Best 10 quotes in «goosebumps quotes» category

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    Ariel laughed and now her goose bumps had goose bumps.

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    Don't hide your goosebumps.

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    I became more and more confused. My brain got so fuzzy, I even began to wonder if I'd ever actually been a boy at all. Maybe I'd really been a bee for my entire life, and I'd just dreamed about being a boy.

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    Como vulgarmente se dice, se le ponía la piel de gallina cada vez que se rompía un huevo.

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    I bring out the worst in you and you bring out the best in me.

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    At least I rescued your poor hot dog.

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    Did I tell you what happened at the play? We were at the back of the theatre, standing there in the dark, when all of a sudden I feel one of 'em tug at my sleeve, whispers, "Trudy look!" I said, "Yeah, goosebumps. You definitely got goosebumps. You like the play that much?" They said it wasn't the play that gave 'em goosebumps, it was the audience! I'd forgot to tell them to watch the play; they'd been watching the audience! Yeah, to see a group of people sitting together in the dark, laughing and crying at the same things...well that just knocked 'em out! They said, "Trudy, the play was soup, the audience, art." So they're taking goosbumps back with 'em into space. Goosebumps! Quite a souvenir. I like to think of them out there in the dark, watching us. Sometimes we'll do something and they'll laugh. Sometimes we'll do something and they'll cry. And maybe, one day we'll do something so magnificent, the whole universe will get goosebumps.

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    In most respects a pretty standard student domicile, there was something very unnerving about the apartment, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Eventually I realized: the light in the bathroom never turns off.

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    I mean, who could think about sneakers when an invisible building was waiting to be discovered?

    • goosebumps quotes
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    Was it it possible that I thought a pile of clothes was a smiling girl?’ - Amanda Benson