Best 38 quotes in «foreign language quotes» category

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    I speak the truth but I guess that's a foreign language to ya'll!

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    A cheery receptionist met Donovan as he entered and said something with an upside-down question mark at the beginning.

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    He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.

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    My subconscious speaks in a foreign language.

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    Āryāvalo kitesvaro bodhisattvo gambhīrām prajñāpāra mitācaryām caramāno... That was close!! I almost opened my hands!

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    An Italian woman came out of the house, wiping her hands on her apron. 'Mr Greenleaf?' Tom asked hopefully. The woman gave him a long, smiling answer in Italian and pointed downward toward the sea. 'Jew,' she seemed to keep saying. 'Jew.

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    Ce n'était qu'un renard semblable à cent mille autres. Mais j'en ai fait mon ami, et il est maintenant unique au monde.

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    Bad people? What kind of bad people? Members of the Church of Satan? Insurance salesmen? People who don’t speak English?

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    His mind traced the arabesques and coils of an alphabet that looked like music sounded.

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    Ciekawe, że krew indywidualnego człowieka, krojonego na szpitalnym stole, wciąż robi wrażenie - a krew tysięcy ludzi, zabijanych w coraz to nowych wojnach, wszystkim jest obojętna.

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    Das Problem mit Fremdsprachen [...], wenn man sie nicht zumindest stiefmuttersprachlich beherrschte, war, dass man immer nur sagt, was man sagen kann, und nicht, was man sagen will. Die Differenz ist das Niemandsland zwischen den Grenzen der Welt.

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    Gdy przemierzasz świat, wciąż zmieniając miejsca pobytu, ludzie wydają się lepsi. Powietrze jest lżejsze i czystsze, a trawa bardziej zielona, śpiew ptaków bardziej melodyjny, a zachody słońca za każdym razem inne.

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    Ho ho ho, tell me why you are not at home' is something Santa Claus could ask you if you stayed in a hotel over Christmas. It is most certainly not the reason why it is called 'hotel', but it will hopefully help you remember that the stress is actually on the second syllable.

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    Facing a language you don't know is like returning to your infancy when your mother tongue used to be a foreign language to you

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    Few people realize that the Bible discourages people from studying foreign languages. They story of the tower of Babel informs us that there is one humanity (God's one), only that "our languages are confused." That has always meant that, say, any German philosopher could know exactly what the Chinese people were thinking, only that he couldn't understand them. So instead of learning the foreign language, he demanded a translation.

    • foreign language quotes
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    Głos Bogów jest słabo słyszalny, a oni sami bywają omylni; to tylko ludzie, w ich imieniu, uzurpują sobie prawo do nieomylności.

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    Niczego nie rozumiesz, a niewiele czujesz. Nie będę próbował ci tego tłumaczyć, bo zrozumienie jest ponad twoje możliwości. Trzymasz się kurczowo tego, co zapisano w księgach, lecz przecież w księgach nie zapisano wszystkiego. Każdy pomijał to, co mu było niewygodne, lub palił księgę, uznaną przez siebie za heretycką, choć dla innych była księgą świętą. Ludzie są omylni i słabi.

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    I'd studied Latin for five years now, which meant that I could, on rare occasions, actually translate something.

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    I’m always impressed by people who can speak another language, two people talking what sounds like utter gibberish, yet making complete sense to each other never fails to entertain.

    • foreign language quotes
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    I need complicated railroad journeys and people speaking to me in foreign languages to keep me happy. I want to see the world and write stories about everything I see.

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    It may be a silly way, but if you remember that an owl looks like ʌ(OO)ʌ, it will perhaps help you remember that it is pronounced with something close to 'ʌoo'.

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    Księgi to też żywi ludzie. To przecież ludzie je stworzyli, oni spisywali je z mozołem i iluminowali. Gdy palisz księgę, to tak, jakbyś palił człowieka.

    • foreign language quotes
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    Niepewność jest taka smutna i wystawia na ciosy, a wątpliwości rozdzierają ciało równie mocno jak katowskie obcęgi.

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    I speak languages with more ease than I read or write them, she explains. It is something in the feel of the sounds. I could attempt to put them on paper but I am sure the result would be appalling.

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    Of village: it is not called so because its inhabitants are of higher age on average; in fact, there is no connection between the words “village” and “age” whatsoever.

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    When someone recommends a book to you, you know two things; that it is a good book and you have a good friend. If you listen to everybody, you will be nobody. Judge a man by what he tried, not by what he accomplished. People hate what they know but fear what they don't. A curious mind is never bored. Parents, teachers, and politicians should not be judged by their popularity. People believe in everything except the reality.

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    The ability to communicate scorn should be the true test of fluency in any language.

    • foreign language quotes
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    The reason fluency isn’t a given is that life isn’t fair. The classroom can only take you so far. There’s preseason and regular season, and players of all sports will tell you, the speed’s just not the same.

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    There was something about speaking in a foreign language that made her feel like she'd been around a lot.

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    Wdzięczność ma najkrótszą pamięć ze wszystkich ludzkich uczuć.

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    Once during a case of stomach flu, I needed to tell the 
doctor I’d been vomiting, but instead of shifting into the imperfect, I 
used the present je vomis (I’m vomiting), then stood up from his desk and mimicked a fake retch. The doctor in question pushed back from 
his seat thinking it was the real thing, only for me to fake retch again 
then say “dans le passé” (in the past), moving my arm as way to signal 
time past. He quickly wrote me a prescription and handed it to me at 
arm’s length.

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    On n'a pas besoin de lumière, quand on est conduit par le ciel

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    Remember that lettuce doesn’t grow on a spruce; and it also doesn’t rhyme with it.

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    Screw technicolor, red, and foreign languages. I dream in status updates.

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    Sina jinsi. Nguzo ya maisha yangu ni historia ya maisha yangu. Historia ya maisha yangu ni urithi wa watu waliojifunza kusema hapana kwa ndiyo nyingi – waliojitolea vitu vingi katika maisha yao kunifikisha hapa nilipo leo – walionifundisha falsafa ya kushindwa si hiari. Siri ya mafanikio yangu ni kujitahidi kwa kadiri ya uwezo wangu wote; au 'pushing the envelope' kwa lugha ya kigeni.

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    The joy of knowing a foreign language is inexpressible. I find it really difficult to express such joy in my mother tongue.

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    The Word Wonder or dream from distant land I carried to my country's strand And waited till the twilit norn Had found the name within her bourn— Then I could grasp it close and strong It blooms and shines now the front along... Once I returned from happy sail, I had a prize so rich and frail, She sought for long and tidings told: "No like of this these depths enfold." And straight it vanished from my hand, The treasure never graced my land... So I renounced and sadly see: Where word breaks off no thing may be.

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    Tu seras toujours mon ami. Tu auras envie de rire avec moi.