more than a decade likes to describe himself as a “collapsed Catholic,” and for more than twenty-five years, I have been a born-again Christian. Groan, I know. But there's really no better term in the current popular lexicon to describe my seminal spiritual experience. It happened in the summer of 1980 when I was about to turn ten years old. My parents had both had born-again experiences themselves about six months earlier, shortly before our family left the Catholic church—much to the shock and dismay of the rest of our extended Irish and/or Italian Catholic family—and started worshiping in a rented public grade school gymnasium with the Southern Baptists. My mother had told me all about what she'd experienced with God and how I needed to give my heart to Jesus so I could spend eternity with him in heaven and not frying in hell. I was an intellectually stubborn and precocious child, so I didn't just kneel down with her and pray the first time she told me about what was going on with her and Daddy and Jesus. If something similar was going to happen to me, it was going to happen in my own sweet time. A few months into our family's new spiritual adventure, after hearing many lectures from Mom and sitting through any number of sermons at the Baptist church—each ending with an altar call and an invitation to make Jesus the Lord of my life—I got up from bed late one Sunday night and went downstairs to the den where my mother was watching television. I couldn't sleep, which was unusual for me as a child. I was a champion snoozer. In hindsight I realize something must have been troubling my spirit. Mom went into the kitchen for a cup of tea and left me alone with the television, which she had tuned to a church service. I don't remember exactly what the preacher said in his impassioned, sweaty sermon, but I do recall three things crystal clearly: The preacher was Jimmy Swaggart; he gave an altar call, inviting the folks in the congregation in front of him and at home in TV land to pray a simple prayer asking Jesus to come into their hearts; and that I prayed that prayer then and there, alone in the den in front of the idiot box. Seriously. That is precisely how I got “saved.” Alone. Watching Jimmy Swaggart on late-night TV. I also spent a painful vacation with my family one summer at Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's Heritage USA Christian theme park in South Carolina. But that's a whole other book…

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    I love my wife but I spend a lot of time with grace and mercy

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    Infinite gratitude, infinite hope.

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    Imagine a ceaselessly renewed stream of loving light pulsating from the Source--that's you.

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    In life, there are as many critical stages as there are stars, most of the time we cannot see them. They are hidden by storm clouds or bright light. However, there are certain crucial junctures in life; even the blind can easily witness with a little soulful reflection. These moments, lived and experienced properly, bring beauty and grace into the life of every human willing to see.

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    I taught I had to be good to walk with God. And God said, “My grace is what you need to walk with me, than you will be good.

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    It's not the law of religion nor the principles of morality that define our highways and pathways to God; only by the Grace of God are we led and drawn, to God. It is His grace that conquers a multitude of flaws and in that grace, there is only favor. Favor is not achieved; favor is received.

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    It's easy to preach forgiveness when your name is not on the manifest

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    It is a terrible smudge on grace and unconditional love to think that God simply winks and smiles at our poor choices; that God must rubber stamp everything we do or else He is unloving. God loves us unconditionally regardless of our performance - good or bad. When God challenges us or corrects us He does not stop loving us. In the safety of His love we can receive correction and challenge without shame or feelings of rejection.

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    It is gracious to overlook and offence.

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    It may not be an easy thing to live in sweet fellowship with all those with whom we come in contact; but that is what the grace of God is given to us for.

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    It was only by faith in Christ that they could secure pardon of sin and receive strength to obey God's law. They must cease to rely upon their own efforts for salvation, they must trust wholly in the merits of the promised Saviour, if they would be accepted of God.

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    It takes grace to endure hardtimes

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    It takes grace to be a great soul.

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    Jesus does not cherish an offense, loving us as well after the offense as before it.

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    I would say that grace is startling,” Jean told me as he began retelling the story of how he wound up as pastor of Lagniappe Presbyterian Church, a growing congregation that meets in a glorified metal hangar in Bay St. Louis. “It's just startling. It isn't supposed to work. This wasn't supposed to work.

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    John Quincy Adams, denying his sons permission to come home for college holidays for under-performance: "I would feel nothing but sorrow and shame at your presence.

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    Life is a celebration. Consider everything that makes you happy as a gift from God and say, 'Thank you.' Lucille, Francis. The Perfume of Silence . Unknown. Kindle Edition.

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    Let no one take the limited, narrow position that any of the works of man can help in the least possible way to liquidate the debt of his transgression. This is a fatal deception. If you would understand it, you must cease haggling over your pet ideas, and with humble hears survey the atonement. This matter is so dimly comprehended that thousands upon thousands claiming to be sons of God are children of the wicked one, because they will depend on their own works. God always demanded good works, the law demands it, but because man placed himself in sin where his good works were valueless, Jesus' righteousness alone can avail. Christ is able to save to the uttermost because He ever liveth to make intercession for us. All man can possibly do toward his own salvation is to accept the invitation, "Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.

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    Lord may your grace and power be mighty upon us to fulfill our highest calling.

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    Love is the spirit of divinity within every man.

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    Love always precedes repentance. Divine love is a catalyst for our turning, our healing. Where fear & threat may gain our compliance, love captures our heart. It changes the heavy burden of the "have-to's" of imposed obedience to the "get-to's", a joyful response to the genuine love of God. It is in the security of this love we find Sabbath (rest).

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    Neither boost about your own strength nor dignity but the sacred grace of God.

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    Maybe if we focused on being light & less on the dark, we might actually see things change.

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    May my life radiates the beauty of God's glorious grace to mankind.

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    May power of the Holy Spirit, renew your thoughts and attitudes.

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    My views on wealth redistribution were shaped largely by knowledge elites who earned their living by words and ideas--professors, writers, and movement leaders. Like most of the broadminded clergy I knew, I reasoned out of modern naturalistic premises, employing biblical narratives narrowly and selectively as I found them useful politically. The saving Grace of God on the cross was not in my mix of life changing ideas.

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    May you find grace and power of the Holy Spirit to give you hope for a new life.

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    No matter what kind of sin you have committed, there is always forgiveness. You must repent and seek for forgiveness. You can walk in the new life and light.

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    No one dies halfway through the last act. – Heinrich Ibsen

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    None of us deserves happiness, son. We are broken, sinful failures and not living the kind of life that would deserved to have joy. The good news is that, thanks to the grace of God, we often get more good things in life than we deserve. -- Aaron Robinson to Brian Van Pelt in Out of Agony.

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    Nothing but the infinite can ever satisfy me; I am such a great sinner that I must have infinite merit to wash my sin away;" but we have had our sin removed, and found that there was merit to spare; we have had our hunger relieved at the feast of sacred love

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    No one preached to me... No one had to... I wouldn't have listened anyway. I became a believer from a direct encounter with an answered prayer. I came face to face with God and all his power in a tiny bathroom in Washington.

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    Nothing is excluded and the unique nature of every aspect of creation is celebrated. This is how oneness works when it is not just a concept but a living presence. Many patterns and attachments that we think are essential to life will fall away, just as our present structures of power will become redundant. And the wonder of this change is that it need not be gradual, because it belongs to the now. Any real change is always a miracle - it happens through the grace of God.

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    Originality must compound with inheritance.

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    Open your eyes; you will see the greatness of God.

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    Our ability to remain faithful to God,is by itself a miracle. For nothing happens without His Grace that works in us, and His Spirit that perfects us, which urges us to be like Him. For truly ,everything begins with His mercy and ends with His mercy.

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    Repent soul, Revive spirit.

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    Our weaknesses may never go away but when we give them to God, His grace will turn them into something beautiful...

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    People often ask me how I stay so motivated and energized. I could tell you I try to eat healthy foods and sleep well at night, but the real answer is grace.

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    Pursued by grace and supernatural power from God, I will passionately pursued my most cherished dreams.

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    Our competence comes from God's grace.

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    Outside, it feels like there is less standing between the Creator and us. There is a lingering visceral connection we can hear and see and smell, reminders of the bond between Creator and creation, like the mountain sage crushed up in the pocket of the sweatshirt I was wearing on a short, muddy hike the other day. “In

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    Picture salvation as a house that you live in. It provides you with protection. It is stocked with food and drink that will last forever. It never decays or crumbles. Its windows open onto vistas of glory. God built it at great cost to Himself and to His Son, and He gave it to you. The purchase agreement is called a 'new covenant.' The terms read: 'This house shall become and remain yours if you will receive it as a gift and take delight in the Father and the Son as they inhabit the house with you. You shall not profane the house of God by sheltering other gods nor turn our heart away after other treasures.' Would it not be foolish to say yes to this agreement, and then hire a lawyer to draw up an amortization schedule with monthly payments in the hopes of somehow balancing accounts. You would be treating the house no longer as a gift, but a purchase. God would no longer be the free benefactor. And you would be enslaved to a new set of demands that he never dreamed of putting on you. If grace is to be free - which is the very meaning of grace - we cannot view it as something to be repaid.

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